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west of the moon, east of the sun

Author Guest
#1 | Posted: 27 Mar 2011 21:05 
Hey guys, does anybody know where I can find the fic "west of the moon, east of the sun"? I can't remember the author, but I was reading it sometime ago and stopped... and now I can't find the link. It is about buffy having strange dreams about a dark room, and there is a vampire with her. Oh, and it is nc-17.
Also, I'd like to know something about the story... actually, I stopped reading it because i saw the warning saying that ther was implied rape in it... and i simply CAN'T read a story with that kind of stuff... i find it too icky... so I would like to know how it is... with whom, if this fact is too explored in the story... I don't care about spoilers, so you can tell me all you can about it.
thanks already!

Author mmda14
#2 | Posted: 27 Mar 2011 21:37 
It's by KnifeEdge and it's on elysian field.

Author mmda14
#3 | Posted: 27 Mar 2011 21:39 
It's a great story. Very long but worth it. One of my favorite stories. And as for the rape warning, well I don't remember? I don't think there was anything horrible. Now, I have to go back and reread it lol

Author Guest
#4 | Posted: 27 Mar 2011 22:41 
The warning in this fic actually has to do w/the evil chic that takes Spike. It is not graphic in anyway. There is very minor implications and in a more glossed over than anything kind of way. I don't think it would offend anyone. The fic is absolutely spectacular and the absolute best written of the newer fics I have read in a couple of years.

Author Guest
#5 | Posted: 27 Mar 2011 23:19 
I've been indulging in a reread -- and in addition to what they mention, there are scenes where Buffy views Spike's past -- including one where Angelus commits a rape, and one where it's implied that Spike does. Also, Spike acknowledges that he has committed rape.

Everyone's trigger/squick level is different, so I won't downplay these or tell you they won't trigger you. However, these instances are oblique -- there's far more direct descriptions of violence of the non-s3xual kind.

Also, to some extent, the mentions of rape can be avoided. Angelus's instance is in Chapter 57: The South Wind (Part II). (Note that this is Chapter 58 according to the Elysian Fields, because the Prologue takes the slot of the first chapter, but it is still labeled 57). All you need to know about this is that it happens, and it's part of Angelus showing Spike what (he believes) being a vampire is all about.

Spike's instance is in Chapter 54: The East Wind (of course, Elysian thinks it's 55). It's very brief. Spike denies raping that women, but admits he did rape, in Chapter 63: True. This is a brief back and forth discussion in which Buffy tells Spike what she's seen of his past, and includes no details.

To sum up, I believe you can skip the portions of this story that would bother you, and that this story is well worth the effort. If I have left anything out, I do apologize, but other than Louhi's initial encounter with Louhi at the beginning of his section (which I'm assuming you've read), those are all the instances I remember.

-- caia

Author Guest
#6 | Posted: 27 Mar 2011 23:21 
other than Louhi's initial encounter with Louhi

Sorry, I meant other than Spike's initial encounter with Louhi.

-- caia

Author Guest
#7 | Posted: 27 Mar 2011 23:35 
Here are some more details of how to avoid what you may wish to avoid.

Chapter 54: When you reach this sentence: "Spike, bleached blond again, with Drusilla at his side, is standing in front of a small house in some farm village from the looks of it." Skip ahead to "The woman is dead now." (Without the quotation marks. You can use your browser's find function.)

Chapter 57: When you reach, "The bride slowly sits up, looking around dazedly", skip ahead to "They're monsters, and Angelus doesn't like love." (Again without quotation marks.)

Chapter 64: When you reach, "Woodstock, I think," skip ahead to, "Something in his eyes goes out", (sans quotes).

That should, I hope, help you navigate the story safely without missing too much.

Oh, Chapter 61: Burdens features some somewhat gruesome descriptions of the after-effects of torture, though not the torture itself. The torture was not s3xual, but if you'd like to skip that too, go to, "How do you feel about stairs?"

Good luck, and happy reading!

-- caia

Author Guest
#8 | Posted: 27 Mar 2011 23:38 
Oh crap, it's Chapter 63: True. (64 is what Elysian thinks it is.) See, it even messes me up. But, I'm pretty sure I got the names of the chapters right.

-- caia

Author DramaQueenLucy

#9 | Posted: 28 Mar 2011 10:36 
The rape aspects of this story is more implied then actual. There is one small part where there is a flash back of Spike's past where the word rape comes up but there aren't any real graphic details. I have a friend that doesn't like anything with rape but she was able to read west without a problem.

Give West a shot it is an amazing story that had me at the edge of my seat like few others have been able to do.

Author Coednakedslaying
#10 | Posted: 28 Mar 2011 12:45 
This story is also here on the Spuffy Realm as well as Bloodshedverse

Author Guest
#11 | Posted: 28 Mar 2011 18:17 
thanks guys! and you convinced me to give it another shot! and i can't say how thankful I am for the tips on how to avoid the worst parts. Really, you are awesome! All of you!

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 west of the moon, east of the sun

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