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Spuffy Baby Fic

Author gigi_tastic

#1 | Posted: 14 Nov 2010 03:43 
I'm in the mood for some spuffy goodness with a teacup human involved!
(sorry just rewatched s2 of true blood. oh eric .*giggle snort*. )


i kind of want one where spike leaves buffy or its post chosen and they meet up again and it turns out buffy has a little bundle of joy.. thats spikes! however i wouldnt mind if spike is around for the baby. i DO NOT want ah right now.

i wouldnt mind something post nfa but i think it would be really awesome to see a crossover fic with s5 of angel. this is due to said dream. all i remember was buffy was sitting in the lobby of a really nice building (w& h or maybe the hyperion?) and the fang gang was cooing over her baby and angel was all flustered and then spike walks in and... sort of faints. so that was the very strange dream i had. oh dear i seem to have forgotten everyone burst into song. fred buffy and cordy did a wonderful with the opening of you cant always get what you want.

Author SMac
#2 | Posted: 14 Nov 2010 05:53 
I love you sweetie but we've already done so many of these searches, even just this last week for post-NFA and post-Chosen baby fics specifically. Some of your searches are so specific that unless one of us actually writes the story you are asking for a rec on it probably doesn't even exist.

You keep asking for all of these searches, sometimes several in a day and I know you can't read all of them at once. I guess I'm saying please check out the search function for some good recs in a gazillion different categories before you ask us to make the effort to find these very specific searches for you, especially when they are almost identical to other recent searches. Others may feel differently, but I'm finding it kind of frustrating. Thanks.

Author gigi_tastic

#3 | Posted: 15 Nov 2010 05:41 
oh ok. .. i guess i am pretty annoying sometimes huh?

Author SMac
#4 | Posted: 15 Nov 2010 06:05 
I'm sorry. No, you are not annoying. I haven't been getting enough sleep lately. Please don't 'not' ask for stuff, just (IMO) check for very similar threads and requests first and space em out a teensy bit is all. I like to see your name pop up here. Didn't mean to come off like I didn't want you around or anything. Not at all.

Author gigi_tastic

#5 | Posted: 15 Nov 2010 10:11 
i do do that though. i also read everything people rec me. i'm a fast reader with no life right now. i am taking the semester off from school because i'm in very bad health. i really have nothing to do all day but read. i'm also autistic and know that sometimes i dont get how social norms work. i'm truly very sorry its just sometimes (with said autism) i become obsessed with topics or themes ... even foods. and thats all i want. i ask for a lot of the same stuff because i love the topic so much i want more .

i do in fact do searches and read other peoples posts. i'm on here almost every day. which makes me realize how pathetic i am...

i dont mean to be so specific i'm just trying to help people see what i want. i'm sorry.

also my minds been pretty fuzzy about asking for stuff because i'm going through yet another wonderful family crisis. i think thats why i read so much.. its the only time i'm not having to deal with everything in my life. for instance last week my mother od'ed on pain meds and i had to take her to the hospital it was extremely traumatic and i'm still having nightmares which have more to do with my past then the actual event...anyway now i dont sleep.

in fact its 10:03 am and i have yet to fall asleep. so far over the course of the night i have finished 3 stories 4 drabbles 2 fanvids and have watched the first two harry potter movies. i'm about 1/4th into the third one. sorry to make this so long its just you sort of.. hurt my feelings. which really has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the stress of my life right now. OH ! and i watched an episode of xena i forgot that... the point is i am grateful for your apology. i look up to you a lot.

i hope you can sleep better. i think i'll go finish harry potter now.

Author gigi_tastic

#6 | Posted: 15 Nov 2010 10:15 
also that wasnt me who asked for that baby fic last week it . that was someone called ScxrletHeart. not me. sorry i'm not trying to be defensive its just i like facts being correct.

Author SMac
#7 | Posted: 15 Nov 2010 10:34 
Damn. Sounds like you're getting as little sleep as I am. That can't be good.

I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. And if you actually read all of this that fast then I doubly apologize -- it just didn't seem likely but I get it now. Forget I said anything. As long as the need is real and the requests are genuine then it's none of my business AT ALL what you request. I'm very glad to help find stuff if I can and please ask away all you want. Sorry to hear your life is all in crisis right now, that really sucks. I've found reading is an excellent escape for me as well. Right now I've been up all night reading Long Time Gone by bitterness, which I highly recommend. Well written, ridiculously long (love it), and a 'baby fic' as well. All Human baby fic, but at least it meets half of this thread's category requirements, and is the first actual rec so far so at least there's that.

Long Time Gone By bitterness

Summary: AU all-human. When Buffy and Spike were in high school, everything was nearly perfect for them-- until she mysteriously disappeared. Now, five years later, Buffy's returned for her mother's funeral, and to take over caring for her sister, Dawn. Can Dawn and Spike ever forgive her for running away? Especially when she won't tell them why?

As for canon-ish baby fics, one I read recently and loved is post-Chosen:

Strangers by sosa lola

Summary: Grief pushes Buffy to do something really stupid. Now she has to deal with the consequences. Things get more complicated when she discovers that Spike is no longer dead.

There is Buffy/other in it and the baby isn't Spike's, but it is really spuffy ultimately and also totally worth it. IMO.

I'll try to think of others.

Author DeadlySlayer
#8 | Posted: 18 Nov 2010 10:10 
I just read Strangers myself, I loved it. I'd advise everyone to give it a go. (And I'm not one who usually cares for baby fics.)

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 Spuffy Baby Fic

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