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Spike and Buffy both end up in amulet

Author Guest
#1 | Posted: 13 Aug 2010 23:27 
I'm looking for any fics where Buffy and Spike both end up coming out of the amulet when it's mailed to Angel. If anyone knows of something like this or similar, please let me know.

Author Guest
#2 | Posted: 14 Aug 2010 09:17 

Author Guest
#3 | Posted: 14 Aug 2010 09:34 
At Elysian Fields there are these two stories, not exactly what you're looking for with Angel etc, but rather good all the same:

1. Maybe This is Heaven by effection
Summary: What if Buffy hadn't left Spike to die and close the Hellmouth by himself? What if she stayed with him... what would have happened?

2. Yes, I Do by Pet
Summary: Set at the end of 'Chosen'. What if Buffy had acted differently?

At Fanfiction . net this story, which fits your query, is there, however it's not complete and hasn't been updated since 2005, there could be another site that holds a completed version but I'm not sure:

1. Forever by 3988Akasha
Summary: Post S7. Buffy never left Spike alone in the Hellmouth. What happens when Angel and crew get the amulet? What has changed Buffy and Spike, and why are they back?

And at Bloodshedverse they have the following story which involves Spike and Buffy remaining in the Hellmouth and then being transported somewhere else (but not through the amulet). It's also a WIP (but has been updated this year):

1. Holiday on Helarth by dawnofme
Summary: Buffy refuses to leave Spike to die in the high school basement. When she takes the amulet off, they end up in another dimension. Alive, wounded and exhausted, they must deal with a world that's very different from their own, yet eerily familiar. It's not Hawaii or a cruise in the Caribbean, but they manage to make a holiday of it.

I'm sorry that most of these don't fit your request, but I hope you enjoy reading them.

Author Pari

#4 | Posted: 14 Aug 2010 12:19 
I'm sorry that most of these don't fit your request, but I hope you enjoy reading them.

Sarah I can appreciate that you are only trying to help. However, if the stories you find or know of 'do not' fit the main criteria of what the seeker is looking for please don't post it. I will keep your posting up because someone probably will enjoy those fics, but in the future 'try' to keep in line with what the seeker is searching for.

The main criteria is this:
1. Post Chosen: Buffy/Spike locked in the amulet 'together'.

Author thebuffster
#5 | Posted: 14 Aug 2010 15:39 
I thought of this one right away when reading your post. Not much for a summary, but the story fits your criteria well!

Consumed by lilladybug
Summary: Set at the very end of "Chosen," Buffy grabs Spike's hand and refuses to let go.

Author Guest
#6 | Posted: 14 Aug 2010 18:31 

Fic Recs Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Fic Recs /
 Spike and Buffy both end up in amulet

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