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Fast and Furious: Buffy owns a garage and street races. Spike becomes one of her drivers

Author Blazing Fire
#1 | Posted: 14 Sep 2010 22:35 
The story I'm looking for is best described as a Spuffy Fast and Furious. Buffy is the owner of the garage and street races. Spike becomes one of your drivers. I also know that Spike is shot at the end but survives. Does anyone remember this?

Author meleuna
#2 | Posted: 15 Sep 2010 05:15 
is it Racing Hearts by Kimber, its found on this site

Author Blazing Fire
#3 | Posted: 15 Sep 2010 05:45 
Actually, that's not the story I'm talking about. In that story, I don't think Hank was alive. Buffy was the owner and manager of the garage. I think the author only wrote this one story but I could be wrong.

Author cordykitten

#4 | Posted: 15 Sep 2010 15:41 
I'm not sure if I'm imagine things but I could swear there was a story called "Livin Life in the Fastlane" by SilverCircle or mysilvercircle but I can't find it at the site but I remember it being here.

There is a translation to German from Jan. 2005, this is still online. First chapter here (with story pic)

14 Chapters; but I can't find a link to the English version. Darn... I didn't save it but maybe someone has? The author is on LJ but hasn't posted since 2006.

Buffy owns a racing team in L.A. (BSR" = Buffy Summers Racing) Spike wants to be a famous racing driver.
Oh yeah, and in the first chapter they are making a race =
If Spike wins = he has to work at the garage.
If Buffy wins = she gets his car, a M3.

Does this sound familiar?

Author SMac
#5 | Posted: 15 Sep 2010 18:01 
Livin' Life in the Fastlane by SilverCircle

Summary: AU, all human. Buffy Summers owns a racing team in L.A.. Spike is a wannabe racer, who wants to become famous. Sparks fly at some point, and we all now how it will end, do we?

I saved it in cwk (Apple) long ago and had up through chapter twenty in 2004. I got it off TSR so I guess the author deleted their account. On google I only found the German version you are talking about.

If anyone wants a copy of it I will send it to them. It will be in Word but it will have some weird spaces and symbols in the text due to it having been in cwk originally but it is still very easy to read that way and at least it'll be in English, right?

If you want it contact me through my contact here at TSR and I'll email it to you.

Is this the story you were originally looking for? I haven't read it yet (that I recall) so I don't know if it fits your entire parameter but it sure looks promising.

Author Blazing Fire
#6 | Posted: 15 Sep 2010 18:08 
That's it.


Author cordykitten

#7 | Posted: 16 Sep 2010 14:37 
Thank you SMac for finding a copy

Author SMac
#8 | Posted: 16 Sep 2010 16:06 
You guys are very welcome.

Found Fics Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Found Fics /
 Fast and Furious: Buffy owns a garage and street races. Spike becomes one of her drivers

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