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spuffy fic, longer fic, think its called Normal or Normal Again.

Author Jessw04
#1 | Posted: 8 Mar 2011 18:49 
i really cant remember what its about but it was a pretty longg fic. i know the storys title had the word Normal in it. ive been searching everywheree

Author CindyM
#2 | Posted: 8 Mar 2011 19:35 

I'm not sure if this is the fic you're looking for but it's called "Normal" by Kari Mouke

Author Thia_w

#3 | Posted: 8 Mar 2011 21:05 
I think I know this one, it is a really long series, consisted of 7 books all together. From what I can remember about this story since I read it so very long ago but it's such an amazing series that I can still remember bits and pieces of it... Buffy and Spike end up to be a part of prophecy and have a daughter which I think is Dawn. They both are the protectors of the peacemaker who is Dawn, I believe.. I really should re-read it again. It's a good 10 years since I read the first book.

It's The Peacemaker Prophecy by Nimue Tucker :

Book 1: Twist on Normal Again - This is going under the assumption that in Normal Again, Buffy was jumping between dimensions. Two coexisting realities. Also, theory that every decision we make creates a different path for us, and maybe a shadow of ourselves follows that path.

Book 2: A New Life

Book 3: The Peacemaker Prophecy

Book 4: The Evil Within

Book 5: Time

Book 6: The One

Book 7: Meant To Be

Do you think this could be it? If it's not and you haven't read it yet... give it a go cos Nimue wrote an amazing and absolutely wonderful Spuffy journey in this series. I know I fell in love hard reading it.


Author CindyM
#4 | Posted: 8 Mar 2011 21:24 
I agree with Thia, even if The Peacemaker Prophecy Series isn't what you were looking for, I suggest you read it. It's one of the best Spuffy fics I've read.

Author Shadows babe
#5 | Posted: 8 Mar 2011 22:07 
Normal Again --- by: Richard Bachman

Summary: Based on the episode Normal Again except, instead of Buffy, it's Spike who gets poisoned by the demon and his consciousness transported into an alternative reality where he finds himself incarcerated in an asylum. Although the original well-meant intention of the people around him was to try to cure his illness, our poor bleached wonder ends up being even more crazy than before when realities mix and nightmares follow.

Author SeaPea
#6 | Posted: 8 Mar 2011 22:08 
There's also Normal Again by Richard Bachman. Unusual story - fairly long.

Author jessw04
#7 | Posted: 8 Mar 2011 23:37 
None of them were the story im looking for, but Ill read the one you guys are sayin i should read haha the author was a girl as well n im kinda starting to remember the word life in the title? The normal life . . I dunno i just really want to find it. I found it first on this site a few years ago but when i looked it up again it was gone.

Author Lou
#8 | Posted: 9 Mar 2011 11:59 
Check out Spikelicious's site

There's One Normal Day, and another very long tale One Normal Life.

Author Guest
#9 | Posted: 9 Mar 2011 13:24 

Does anyone know if she's done with these and stopped writing altogether? I know they're not finished. I have been waiting for emailed updates (I'm on her mailing list), but haven't gotten one in years.

Author Lou
#10 | Posted: 9 Mar 2011 15:49 
I think she's suffering from writer's block but does intend to finish when she can.

Author jessw04
#11 | Posted: 13 Mar 2011 17:59 
Lou you found it! Thanks! And yeah its been a long time since she updated

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 spuffy fic, longer fic, think its called Normal or Normal Again.

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