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Spuffy baby fics but canon

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Author amamia
#1 | Posted: 17 Nov 2013 19:56 
I've read a few amazing AU baby spuffy books but looking for some really good Canon ones too, and that's it really so set somewhat in Joss's Buffy world but doesn't have to follow any story lines particularly, any help please thanks x xxx

Author Lou
#2 | Posted: 18 Nov 2013 03:18 
Nanny Spike and Aunt Buffy by Ravenesque is great fun.

Author Peyton
#3 | Posted: 18 Nov 2013 08:39 
What do you mean by "canon" because there are several levels? Do you mean starts off as canon but then veers away? If so I heartily recommend Nautibitz' Bunnyverse series.

Hearts Don't Lie

Summary: An amorphous Season 4 AU where Spike is working with the Scoobs (unchipped), Buffy lives at home, Oz is still around and Giles still works at the high school library. Also, Anya has yet to return. Which is probably a good thing, considering she'd be really freaked out about now.

Author's Note: This began as an authorized sequel to Saber ShadowKitten's one-shot
"Humping Like Bunnies." She said, "A Bunny In The Oven?" and I went from there. This first chapter you see was supposed to be the end of it, but then people wanted more, and a plot bunny (yes I said it) started hopping around in my brain...

All you need to know: In the previous story, Buffy and Spike were -- oops! -- transformed into rabbits by Willow. Humping naturally ensued. Here's the zany aftermath.

Followed by:

At it Like Rabbits

Summary: Sequel to Heart Don't Lie. It's the final chapter in the Bunnyverse: Thirteen years later, Buffy and Spike are happily married with kids (and are just as frisky as ever). Ah, domestic bliss. It must mean something's about to change around here...
Originally published in 2007. Winner (as part of the Love Bunnies Series) of three awards: "Best Series", "Best Romance" and "Best Pairing - Conventional" from the Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards.

Author ginar369
#4 | Posted: 18 Nov 2013 09:57 
Origins by Niamh. Has to be the best baby fic out there.

Author amamia
#5 | Posted: 18 Nov 2013 15:29 
Just anything that's starts off canon won't mind where it ends up though. Thank you for all the ideas I'm going to enjoy reading them thanks xxx xxx excited xx

Author SMac
#6 | Posted: 18 Nov 2013 16:02 
Personally I think the all time best baby fic is Herself's Bittersweets Series. It is freaking awesome. Not fluffy though, big angsty goodness. Spike as a dad is amazing though.

I also love The Special Two by Enchantress (it's at Sinister Attraction). Both Spike and Buffy have kids post series and again, Spike as a father of a small boy is one of the best things I've read out there.

Author kamw30
#7 | Posted: 18 Nov 2013 18:58 
I'm a fan of Rahirah's Barbverse. Takes a while to get to the babies and Barb would probably have a fit if she heard it being referred to as baby fic, but it's definitely canon - by which I assume you mean vampire/slayer with complete acknowledgement of all of Joss' story.

.....pity about Baby Steps, but you can get the official version on Amazon here.

Author ScoobyDawn
#8 | Posted: 18 Nov 2013 20:03 
I wish when I started the Bittersweet series I had warning of where the pairings would go because the final one completely spoilt the whole series for me.

Origins and the Bunnyverse are excellent.

Others within verse context...

Eurydice's Legions of True Hearts' sequel is a baby fic Symphony of Echoes
Post graduation, a restless Buffy goes to London to escape the memories of Angel, only to lose herself in unexpected dreams. But is William real, or is he a distraction? Is he, possibly...both? Buffy/William. SEQUEL: A confused Buffy is trying to get on with her life, but Spike's promise to stand by her haunts the Slayer. Her past collides with her future, forcing her to decide which---and who---she can trust.

Tricky propositions by spikes_slayer08
Buffy and the gang come into contact with a prophecy that will change their lives forever. When Buffy finds herself faced with an impossible decision, she finds herself with the task of propositioning an unlikely ally.

Dreams and Nightmares by Abbyland
Buffy gets raped by Spike and Angel but this is not a simple PWP. There is a much darker purpose behind it and it's all to fulfull a prophecy.

To See the Sun Again by Kallysten
Set somewhere after Something Blue, before Buffy dates Riley, before Dawn is 'created'. Answer to a Challenge. First Fanfic I wrote. Someone kidnaps Buffy and Spike to force them to fulfill a prophecy.

Fall of the Night by Mabel Marsters sequel Dangerous
The action takes place post season 7 BtVS and season 5 AtS. everything that happened up to this point did so!
The story picks up three months after not fade away! Read notes for more details. PLEASE NOTE this contains Spike/Other but it is ultimately Spuffy!!!

Lonely in Your Nightmare by Bloodshedbaby
During an alternate season 2, Buffy is on the run to avoid recapture by the military group that had kidnapped and experimented on her. But when she finds herself pregnant through artificial means, her desperation to stay one step ahead of them escalates.

Positive Reinforcement by Spikez_tart sequel Invite Me In (babyfic is in the sequel)
Buffy controls Spike's chip with romantic results. - Buffy takes on some extracurricular homework.

Sex, Lies & Sonograms by Sabershadowkitten
A certain Slayer is pregnant at the end of season 2.

Unexpected by passion4spike
This series of stories picks up at the end of Season 2, The Becoming 2 and goes off canon about half way through that show. You'll find familiar challenges for Buffy and the Scoobies with UNEXPECTED results as Spike faces them with her. If you like a story with love, romance, sex, fights, angst, tears, laughter, marriage and babies then you're in the right place! I hope you enjoy it!

Author SMac
#9 | Posted: 18 Nov 2013 20:44 
The Bittersweets Series was spuffy from word one to word last. If you are referring to the pairing in that part where Buffy is being shown multiple false futures then I can't imagine panning the entire series over one small part in the middle there. It's a very angsty fic and very very long, but Buffy and Spike as a couple are the entire series and that never changes, good times or bad times. It's always them.

Author Peyton
#10 | Posted: 18 Nov 2013 21:26 
"Buffy and Spike as a couple are the entire series and that never changes, good times or bad times."

Well, except when she's with that Mr Grieves guy...

I agree that The Bittersweets series is extremely awesome if you like angst. Sexy sexy angst.

Eurydice's 2 fics are also extremely awesome.

Author SMac
#11 | Posted: 18 Nov 2013 21:51 

Well, except when she's with that Mr Grieves guy...

Very funny.

I haven't yet read it (my reading to do list is ridiculous at this point), but Josephine Martin did a series that was in the end a baby fic. It's the Magpie Series, starts off with One For Sorrow, Two For Joy, and Three For a Girl. It's on here:

She's a really good writer but one I rarely see mentioned here. Again, I haven't read that series yet so I'm not sure at what point the baby part comes in but it is definitely there and is a canon fic at its start.

As a side note she did some really excellent Stargate fiction also. Since that is my other great fanfiction love I do appreciate her putting her talents to good use in both fandoms. But I saw her first in BtVS long long ago and appreciated her writing then. I have no idea why she doesn't come up much in the forums.

Author ScoobyDawn
#12 | Posted: 18 Nov 2013 22:32 
No, SMac, I'm not talking about the false futures I'm talking about the actual affairs. I would agree with you completely about the series right up until you get to the last one when it jumps twenty years into the future in "Where They Have To Take You In". Buffy has already had an affair they are suffering in the aftermath of and then Spike compounds it by also being unfaithful. Really definitively chosen infidelity on both sides after reading through so many 'years' of them going through the good/bad times but staying a couple was horrible, regardless that they get through it, it just changed the tone of the 'them', as such acts often will, that I had been loving and investing in for the previous fourteen(!) stories. The Spike affair also felt OOC and their responses in the subsequent storyline with that person highly unbelievable I thought. It really felt like a different couple/verse to me.

Author Peyton
#13 | Posted: 18 Nov 2013 22:54 
Josephine Martin's Magpie Series is very good. I don't remember details, I read it back when she was still writing it, but I do remember really enjoying it.

Author ScoobyDawn
#14 | Posted: 19 Nov 2013 03:39 
I haven't read all of these yet (I think there are seven in the series)...

Peacemaker Chronicles by Nimue Tucker (starting with Twist on Normal Again)
S6. This is going under the assumption that in Normal Again, Buffy was jumping between dimensions. Two coexisting realities. Also, theory that every decision we make creates a different path for us, and maybe a shadow of ourselves follows that path.

Author Peyton
#15 | Posted: 19 Nov 2013 09:13 
There's also Impossible by bitterness
Summary: Post Season Six, and moving on into its own plot after that. Spike returns to Sunnydale with his soul, but Buffy's news is a little bigger. Part of The Triad Series (which consists of, oddly enough, only 2 stories)

Also, Book 2 of Mrs Muir's The Baby Series involves Spike & Buffy wanting children. Books 3 and 4 move on from there.

Ahead of Her Time by haleycc is a very unusual babyfic.
Summary: Buffy and Spike are in for the surprise of a lifetime when an enigmatic Watcher travels from the future to enlist the help of the Scoobies in retrieving a mysterious weapon that has been stolen from the future Slayer. But when the true nature of the weapon is revealed, Buffy is forced to consider a shocking future with a vampire she loathes—or does she? Set in Season Five, after Family.

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 Spuffy baby fics but canon

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