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Spike the Statue

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Author BB
#1 | Posted: 11 Jun 2010 05:39 
Looking for a fic. Believe it to be semi-AU (As in Spike is a Vamp, but Buffy isn't the Slayer)
Spike is a statue displayed at a museum that Buffy visits. He is posed in great pain (having just witnessed the death of Drusilla at the hands of a mob if I'm not mistaken, before being turned to stone because of a spell? Not really sure on the how.) She begins to dream of him, and he (I believe he's semi-aware in statue form) of her. I remember specifically him sitting on a bed in an unfamiliar bedroom (at least to him) when Buffy enters.
He awakens at the end, and comes to find her.. or she finds him.. again not 100% on that part.
Any help would be super appreciated.

Author SMac
#2 | Posted: 11 Jun 2010 06:49 
I read one where he was a statue placed in the garden at the Hyperion where Buffy was staying. It was post-Chosen canon fic. He was conscious within the statue also. I think it was the same fic where a little boy Spike is growing up there also. That's all I remember except that it was well done and no I don't recall the name.

Now this is going to bug me... Is it the same story or are there two conscius Spike in a statue stories out there...???

Author BB
#3 | Posted: 11 Jun 2010 07:03 
There must be two, because it had nothing to do with the Buffy series. I'm almost positive Buffy was all normal girl. And no mention of little boy Spike.

Thanks though.

Author BB
#4 | Posted: 11 Jun 2010 07:05 
I'm also (again not 100% sure and could be totally off base) that the title to the story was similar to the name the museum had given Spike in the story.

Author maryperk
#5 | Posted: 11 Jun 2010 08:23 
It might be From Nothing by sabershadowkitten

Author SMac
#6 | Posted: 11 Jun 2010 12:10 
Hold on a minute. I think mine was a conscious Buffy as a statue, made that way by the Immortal I think, and tiny Spike is drawn to the statue in the garden as he grows up. I don't recall why he is a baby boy being raised by Angel but he is fascinated by the statue and she is in there watching him grow up.

So, no. Not the same fic. I still have no idea what the name of either yours or mine is, though. I'm sorry.

Author xaphania

#7 | Posted: 11 Jun 2010 13:52 
Hold on a minute. I think mine was a conscious Buffy as a statue, made that way by the Immortal I think, and tiny Spike is drawn to the statue in the garden as he grows up. I don't recall why he is a baby boy being raised by Angel but he is fascinated by the statue and she is in there watching him grow up.

So, no. Not the same fic. I still have no idea what the name of either yours or mine is, though. I'm sorry.

That one is Beloved by spikes_heart.

Author cordykitten

#8 | Posted: 11 Jun 2010 13:57 
SMac, I'll get my computer back later, then I'll try to find the story you're talking of (if it isn't found by then). It is here @ TSR but way more chapter posted in LJ.
*edit* it wasn't Believe, it was
Beloved by spikes_heart
Summary: Before the Powers that Be withdrew from the playing fields, they made one last move with their favorite pawns - leaving Angel to clean up their mess.
I can look for a LJ link and add it later.

But it's not the Spike statue story that is searched. - and I see xaphania has the LJ link already.

Author Pari

#9 | Posted: 11 Jun 2010 15:01 
I read one where he was a statue placed in the garden at the Hyperion where Buffy was staying. It was post-Chosen canon fic. He was conscious within the statue also. I think it was the same fic where a little boy Spike is growing up there also. That's all I remember except that it was well done and no I don't recall the name.

Now this is going to bug me... Is it the same story or are there two conscius Spike in a statue stories out there...???

In the fic you're referring to, it's Buffy that's a statue in the gardens. She was turned into a statue by the Immortal and sent to Angel. Spike has come back as a human baby, after he dies in Sunnydale, and Angel is raising him as his son...good read, very long and angsty.

I believe it's already been asked about and found here, check the 'found' section.

Author SMac
#10 | Posted: 11 Jun 2010 18:03 
Thanks Pari, guys. I was wondering which oine that was. I didn't mean to move the thread into looking for mine, I honestly thought when I started that mine was a Spike statue story too, perhaps the same one.

I feel bad that the original poster's story is still MIA. I don't think I've ever heard of that story now that mine is a Buffy statue story, unfortunately.

PS: I'd love the LJ link if you have it Cordy. Thanks.

Author SMac
#11 | Posted: 11 Jun 2010 18:43 
Okay... I found spikes_heart livejournal and the last entry is her terrified of going into surgery the next day and asking for prayers and then....nothing. Not a word since right before her surgery.

This terrifies me. Does anyone know what happened to her? She left her son's email address for folks to find out how she is the day of surgery I guess but I don't have the guts to email him in case something horrible happened to her and I'd be intruding.... I don't know.

Author BB
#12 | Posted: 11 Jun 2010 19:24 
Thanks for the replies. Unfortunately none of those are it.

Spike is definetly the statue, and other then the fact that he's a vamp (and Dru too since there's mention of her) there are no other mentions of vamps or slayers. It's not All Human, but it's certainly AU.

Author cordykitten

#13 | Posted: 11 Jun 2010 19:52 
@SMac, xaphania posted the link to the LJ / the Comm where it is posted at:

spikes_heart is well so far, last that I've read. The entry isn't F-locked; BTW you can see on the user info when the LJ was last updated.

I have to think about the other story. Can't remember if I've read it.

*edit the next day* I remember a story like the ones that is searched but I can't remember more about it. The one I had in mind by Calove has the Immortal turned into a statue at the end. Because that's not by Calove then I don't know the author, Calove was my first thought. *sigh*

Author SMac
#14 | Posted: 11 Jun 2010 20:45 
Thanks for the other livejournal link. Glad she's okay. The surgery scare was from Jan 2010 so the fact she's posting in April 2010 bodes well.

I really hate finding and following fics on livejournal. It's such an annoying place to read fics from.

She just left off her on TSR at chapter 27 (here it's chapter 49) and moved it all to livejournal without a clue as to where to find the rest of the story here. Why do authors do that? I would never do that to anyone.

At least she's continuing it.

Author Guest
#15 | Posted: 11 Jun 2010 20:53 
I remember reading the story that started this thread but cannot find it anywhere. Spike is released from statue form by Lestat I think and the name of the strory was something to do with d'art. I wish I could remember more for the search. Peck

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 Spike the Statue

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