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College fic-Spike renting a flat from a professor.

Author madeleine
#1 | Posted: 4 Jun 2013 16:29 
Hi, I'm looking for a fic where Buffy and Spike were in college and he was renting an apartment from one of professors and he gave a spare key to his friend so they could use his place when they had a date. Later he and Buffy started dating ang I remember one scene where he went to a store and bought her all her favourite cosmetics. And I'm pretty sure he was tutoring her.
Ring any bells?

Author tera
#2 | Posted: 4 Jun 2013 19:45 
It sounds like Blue Horizons by Kantayra. You can find her stories on AO under the name Kantayra of Yore

Author madeleine
#3 | Posted: 5 Jun 2013 07:54 
No, that's not it. I love Blue Horizons but in the story I'm looking for Spike gives his friends a spare key to his flat and it was located outside of campus. And I think she spent some nights in his flat before they started dating.

Author benesmg
#4 | Posted: 5 Jun 2013 11:26 
I thinks is one of my favorites...
Just after they got together there is a funny moment between Spike and the professor :

"Well William, you appear to be quite cheerful this morning."
Spike was a little baffled at this intro, but he nodded. "I am. Sorry sir, about being less than attentive today, I'm afraid I had a lot on my mind."
"Yes, I suspected you might. Now, William, you are a top-notch student, today notwithstanding and an excellent renter, really one of the finest students I've ever had stay in my apartment, but I have to
say there were some highly irregular noises coming from up there last night, some squeaks and moans if my ears heard correctly."
Spike swallowed. Link had heard them last night? Had he seen Buffy? Did he know she was related to Giles? The consideration of what Giles might say in response to learning Spike was shagging what was, in effect, his only daughter, had not even crossed his mind.
"Um, yes, about that. A.... uh....a friend of mine, she saw a mouse, which of course made her squeak and then we had to chase it and kill it and she was very upset, hence the moans."
"So, killing mice is what young people are calling it these days?"

Awakenings by Lady Anne on sinister attraction
Buffy's parents are killed and she come to live with her uncle, Giles, who is a professor at UC-Sunnydale. There she meets the gang, Willow, Cordelia, Angel, Xander and William and they grow up together. To fulfill provisions in her parent's will, Buffy, accompanied by Willow, goes to England to finish high school and returns 3 years later to find what her future holds for her.

Author madeleine
#5 | Posted: 5 Jun 2013 12:37 
Yes! That's it. Thank you

Author ginar369
#6 | Posted: 6 Jun 2013 10:11 
"So, killing mice is what young people are calling it these days?"

That line alone makes me want to read it.

Author benesmg
#7 | Posted: 7 Jun 2013 05:33 
you're welcome !

It's really a good one !

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 College fic-Spike renting a flat from a professor.

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