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Spike went and got protection spells put on the three of them, so they couldn't be affected by magic

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Author girlie_mel
#1 | Posted: 24 Apr 2013 12:58 
Hi guys,
Looking for another fic, unfortunate I don't remember very much I read it so long ago.
Buffy is back from the dead I'm pretty sure by the gang.
The story follows the series Willow doing spells to people.
The particular scene I remember is Buffy and Spike are in bed together downstairs of his crypt the Dawn comes in or is sleeping upstairs and announces the Willow tried to do a spell on them again.
I'm pretty sure the reason was because Spike went and got protection spells put on the three of them, so they couldn't be affected by magic again.

I know it's a terrible description but this is all I remember hopefully someone can help though.

Author Talaxi
#2 | Posted: 24 Apr 2013 16:26 
That sounds it might be from the second story in the "Journeys" series by Mary. Available at Nocturnal Light.

Author Talaxi
#3 | Posted: 24 Apr 2013 16:50 
Journeys: Awakenings by Mary. Also available at SA.

Author ginar369
#4 | Posted: 24 Apr 2013 20:36 
It could be Awakenings by Dreamweaver you can find it on EF.

Author girlie_mel
#5 | Posted: 25 Apr 2013 00:59 
No it's not that one. Thanks though.
I just finished Journeys: Awakenings by Mary that's what reminded me of this other fic.

Author girlie_mel
#6 | Posted: 25 Apr 2013 05:07 
No sorry not the one I was after. It was good to reread it again though.
Thank you for your suggestion.

Author Spuffygirl
#7 | Posted: 25 Apr 2013 14:45 
I think this is it. Willow keeps trying to fix Buffy by doing more and more spells.
Fallen Angels by BuffyMeetsSpike

Goes off-canon during Bargaining. When Willow's spell pulls Buffy out of heaven, it leaves her insane, terrified, and unable to communicate. The Scoobies are convinced she came back wrong. Spike is convinced that he can reach her. And Buffy's misconceptions about this hell she has awakened to lead to a host of problems and heartache. Who will be the one who can guide this fallen angel back to life? Complete

Author girlie_mel
#8 | Posted: 26 Apr 2013 07:21 
Thank you I'll check it out now

NOt the one I was after but a good read. Thank you anyway

Author Spuffygirl
#9 | Posted: 26 Apr 2013 18:19 
I'm just gonna throw this out here. It's the first fic I thought of when you said Dawn goes to Spuffy at his crypt. I didn't mention it before because Spike hasn't gotten any protection spells and because she is telling them the gang has gotten no where figuring things out.

This probably isn't it but a great fic though.

Just a Teenage Crush... by Addie Logan

Summary: After Buffy's day from hell thanks to the Geek Trio, Willow decides to "help" by making Buffy forget she ever died. And—big surprise here—this goes terribly, terribly wrong. (Less angsty alternative to season 6; goes off canon following "Life Serial.") Complete

The part I'm talking about is in this chapter.

Author girlie_mel
#10 | Posted: 28 Apr 2013 00:14 
Thank you for this too been a while since I read it but unfortunately not the one either.

Author Spuffygirl
#11 | Posted: 29 Apr 2013 11:16 
Oh well I wish we could find it.

Author SpikeSauce163
#12 | Posted: 29 Oct 2013 02:07 
Does Spike take Buffy and Dawn and leave at the end of the fic because the Scoobies are being jerks-using term lightly. And #1, The only one who can accept Spuffy is Dawn... and #2 only the three of them realize Willows going overboard with magic? If this sounds right I'll check back in a few days. My Desktop PC is taken apart for upgrades curently and I do not have it favorited on my lap top.
But no worries I'll have a title for you in a few days.

Oh ya, if this is it, it was a little bit off putting to me because Tara is also among the mean and judging Scoobies witch is 100%, utterly, completely, fervorently, and any other synonnam you can think of... imposible.

Author ginar369
#13 | Posted: 25 Nov 2013 10:07 

I remember this one but the name eludes me. They leave town don't they? Some where to the east coast. Angel finds them and Buffy sends him packing. The last scene is Buffy, Spike and Dawn on a ship to Europe? It was set in season 6 if that helps.

Author Niamh
#14 | Posted: 26 Nov 2013 00:17 
That fic you're talking about is Spikeskat's. I'm not sure where it is anymore. Her personal site is down, and I don't know if she's got a LJ account anymore. You could try WBM, but. . . I don't know whether it would be there or not. The name of the story escapes me, but it's a series of one shots/short stories that have Buffy and Spike leaving sometime around DMP, with Dawn in tow. Eventually, they stop in W. Virginia or thereabouts and that's where Angel finds them -- only he didn't know that Buffy had been brought back from the dead. Buffy sends him packing and the trio prepares to leave for Europe. The last scene is them on a boat, mid-Atlantic. Good luck finding it.

Let us know if you do.

Author ginar369
#15 | Posted: 26 Nov 2013 05:33 
Drawn By Their Heart's Passion by spikeskat on bloodshedverse.

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 Spike went and got protection spells put on the three of them, so they couldn't be affected by magic

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