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spike rapes buffy and makes her watch as he kills angel

Author rayan421
#1 | Posted: 30 May 2014 00:19 
hmm where to start?.....i dont remember much.
It might have been for revenge for drusillas death or a wish spike is granted but all i can
remember is that the part where buffy is raped and angel gets dusted at the same time.
she becomes his slave/ captive.
there is lots of angst and torture...but i think Spike falls for Buffy in the end.

Sorry not much to go on.
I read this story many years ago lol

Author Slaymesoftly
#2 | Posted: 30 May 2014 10:22 
Megan/Peta has one in which Spike rapes Buffy in retaliation for Drusilla's death, but I don't remember that he dusts Angel. Don't remember the title, either. Sorry.

Author ScoobyDawn
#3 | Posted: 30 May 2014 17:43 
You might be thinking of the WIP What Place is This (under Peta on this site I think). Off canon during Lie to Me where Dru impales herself on Buffy's stake and Spike takes Buffy hostage. But Angel isn't dusted in that.

Author rayan421
#4 | Posted: 30 May 2014 17:48 
I looked around diff sites, but i dont think its Megan/Peta.I couldnt find anything that fit this description.

I think the author specialized in Angsty Fics with lots of blood.

Thanks anyway

Author rayan421
#5 | Posted: 30 May 2014 17:57 

I checked it out. It´s not the one i´m looking for. Sorry.

Author templeton2
#6 | Posted: 30 May 2014 23:20 
I think I remember the story but I am not sure what it is called or who wrote it. The story I am thinking of has Spike making a deal with the devil to get vengeance on Angel/Buffy and he ends up an overlord or some such of SunnyD/Earth. He has Angel manacled to the wall and rapes Buffy (but makes sure to get her off just to rub it in Angel's nose - so to speak) then he has some sort of sword or stake attached to ceiling (???) that ends up dusting Angel in front of Buffy.

Author rayan421
#7 | Posted: 31 May 2014 19:58 

OMG that´s the ONE. Too bad nobody seems to remember who wrote it.

Author pinkbox
#8 | Posted: 31 May 2014 23:40 
Is it Gem of a Soul by spuffyluvr?

In this fic Spike has the gem of amarra and kidnaps buffy. He takes her on a road trip to 'give' to dru.
I remember that he went to LA to taunt Angel about having Buffy. He eventually kidnaps Angel and keeps both him and Buffy in the same room. Buffy is tied up on the bed while Angel is chained to the wall. He says he doesnt want to rape Buffy because it will hurt Angel more if she enjoys it.

Not sure about the sword, though.

Oops. Missed the msg about Spike being the overlord. Sorry

Author smitty
#9 | Posted: 1 Jun 2014 09:06 
Sounds like a couple of stories by Margot LeFaye. She's been offline for years.
Maybe "All too Human"? gotsfemfic.htm

Author ScoobyDawn
#10 | Posted: 1 Jun 2014 13:19 
That Margot Le Faye address for some reason seems temperamental, this one worked for me. I'm pretty sure I skim read All Too Human and the sequels a few years ago and thought they were pretty wildly multi pairings and really Buffy/Angel as the underlying ship. Might not be thinking of the same ones.

Author rayan421
#11 | Posted: 1 Jun 2014 14:22 
Oh my god. You found it. Thank you
It took me a while to actually figure out why the link wasnt working at first.

The "/leighschnei der" part of the link is separated when it shouldnt be lol

Thank you

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 spike rapes buffy and makes her watch as he kills angel

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