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Time travel to the past where Buffy and Spike are married

Author gemini02
#1 | Posted: 7 Jan 2011 23:04 
What I remember of the story is that Buffy and Spike are transported back in time...1700s/1800s...into the lives of something like a Duke and Duchess. I'm pretty sure Spike becomes human again and Buffy doesn't have her slayer powers. They agree to go along and pretend to be married since they live in house with servants.

They also have a young son who slowly begins to realize that aren't his real parents but goes along with it because he wasn't happy before they came. They all learn to become a real family. I also think I remember that Buffy is pregnant as a result of being transported into a different life.

Buffy and Spike slowly start to fall in love with each other until Spike starts to feel guilt about what he did to her in the 'Seeing Red' episode.

I've tried searching everywhere I could think of for this story. Hopefully this rings a bell to someone else!!


Author SeaPea
#2 | Posted: 8 Jan 2011 23:23 
Some of this reminds me of "Les Miserables" by Isabelle. I believe there might have been 2 children, but the girl was just a baby. It was a long time ago that I read this and it wasn't finished to my knowledge. SMac, do you have a link?

Author SMac
#3 | Posted: 9 Jan 2011 00:00 
LOL Yep.

Les Miserables by Isabelle

Summary: Set after 'The Grave'--the season 6 season finale. ("To love another person is to see the face of God.")

Author lunna798
#4 | Posted: 9 Jan 2011 15:59 
Anyone else having a problem with the links for that story or is it just me? cause i can believe its just me lol

Author SMac
#5 | Posted: 9 Jan 2011 16:17 
I used the links last night and all the pages worked fine then and I went back now and they still work for me. I don't know what to tell you.

Author lunna798
#6 | Posted: 9 Jan 2011 16:23 
Hmmm i keep getting page not found. I even tried going to chapter list and it still said that. GRRRRRR.

Author lunna798
#7 | Posted: 9 Jan 2011 16:30 
ok got links to work but had to go via WBM

If anyone needs it here is the link -- it is to the master story list so yo have to scroll down to find it.

Author Guest
#8 | Posted: 10 Jan 2011 04:57 
Try Death Marked Love for chapters 1-5 but Isabelle's Livejournal has chapters 6-13 part 1 in her memories and they work
isabellecs Dot livejournal DOT com

Author SMac
#9 | Posted: 10 Jan 2011 05:39 
Try Death Marked Love for chapters 1-5 but Isabelle's Livejournal has chapters 6-13 part 1 in her memories and they work
isabellecs Dot livejournal DOT com

Oh! Thank you!


Author gemini02
#10 | Posted: 11 Jan 2011 02:11 

Found Fics Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Found Fics /
 Time travel to the past where Buffy and Spike are married

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