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Anne Rose's Spike and Buffy, Lost in Cyberspace

Author Guest
#1 | Posted: 20 Oct 2010 14:49 
Hi, so this was one of the very first pieces of fanfic I've ever read and after going back to it years later I was sort of hoping to find more fics along the premise of Anne Rose's "Spike and Buffy, Lost in Cyberspace". Complete fics would be awesome.

Also, I know the premise of the fic is sort of a two for one. The internet part as well as the redoing season six part. Those two ideas alone or together in any fic are greatly welcome. And always a plus if there's Riley bashing :P

Thanks everyone. (:

Author SMac
#2 | Posted: 20 Oct 2010 17:48 
Just as an aside, if you include criteria that squees over character bashing in fic recs I personally won't respond with recs. I hate character bashing fics. So when you include that as an aside you are narrowing the number of your fic-searchers down. Just sayin'.

Now, if the fic you are looking for is for specifically character bashing then that criteria can't be helped. I won't look for it, but I at least understand why it's in there, because it is actually part of the story you are looking for. But if it's just an 'that'd be cool too!' addition, then you've lost me as a searcher. Your call, of course.

Author Guest
#3 | Posted: 20 Oct 2010 18:07 
Ah, I see where you're coming from. I'm not exactly into tearing down Buffy characters. I just read the fic mentioned above and loved how Buffy got back some of her own against Riley in the chapter based around 'As You Were'. I guess I should have explained it a little better. Sorry, if I offend anyone, and I definitely don't want to limit any help.

Author SMac
#4 | Posted: 20 Oct 2010 22:11 
Okay then, duly noted.

And thanks for responding seriously to my post. I really appreciate it.

Now, I haven't read the fic you posted about so I'm guessing here. Are you asking for fics with an internet theme or only those where they are stuck inside a cyberworld (based on the title I am assuming they were in the computer or something)?

Author Guest
#5 | Posted: 21 Oct 2010 00:37 
Lost in Cyberspace is at Sinister Attractions.

Author Guest
#6 | Posted: 21 Oct 2010 01:19 

Right there with you about the bashing. There's a fic called "Surfing with Spike" at fanfiction dot net that probably fits your criteria:


Author Guest
#7 | Posted: 21 Oct 2010 14:02 
Great, thank you! I'll check it out! (:

Author SMac
#8 | Posted: 21 Oct 2010 16:36 

Surfing with Spike by elven-princess88

Fic Recs Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Fic Recs /
 Anne Rose's Spike and Buffy, Lost in Cyberspace

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