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Good fics under 100,000 words

Author SpikeSauce163
#1 | Posted: 13 Feb 2014 14:31 
So I live in Mass and if anyone is paying attention to the weather or lives out here as well, then you know we are in the middle of a 2 day snow storm. I am off work for two days and looking for the best of the best medium length fics to pass my time. Thank you!

Author ScoobyDawn
#2 | Posted: 13 Feb 2014 17:18 
My best 30k-100k ish...

The Colour of Devotion
The Scoobies are trying to start over in a new city after Spike's heroic sacrifce. The absence of the blond vampire casts a shadow over Buffy, and her longing for what is lost only increases when the works of a nocturnal artist begin to mysteriously appear.

Totalling I think around 80k across the three is the Alone series by spikeskat
Alone WIth You, Alone No More, Never Alone Again
Set during What's My Line and going A/U from there

Falling by kally77
After The Harsh Light of Day, Angel loses his soul and Buffy finds an unexpected ally.

Everyone should always make time to reread this fic...
Hearts Breaking Even by slaymesoftly
A very young Buffy jumps through a portal to chase a demon and ends up saving a young 19th century England. When a certain blond vampire appears in Sunnydale years later, things get interesting...

The Keeper of Truth by Trisha
"There's always consequences." Spike is proven right when Willow's spell brings Buffy back, years from where she's supposed to be. He'd be bragging that one up, if Spike of season 2 knew what the hell Buffy was talking about.
(NB my notes say there is text missing on EF, just in case you see it there, this link should be fine)

Living Conditions by sweetprincipale sequel Everything And More (together just under 100k I think)
Set in early S. 3 with a few changes: Buffy is still working in LA, she never had the run-in with Lily that made her decide to go back to Sunnydale, and Spike's come back to California already. Both of them are living completely separate, unrelated lives until fate and its sick sense of humor throw them together. Part angst, part fluff, and of course, eventually a little smut.

Roundabout by Devil Piglet
This is set post-'Hell's Bells', and while it overlaps some themes of 'Normal Again', for my purposes, that events in that episode haven't occurred.

A Different Light by dreamweaver
During the fight over the Gem of Amara, Buffy and Spike get pulled into another dimension.

Anticipation by 2writers4spike
Having no idea how it happened, Spike finds himself back in 1977, reeling from a newly acquired soul and more guilt than most could handle. After dodging Drusilla, his main focus is getting back to his own time and back to Buffy in Sunnydale so that he can atone for all he's done.That is, until he sees the newly born slayer in 1981 and goes off in a new direction. Can he stop the events that brought misery to Buffy's life, or will he be forced to watch destiny destroy the woman he loves all over again?

A Prayer From Dante by pfeifferpack
S6 depressed Buffy must rescue Spike from the Initiative after he has been recaptured by a seemingly deranged Riley who is working out his "Spike issues" on the captive. Buffy, Giles and the Scoobies must rethink their feelings about the chipped vampire and work together if rescue is to be in time.

Daemons Luminati by Kalima
Can a vampire be dragged, kicking and screaming into the light? We'll see. Spike's a complicated guy, isn't he?

Dreidel by Constance (abandoned WIP, some end parts still in notes but I think it works where it stops)
An alternate start to Season Seven. Inspired by JustSue's 'Buyer Beware'. While this does come to a sort-of conclusion, it is essentially an abandoned WIP.

Et Lux in Tenebris Lucet by enigmaticblue
Spoilers for "The Gift" and S6. Spike manages to save Dawn, but pays a terribly high price. Will he be able to find meaning in his suffering?

Glimpses by HarmonyFB short sequel Revelations
Set in season 2, Spike and Buffy see one another in a different light.

Legacy by Kyra Storm
Set in Season 3, after Lover's Walk, Vampire Council decides to punish those responsible for the state the Aurelius line is in and kidnap Buffy and Spike.

Nimbus by Alia (I have this in word, if you don't and would like to just drop me a pm)
Begins during The Harsh Light of Day. Spike is having a hard time forgetting his moment in the sun with Buffy, not to mention the day he spent as her fiancé. Still hating her guts but determined to get her out of his system, he decides to pay her a visit the night Sunnydale loses its collective voice. After all, he figures, even if things get out of hand, no one will be able to hear her scream...

Two shorts followed by a longer sequel...
Not Tonight Honey and Taming the Devil by slaymesoftly sequel Making it Work
Spike wants to celebrate the anniversary of his first fight with Buffy, but she doesn't feel like participating // Spike didn't leave Sunnydale after Buffy refused to participate in their "anniversary", so he finds her once she's out and about again. The celebratory fight doesn't go the way either one of them quite expected....

Again in combination as the sequel is longer...
No Vacancy by kindred sequel Open All Night
Alternative S3 'Anne'. After sending Angel to hell, Buffy disappears into anonymity in a dusty Californian town until a little piece of Sunnydale finds her...

Only Time Will Tell by dampersandspoons
A year after the Hellmouth collapsed, Buffy and co., who now reside in London, are faced with an interesting mission. They must retrieve an artifact, however, this one was destroyed over a hundred years ago. In order to retrieve it, she and her watcher must travel back in time to the late 1800's, to the precise location where William lived before he was turned. Will she risk changing history to seek out the one she loves or will she be put in a completely different situation than she'd anticipated in the first place?

Past Glory by Sandy
S5 up to Tough Love, AU after that although elements of S6 will appear throughout the story. Spike manages to save Dawn from Glory for good. Will Buffy and the Scoobies begin to accept and appreciate him now?

Payback by dreamweaver
On his way back to Dru after 'Lover's Walk', Spike suddenly finds himself transported to his crypt the night after 'Smashed'. Horrified and furious about the chip and the way he's been treated, he blames Buffy and is determined to pay her back in spades.

Rebellion by Thiana
AU - Buffy just moved to Sunnydale with her mother to attend college. She knows nothing of demons or vampires until she meets Angelus. Angelus is Master of the Aurelius coven in Sunnydale and has decided to keep Buffy as his new plaything. Spike's bored and wants to leave Sunnyhell but his decision has some consequences.

Author ScoobyDawn
#3 | Posted: 13 Feb 2014 17:58 
Ooops reached the max, just a few more...

Again combined, first is shorter, brilliant set of fics...
To Kill This Girl by Sandy sequels You Have to Love Her and Double Trouble
Spike agrees to leave Sunnydale...for a price.

Tricky propositions by spikes_slayer08
Set beginning of season 5 slightly AU, No Glory or "key" Dawn. Buffy and the gang come into contact with a prophecy that will change their lives forever. When Buffy finds herself faced with an impossible decision, she finds herself with the task of propositioning an unlikely allie. Will Buffy be able to do what must be done to save the world? Will she be able to save her relationship with Riley? After everything is said and done, will she even want to?

Walking after midnight by chelle
Buffy is injured while fighting a demon and finds herself paralyzed and in a wheel chair. Spike, needing a place to hide from demons, takes on the task of caring for Buffy while Joyce works. One thing is bound to lead to another...

Who Are You? by zoegrace (pretty sure I have a copy in word if you would like this)
Set late season five. Buffy and Riley are engaged to be married in two weeks when Buffy goes patrolling, gets hit in the head and loses her memory. Will amnesia allow her to see what's right in front of her?

Author SpikeSauce163
#4 | Posted: 13 Feb 2014 18:36 
Thank you so very much. Once again you've outdone yourself. I haven't read like half of these!

Author ScoobyDawn
#5 | Posted: 13 Feb 2014 19:20 
Well I hope you like them, enjoy your two days of freedom.

Author Peyton
#6 | Posted: 14 Feb 2014 11:27 
I'm in Connecticut myself and have spent yesterday's free time with Holly's Yellow Brick Road series, which, for some crazy reason, I have never read before. It is very good.

It starts with the premise that Spike killed Kralik so that he could replace him in Buffy's Cruciamentum and goes from there.

Author Mel_violet
#7 | Posted: 14 Feb 2014 13:12 
If you haven't read it, Paper Promise by Jess Marie, is a really great story. The full story is on the bloodshedverse.

Spike's attempt at a non-sexual birthday gift has unexpected consequences. Things heat up when the trio gets involved.

BtVS Season 6
Genre: Drama, Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Warning: Explicit Sexual Situations, Extreme Violence - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 11 - Words: 31,804

Author ScoobyDawn
#8 | Posted: 14 Feb 2014 13:42 
I am surprised you hadn't read Yellow Brick Road before Peyton, it is one of my top, top favourites and I will reread it merrily. I only hadn't included it because all together it hits well over 100k (first around 30k, second 100k, third 80k). I always think of series in the totality but individually you can sneak it in and there is never a good enough reason to not read this series.

Just in case the snow lasts into next week for you SpikeSauce163, these are all great too:

If you are in a place for some angst...
A Terrible Thing by Herself
"Ought to know better than to get between a man and his booze," he said. The rage was so hot in her she only wanted to scream at him, to scream and scream. "You're not a man!" She stopped. Because the hell of it ... he was.

Bag of Bones by Shadowlass
Spike's return to Sunnydale, version 3,892. Nobody's rolling out the welcome mat ... but someone has got a little surprise for him.

Blood of The Sire by BuffymeetsSpike
This story takes place in Season 6, after As You Were. Spike kills a demon in a bar brawl, and his brother exacts revenge. Despite their rocky relationship, Buffy undertakes an arduous quest to save Spike's life. Will Buffy, Spike, and their relationship survive the experience?

Change Partners and Dance by dreamweaver
What if when Buffy first arrived in Sunnydale, instead of a souled Angel meaning to help her, she was faced with a soulless Spike, looking to cause trouble and kill his third Slayer?

Coming Back Wrong by dreamweaver
After the destruction of Sunnydale and the Hellmouth, Spike comes back wrong.

Crash and Burn by nautibitz
An AU, un-supernatural spin on the Buffy/Spike 'ship: Buffy's a barely legal Bel Air brat, Spike's a reckless, heartbroken punk. When they crash into each other on a mountain road, sparks fly.

Delust or Dust by dampersandspoons
Spike has returned to Sunnydale, heartbroken that Drusilla has left him. When a love spell goes horribly wrong, how will the Scoobies react when the slayer gets involved with yet another vampire? Will Giles wipe his glasses in disapproval? Will Xander not understand but be too enamored with the visuals to say anything? Is Angel going to brood about it or will he do something more? WHAT WILL HAPPEN? (Starts off with the episode "Lover's Walk" and then goes AU practically from the start.)

Destroying Entropy by buffymeetsSpike
Goes off canon in the middle of Entropy. Buffy goes to check on Xander after the confrontation outside the Magic Box, and she finds her world shaken to the core by what ensues. Will Spike be able to help her pick up the pieces, or has Buffy finally gone over the edge?

Down The Road I Go by megan_tam
A Slayer. A vampire. A 1959 DeSoto. Spike kidnaps Buffy and heads back to Brazil in a misguided attempt to appease Drusilla. What starts out as revenge turns into an experience neither will forget. If they don't kill each other first.

Freedom by icemink
Set in the world of the The Wish. Instead of snapping Buffy's neck, the Master keeps her imprisoned so that another Slayer can't be called, and so that he will be free to carry out his plans. In the mean time he's called the last of the Aurelius line, Drusilla and Spike, to help him run his new kingdom in Sunnydale.

From Nothing by sabershadowkat
It is the year 2007. The Slayerettes are all in their mid-twenties,
still fighting the forces of darkness in Sunnydale, with Giles. Spike is found by Buffy on a rescue operation, and is stunned by his condition. She vows to herself to bring him back, so he can exact revenge, but finds herself drawing closer and closer to the vampire.

He's Back by Lisa Y Drexel
What would've happened if Angelus really lost his soul during the episode, Enemies during Season 3?

His Girl by dreamweaver
Buffy loses her memory when she and Spike both fall through Glory's portal.

In the Midnight Light by Holly
A brokenhearted vampire discovers that the truly important things in life often come from surprising places, and even more surprising people. Suddenly, Spike finds himself in a crisis of faith—the better angels of his conscience battling the restraint of his demon, all for the love of a girl he shouldn't want. A girl he's drawn to, even beyond his own reckoning.

Overcome by KittenofDoomage
Helplessness is the worst of all emotions and sometimes the people we least expect see us through the most difficult obstacles we can face.

Pinch Hitter by dreamweaver
Buffy vanishes after stopping Adam and the Powers That Be bring over another Buffy from a parallel dimension to take her place.

Prodigal by coalitiongirl
After killing Angel, Buffy ran away and never returned. Now, over three years later, the next Slayer has been killed by Glory, and Buffy is needed again. But she returns to find that Sunnydale doesn't want her- especially not the witch gone off the deep end and the newly resurrected Slayer whose boytoy is the only one who seems happy to see her.

Return to Me by jypzrose
Eight months ago Spike disappeared without a trace, leaving the Scoobies behind to frantically search for him. Just as they are about to give up, he shows up at Buffy's house, wild, broken, and unable to speak. What happened to him, and can Buffy, with Angel, help him?

Scars by JamesMFan
Set during Season 4, no Riley and Spike doesn't have a chip. Buffy is still reeling from the events of the past year, where she was scarred both physically and mentally. Now, to make matters worse Spike's back in town.

Shattered silence by the enemy of reality
Life, freedom, feelings. There was no place for them here. This was hell, and she its most valued possession. Buffy's life takes an unexpected turn after being kidnapped, and as the line between sanity and madness starts to blur, the opportunity of freedom will present itself. Will she find enough will to live to take it, or will she take the easy way out and give in to the pain consuming her soul? And what does one ruthless vampire thirsty for her life have to to do with all this? When their paths cross perhaps they'll both realize that love can appear when you least expect it.

Combined these are over 30k...
Snow Virgins by lizerrrbeathan sequel Spike By Snowlight
Post Becoming - AU - Way up North. Buffy & Spike find mutual grief is the strange meeting place as they stem self destruction and the downward spiral spun from the disaster of Acathla.

Something Real by dampersandspoons
AH - Buffy is a single woman empowered by her sexuality yet detached from human connection She's never had a real relationship, never slept with the same guy twice, and never had any intentions of doing either until she goes to a party in down town NY and meets a mystery man who changes everything. This is an angsty ride, so please read the A/N's on Chapter 1. (This is based on the film Lie With Me but with my own twists and turns.)

Soulmates by Miranda

Author ScoobyDawn
#9 | Posted: 14 Feb 2014 13:43 
Oh dear, over the limit again, I really am going to leave it at this.

Again, together they are over 30k...
The Bond by dampersandspoons sequel The Bond, continued
Fraternal twins Buffy and William have a special connection that others are starting to grow suspicious of. Unaware that their behavior is wrong, Buffy and William become closer than they imagined possible. But will their secret remain hidden or will they have to face the consequences that come with the choices they make?

The Right Thing by dreamsofspike
AU Post-Season Four Instead of being shut down the Initiative was just put under new leadership; Riley left Buffy to join them; around the same time Spike disappeared. One year later the Initiative has basically eliminated the vampire problem in Sunnydale, leaving Buffy free to enjoy the normal life she's always wanted... (come on, you know it has to be too good to be true!! )

Though I Walk Through the Valley... by randi2204
The unthinkable happens, but when Spike is gone, Buffy realizes she needs him back. No matter what.

Ties That Bind by rainsrabble
When Drusilla gets out of control Spike must go to the scoobies for help. Buffy reluctantly agrees to help but there are unintended consequences.

To Save a Lady by slaymesoftly
Spike and Buffy are sucked into an Initiative time machine and find themselves in 19th century London. Somehow, pretending to be husband and wife seems to be the way to go....

Work in Progress by Scarlet Ibis
Takes place during "Into the Woods," then veers drastically off canon... Riley unleashes his dark side. Will be Spuffy evenutally.

Author S1r4h
#10 | Posted: 14 Feb 2014 16:54 
Some of these might have already been mentioned, but I'm too lazy to check!

Break Even by Mabel Marsters
When you lose the love of your life, can you ever really get over it? Can a broken heart be mended? Spike isn't sure that he'll ever stop loving Buffy even though she seems to have moved on. Spiralling ever deeper into depression, will he be able to find a way back to happiness?

Betrayal by Pet
When Drusilla Reynolds – the most cold hearted and self centered girl at California University – one day catches her boyfriend in bed with another woman, she gets obsessed with the idea of revenge. After overhearing a private conversation, she decides who is going to help her. Whether he likes it or not...

Burdens to Blessings: by SlayrGrl
When Buffy is brought back from the dead she wants to die, until a dead man makes her feel alive and gives her something to live for. Set after Smashed skipping the events of Tabula Rasa. When new circumstances come about the Slayer has a choice to make. Meanwhile a prophecy develops that will bring Angel back into her life.

Dancing in the Moonlight by Holly
A prophecy unfolds just as a new Slayer arrives in Sunnydale. A cocky, British, platinum blond Slayer with a devilish smile and a body to die for. And Buffy doesn't know what surprises her more—the fact that he's male, or the animal attraction that festers between them almost from the beginning

The Grundy Affair by Winsomeone
Buffy and Spike are recruited to protect an important gift for a high ranking ambassador and discover there is something more important at stake. This story is complete, the first of a three story arc.

The Sequel:
Empress of the High Seas by Winsomeone
Buffy,Spike and Empress return a powerful bracelet to its rightful owner aboard a demonic cruise line and discover something nefarious is afoot.

And Another Sequel:
Keystone by Winsomeone
Set in the Grundy'verse. Sent to retrieve artifacts from another dimension the Slayer and her team become deeply embroiled in a twisted plot that places them in dangerous opposition to the Watcher's Council.

Like New by hostile17
Would things have gone differently if Spike made sure Buffy drank her cure in 'Normal Again'? Maybe so, but when Spike's past collides with his future, will he be able to save Buffy from the consequences?

Milkshakes and Motorcycles by dampersandspoons
In the perfect 1950s All-American Christian Suburban community of Sunnydale, California, Buffy Summers lived without any troubles. She's in college, a typical American girl stuck in the monotony of suburban life and repression. But what happens when single, bad boy greaser Spike moves to town and turns the uptight Leave it to Beaver community upside down?

Quiet Summer by ssddgr
23 year-old Buffy has to spend her summer with her teenage cousin Xander and his cousin Will... who's no longer the shy boy she remembers. Or is he? Note: Although this started as a 'Romance' it would now better fit the Porn With Plot category (if there was one)... I guess that can be expected when Spike is a teenage hormone bomb!

And the two One-Shots that follow:
Quiet Summer one-shot: Christening the Balcony
Quiet Summer One-Shot: Quiet Christmas

Shiver by spikeslovebite
When her mother dies, Buffy inherits her art gallery. While poking around in the attic one day, she discovers a strange painting. Learning the identity of the man in the painting becomes her obsession.

Slayer of Slayers by jypzrose
Picture, if you will, a world where Spike is not your regular vampire. All right, he already isn't, but I take him one step beyond. After Buffy comes back to Sunnydale from her father's, she and Angels' relationship progresses naturally. She wakes up to find he has lost his soul. Enter Angelus. He then turns the Slayer. Enter Spike, who is indeed the Slayer of Slayers, however, there is a twist. I totally rewrite the history of Angel, Dru and Spike. And Acathla doesn't even get an honorable mention, except here. Oh, yeah, Jenny doesn't exist, either.

Temptations of the Heart by Zarrah
Fantasy AU.. When Princess Elizabeth is forced into an arranged marriage, true love gets in the way when her intended Husbands 'page' is sent to retrieve her

The Return by ya_lublyu_tebya
Riley Finn returns to Sunnydale, only to find that the woman he came back for is dead and buried in the ground. He stays, soon realising that everything has changed in his absence... not least the Slayer who is later brought back to life.

The Ultimate Betrayal by jamies_lady
Buffy discovers that she and the other slayers have been under a horrible spell and that she has been betrayed by the one person you'd least suspect

Hope I got all those links right! Those are my fav fics under 100,000 words, though some come awfully close.

Author S1r4h
#11 | Posted: 14 Feb 2014 17:07 
How could I forget???????

He walks in Darkness and the Light. The Saviour of Slayers by Cia Souless
Off cannon from season two. Over a hundred years ago a slayer went against her calling, and fell in love with a vampire, becoming his mate, and managing to bear him a son. He is half Vampire, half Slayer, with one foot in the darkness and one in the light. After the violent death of his mother he has to decide what path to take.

Home by Sophie
Our take on S7 of Buffy and S4 of Angel. Which means crossover, of course. Spike comes back. In Sunnydale, Buffy has problems with Dawn. In Los Angeles, Angel has problems with Connor. The two of them were meant to meet one day or another. Co-written with Martine Lewis Warning : This is a B/S fiction, of course, but a great part of it deals with Dawn and Connor. We loved the idea of them getting together. If you don't, don't read any further.

I'll Be Seeing You by PaganBaby
Buffy moves into an old house. She finds out quickly that there's more to her home than meets the eye. Spike watches her move in with interest.

And I'm done. Maybe...

Author SpikeSauce163
#12 | Posted: 14 Feb 2014 21:00 
Thank you all

Author templeton2
#13 | Posted: 17 Feb 2014 21:01 
Thanks Scooby Dawn for the Soulmates rec by Miranda. New (old author) for me. Enjoyed every story by her.

Author ScoobyDawn
#14 | Posted: 18 Feb 2014 03:27 
You're welcome.

I can't remember which thread I saw this recommended/mentioned in, but I read this in the last week and think it is good enough to join this list of fics too.

Distress Signals by peaceheather
Post series. After angering a demon who wants something from him that he cannot give, Spike is left helpless and pretty much hopeless too. How can he expect rescue when everyone he knows is either dead already, or believes he is dead too?

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 Good fics under 100,000 words

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