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Time travel: Spike help Xander

Author benesmg
#1 | Posted: 22 Jan 2014 17:38 
There is so much fics with buffy and/or spike whose is/are send back to the past.
But I'm looking for the one where only spike go back, don't remember how, and he leaves in an appartment near Giles' with two bedrooms so he asks Xander if he want to leave with him because of his problems with his parents.

Author Peyton
#2 | Posted: 22 Jan 2014 18:40 
I just read a fic that had something similar to that last week.

Is it Pandora's Boxer by Speaker2customers?
At the completion of his trials in Africa, Spike is offered an alternative to a soul; a second chance. The cave demon sends him back in time 3 years - but wipes his memory of the intervening time! Will the same things happen all over again - or will it work out a little differently? Could this be a second chance not only for Spike, but for Buffy and the Scooby Gang? In a world in which "Kick the Spike" is a game more dangerous than juggling with nitro-glycerine, can they learn to respect the vampire and avoid the mistakes they made first time round? Or will entirely new mistakes lead them to a different but equally catastrophic destination?

Author ScoobyDawn
#3 | Posted: 22 Jan 2014 21:38 
I know I have read this but I just can't find it. There is a chance Spike might have moved into the apartment that Xander and Anya had(?), I'm not sure, I definitely have read this though.

Author benesmg
#4 | Posted: 23 Jan 2014 05:25 
The one I'm looking for definitely have Xander moving in with Spike and not the other way.

Thanks Peyton but it is not Pandora's Boxer.

Author TheOriginal
#5 | Posted: 23 Jan 2014 06:19 
Hi I think you might be thinking of 'and here we go round again' by peta here at the SR. Set in season 6 spike travels back to season 2. Two bedroom unit where he asks Xander to move in with him. It's complete and one of my fave stories ever!

Author TheOriginal
#6 | Posted: 23 Jan 2014 06:22 

Author benesmg
#7 | Posted: 23 Jan 2014 08:51 
yes, that is the one
thanks TheOriginal
It is one of my favorite too, I just couldn't remember the name...

Author ScoobyDawn
#8 | Posted: 23 Jan 2014 08:51 
That is the one I was trying to remember. Spike was thinking about Xander and Anya's place when he was wondering about offering Xander somewhere to escape the domestic rows before Giles suggests the bungalow nearby. Totally confused me though as I always think of it as being by Megan and forget the Peta pen name.

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 Time travel: Spike help Xander

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