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Spike falls in love with Buffy (suddenly/out of the blue)... and falls HARD

Author gigi_tastic

#1 | Posted: 9 Oct 2010 03:03 
guys i need your help BAD!
i've been trying to find some good fic and all i come across is well.. awful icky badness.

so right now i'm in the mood for spike falling in love with buffy and for it to just randomly hit him. like it did in out of my mind. i want him to be the one crushing on her
( i have read some good high school fic where its buffy who's loved him forever but eh.. not in the mood for that.)

i like it when he's kind of mean to her to cover up how much he really loves her .( i never liked you and you have stupid hair!*swoons*)

if its a high school fic i do have to request no student/ teacher fic please. i just dont like it. its fine if they are in college (and i like it when spike the one whose the teacher/ boss whatever.. but that doesnt mean i dont like a strong buffy because i do. sometimes its just interesting to see that sort of interaction with spike having the power though because she kind of always seems to on the show. which ok i sort of love...) any way it can be canon no canon au ah whatever. i just want spike to fall in love with her. if its going to be in some sort of canon/non canon that deals with stuff on the show the sooner he falls the better! not to much angst i just read a really depressing fic that i thought would be fun and it just broke my heart.

so give me what you guys got!

love you all and wishing you guys spike with cake/pie/sweets

Author SMac
#2 | Posted: 9 Oct 2010 03:19 
Indigo Overture by Rikki_oko

Summary: Spike's just a drummer, content to live in lead singer Angel's shadow. But when a certain blonde strolls in on Angel's arm, will Spike be content to take the backseat forever? Loosely based on the eighties song, Jesse's Girl.

Author gigi_tastic

#3 | Posted: 9 Oct 2010 03:24 
i knew i could count on you SMac !!!!your like a god in my eyes you know that right? you always have the best recs. may i worship you?????? i literally squeed when i saw your name on the members list. ok fangirl moment over.. ok not really but i think for the sake of my not getting a restraining order i better reign it in.

Author SMac
#4 | Posted: 9 Oct 2010 03:41 
Restraining order already in place.

I kid. You're welcome. I'm having trouble thinking of other fics to fit the criteria though so this is it for me on this one unless something occurs to me. But I have always really liked this story. Poor Spike.

Author xaphania

#5 | Posted: 9 Oct 2010 06:06 
Hmm how about Blue Horizons by Kantayra?
All her life Elizabeth has done exactly what everyone expects of her. Now in her first year of college, she discovers the vast possibilities in life. But can she escape the ghosts of her past and find the courage to explore the new paths before her...including the affections of an infuriating young sophomore named William 'Spike' Giles?

Author SMac
#6 | Posted: 9 Oct 2010 06:30 
Broken By Ashlee

Summary: When Spike Atherton, a Psychology major at UC Sunnydale, is approached by a classmate one day, he's intrigued when she asks him to get to know her friend, Buffy Summers. Spike has wanted Buffy since he first saw her walking around campus the previous year

Author Aly
#7 | Posted: 9 Oct 2010 13:27 
The Kiss by Sotia is really great.

Buffy is out on a first date, when the lights go off and someone kisses her like she's never been kissed before. Knowing it couldn't have been the man she went out with, she has to go through some frogs before she finally finds her prince.

Author gigi_tastic

#8 | Posted: 9 Oct 2010 14:09 
i've already read it and i kind of just stopped half way though. i think it was because it was you know uhh finals week and apparently reading fic doesnt count as studying my bad! wil try to pick up where i left off.

Author gigi_tastic

#9 | Posted: 9 Oct 2010 14:10 
read it. loved it. demand a thousand more as awesome as it.

Author gigi_tastic

#10 | Posted: 9 Oct 2010 14:29 
i said nothing to depressing!!! this is killing me but its so well written tell me it gets better please?

Author gigi_tastic

#11 | Posted: 9 Oct 2010 14:42 
ok yah no i cant read this. it brings back to many bad memory's thanks for rec'ing but just to let people know i'm not a fan of abuse of any kind. i'm a survivor of mostly emotional and mental abuse and this just.. really upset me. i think i need to go call my therapist right now. again thanks for trying. . . its just the reason i love buffy i shes strong. i dont mind her being vulnerable but not like this. never like this. the beating scenes are just to graphic....

Author SMac
#12 | Posted: 9 Oct 2010 17:06 
The beating scenes? I don't recall any beating scenes, not graphic ones certainly. It's been a long time since I read Indigo and I only read half way through Blue (funny, I too got interrupted and I realize now I need to finish that one). ???? Were they in Blue Horizons in the part I haven't read yet?

ETA: Oh wait, you mean in Broken, don't you? I forgot I put that one on this thread. Well, duh, Sara!

I'm sorry about that gigi, I didn't know I was triggering something for you. When I see your requests from now on I'll keep in mind to label anything like that so you can skip it.

Author gigi_tastic

#13 | Posted: 25 Oct 2010 04:10 
no problem bb!!! normally i can handle it and sometimes like to read fic where buffy struggles with stuff. it was the day i had that triggered sad face. i really liked how well written it was and i think i might read it sometime . like i said i had a bad day. huge fight with someone and it was really upsetting so i went to read some spuffy. thats all. thanks for being so awesome as always!

Fic Recs Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Fic Recs /
 Spike falls in love with Buffy (suddenly/out of the blue)... and falls HARD

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