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scoobies try to make buffy give up claim on spike

Author Sraya
#1 | Posted: 8 Mar 2015 13:21 
Not sure about the start but towards the end the scoobies have buffy tied down in giles spare room willow has wards so buffy cant escape and spike cant enter. Buffy and spike are mated everyone but oz is against them, oz finds spike dumped out in the open and brings him inside before he dusts, giles or xander ring angel for help reaking the claim he ends up on buffy and spikes side wes i think is married to cordy who is pregnant im pretty sure its cordy who saves the day by getting buffys mum involved.

Author Sraya
#2 | Posted: 8 Mar 2015 16:41 
I remember that ethan was in this he has giles beliving he can break the claim but he wants buffy for himself im not sure for what reason and i think riley is in it as well maybe ethan wants buffy to work for him or maybe have his children i dont really know

Author Autezma_mete
#3 | Posted: 8 Mar 2015 18:36 
From your first entry I thought maybe Dance of the mates by spufette...not sure about the spelling there!

I don't remember Ethan being in it, or Riley but it's been a while since I read it so...

Author Asharah
#4 | Posted: 8 Mar 2015 19:21 
Dance of the Mates by spufette
Summary: A/N: This is a fic I started way back on another site. I never finished it there, but thought you readers here might like it. Before I start my other AU/vampire and slayer fiction, I thought I'd complete this one. Summary: Takes place after Something Blue, goes off canon there. Spike and Buffy had feelings for each other before the spell of Willow's. Now that the spell is broken, our Spuffy couple realize that spell or not, they are in love with each other. Where will this go? Well, the title kind of gives us a hint!

Author Sraya
#5 | Posted: 9 Mar 2015 05:38 
Yes thank you this is the one i'm looking for. Once again the brilliant people who are at the spuffy realm come through.

Author Asharah
#6 | Posted: 9 Mar 2015 13:42 
God, I LOVE that fic! I crack up at the description of Joyce arriving roaring like a "mama lion" and the rafters of Giles house shaking in fear. Or Spike teasing Angel because he called Lindsey a "dude". Or Angel arriving to help, but still punches Spike in the nose for stealing Buffy from him. Or Riley telling Spike smoking is bad for his health and he replies "I'm already dead, asshole." That fic was hilarious!

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 scoobies try to make buffy give up claim on spike

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