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Dawn reborn as Spike & Buffy's daughter

Author spygrrl76
#1 | Posted: 23 May 2010 09:42 
Hi! I'm looking for an old story that takes place around or post-S5. The little bit I remember about it is they do stop Glory, but Dawn has to die. However, Spike and Buffy become a couple and somehow she becomes pregnant and the child is Dawn reborn. I think it was a multi-series fic with two or three stories. I think Spike also goes through a transformation and I remember Riley returning to Sunnydale and going crazy because he is infected by some demon or evil being.

I also feel like series title had the word "Blackbird" in it. Like I said this is a really old story. If anyone knows where is posted or has a copy that would be awesome. Thanks!

Author Pari

#2 | Posted: 23 May 2010 10:57 
Only one I can think of where Dawn's a Spuffy Baby, but this is AU so Dan was never Buffy's sister:

Title: A New Dawn
Length: 20 chapters
Rating: eventually R / NC17
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Setting: season 5
Warnings: babyfic
Summary: An alternate season 5 in which Dawn isn't Buffy's sister. Instead... see the warnings :P
Archive: thanks but no thanks
Comments: Feeeeeeeeed me *makes puppy eyes*

Purtyrific image pic by explodeycakes

( Read here... )

Author Lazarus7k
#3 | Posted: 23 May 2010 13:36 
The Magpie Series by Josephine Martin

One for Sorrow, Two for Joy, and Three for a Girl

but the 3rd is unfinished....

Author spygrrl76
#4 | Posted: 23 May 2010 13:45 

Yes! That is the one I was thinking of. Thank you so much Lazarus7k!! Great memory and thanks for the link.

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 Dawn reborn as Spike & Buffy's daughter

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