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Any fics where Spike is Buffy's first

Author beenspiked
#1 | Posted: 8 Apr 2011 20:43 
Any type AU/AH or cannon it just has to have Buffy being a virgin and Spike being her first

Author Guest
#2 | Posted: 8 Apr 2011 21:42 
In HollyDB's "Dreamscape," Spike gets to take her virginity twice. LOL! It's also an amazingly good fic like the rest of her stuff!

Author DramaQueenLucy

#3 | Posted: 8 Apr 2011 22:52 
Prologue to Life/I Know You by Slaymesoftly

Summary: A response to a challenge at the Bloodshedverse where Buffy is returned to her season II body with all her post Season VII memories. She is there due to a spell Willow performs to try to help Buffy get over mourning for Spike.

Author Guest
#4 | Posted: 9 Apr 2011 05:35 
At Elysian Fields there's:-

And Here We Go Round Again by Megan
Following on from the end of As You Were. Spike, devastated by Buffy's rejection, finds solace in a bottle shared with Anya and finds his unlife turned completely on its head. He finds that vengeance might not be for losers after all as he is thrust into the opportunity of a lifetime. But can he convince Buffy to take the risk?

Change Partners and Dance by dreamweaver
What if when Buffy first arrived in Sunnydale, instead of a souled Angel meaning to help her, she was faced with a soulless Spike, looking to cause trouble and kill his third Slayer?

Her Way by dreamweaver
After Spike burns up in the Hellmouth, Buffy demands that the Oracles send her back in time.

His Way by dreamweaver
After 'Not Fade Away' Spike finds himself resurrected yet again and sent back in time by the PTB to fix things for Buffy.

Sideways by GoldenUsagi
AU. Spike's a vampire who'll do anything if he's paid enough. Buffy's a girl who needs protection. She slowly realizes he's more than he seems, but more is going on than meets the eye, and everything changes when she's called as the Slayer.

Anticipation by 2writers4spike
Having no idea how it happened, Spike finds himself back in 1977, reeling from a newly acquired soul and more guilt than most could handle. After dodging Drusilla, his main focus is getting back to his own time and back to Buffy in Sunnydale so that he can atone for all he's done.That is, until he sees the newly born slayer in 1981 and goes off in a new direction. Can he stop the events that brought misery to Buffy's life, or will he be forced to watch destiny destroy the woman he loves all over again?

And at Bloodshedverse:-

Lonely in Your Nightmare by bloodshedbaby
During an alternate season 2, Buffy is on the run to avoid recapture by the military group that had kidnapped and experimented on her. But when she finds herself pregnant through artificial means, her desperation to stay one step ahead of them escalates.

Axis of Love by Always_jbj
What would have happened if Spike had discovered his feelings for Buffy before Angel left her jaded and emotionally scarred? (AR from School Hard)


Author Guest
#5 | Posted: 9 Apr 2011 05:45 
Sorry, I gave you a bum-steer with Sideways. I thought Buffy was a virgin but I just doublechecked and she'd had one previous encounter.

Sorry again!!! But you've got a plethora of other fics from which to choose!!


Author Shadows babe
#6 | Posted: 9 Apr 2011 06:08 
Goodnight, Saigon -- by Spikeslovebite

A disillusioned soldier, determined to end it all in the killing fields of Vietnam. A heartbroken young woman, devastated by the loss of her dreams. One rainy night in LA, fate brings them together.

Promised -- by Dorians Kitten

Summary: William knew that she considered him a friend or maybe even a big brother, but she'd promised to marry him once and he had every intention of holding her to it. Just as soon as he worked up the nerve to remind her, that is. Who says you can't find your soul-mate in preschool?

Touch of Jealousy -- by Echidna

Sunnydale, Buffy, Spike and the entire gang are seniors in high school. When Buffy and Spike discover that their respective counter parts (Dru and Angel) have been macking on each other their heartbroken and decide to get them back by making them jealous. How is that achieved, by pretending to be an item, problem is that every one in the high school know that Spike and Buffy HATE each other. How will they convince them?

Some Cold Lovin, Las Vegas Style-- by Bloodshedbaby

Total AU, a vampire Spike, a pre-Slayer Buffy, a night in Vegas....Oh the possiblities!

Swimfan ---by squawks

Summary: Spike is Buffy's swimming coach. He has been hateful to her since day one, a fact that hurts her because she is in love with him. Little does she know that his behaviour only serves to hide his own feelings. Tragic circumstances bring them closer together.

Stolen Innocence ---- by The Enemy of Reality

Summary: Far away from home, in a boarding school on the Isles of Scilly, Buffy is trying to find her place in the world. Finding a kindred spirit in a boy named William Pratt, she has no idea of the obstacles they'll have to face. The school is full of dark secrets that could put the students' lives in danger and when a mysterious woman steals William's soul, everything falls apart. Can true love really surpass all?

The story starts out as All Human, but it's not.

Can I Keep You?--- by CandyNicks

Summary: Vampire Spike meets runaway Buffy on the streets of Victorian England. He takes her home fully intending to kill her after he's had his way with her, but falls in love with her instead. Buffy needs a place to hide, but will she stay once she finds out who Spike really is?.....

Anything But Ordinary ----by Sweetie

In the words of Buffy Summers, "We were friends until I was fourteen. Then high school came along, he became gorgeous, and I became a pronounced loser." Yep, this is a high school fic, guys... with a twist. Can enemies, Buffy and Spike, rebuild the friendship they used to know? Will it develop into more?

In the Dark With You --- by: Moxie

The year is 1835. Elizabeth Summers is injured while fleeing from a forced marriage, but when she realises who her rescuer is, she begins to think she may have jumped out of the frying pan into the fire. Are the tales about the golden - haired vampire who lives in the old dark house on the cliff, true? Or are they just stories made up to frighten children? She's just about to find out!

Author beenspiked
#7 | Posted: 9 Apr 2011 23:21 
Oh my gosh thanx for all the rec's everyone

Author Guest
#8 | Posted: 10 Apr 2011 00:01 
I tried not to repeat any of the recs you've already received. All of these fics can be found at Elysian Fields and range from long fics to one shots. Hope you enjoy.

In Omne Tempus by Holly Rated: NC-17
Summary: For a hundred years, William the Bloody has led a trail of bloodshed and chaos across Europe and the Americas. That all comes to an end when the woman he's devoted his existence to brings his mate to him in the guise of a late-night snack. A small girl with eyes of green and blonde hair. And suddenly, Spike is thrown into a world of color beyond the black and white, and his life is never the same.

Obsession by Holly Rated: Adult Only
Summary: After Buffy catches him in the middle of an intimate act, Spike decides punishment is in order.

Freedom by Icemink Rated: NC-17
Summary: Set in the world of the The Wish. Instead of snapping Buffy's neck, the Master keeps her imprisoned so that another Slayer can't be called, and so that he will be free to carry out his plans. In the mean time he's called the last of the Aurelius line, Drusilla and Spike, to help him run his new kingdom in Sunnydale.

Skull and Dagger by kantayra Rated: NC-17
Summary: AU; everyone's human. The year is 1735, and a spirited young Elizabeth Summers is miserable at being sent sailing for England in order to keep her arranged marriage with nobleman Parker Abrahms. However, everything changes when her ship is attacked by William the Bloody and his murderous crew, and soon Elizabeth finds herself a not-so-unwilling captive. But how far will she be willing to go once she realizes that her true love is a thief and a pirate?

Treat by kantayra Rated: NC-17
Summary: Set during the S2 episode 'Halloween'. Buffy learns just how much more fun being a bad girl is. Pure PWP.

Lessons Learned by spikeslovebite Rated: NC-17
Summary: Rated NC-17. A rewrite of S2E3 'School Hard'. Written for LJ Community twisted_spuffy. Spike has roared back into Sunnydale in search of two things; a cure for his Sire, and a Slayer he can't get off his mind. This is a continuation of my S1E2 rewrite of 'The Harvest' titled 'Twisted Harvest'. You might want to read that one first *wink*.

S** In Your Violence by UncagedMuse Rated: NC-17
Summary: Rating: NC17
Summary: Spike goes to size up his third slayer and gets drawn in watching her dance. Season 2 in an alternate reality type way. PWP A/N I also use to my benefit the premise from early seasons that Buffy had trouble sensing vamps and demons.

Halloween by vampirische liebe Rated: NC-17
Summary: What could have happened if Spike had caught up with Buffy first in the ep "Halloween".

Dangerous Liasion by vampirische liebe Rated: NC-17
Summary: A Christmas fic.

Dark Desire by vampirische liebe Rated: NC-17
Summary: Spike is a Vamp in 1830, visiting Elizabeth Summers at night. She thinks it's all a dream, until she meets him at a social gathering.

Smuggler's Cove by vampirische liebe Rated: NC-17
Summary: AU story set in 1780,Cornwall, England. An orphaned Elizabeth Anne Summers goes to live with her Aunt in Cornwall and happens upon some Smugglers. Their leader, William the Bloody is delighted to catch her snooping...

Stand and Deliver! by vampirische liebe Rated: NC-17
Summary: AU fic. Elizabeth is attacked by the notorious highwayman, William the Bloody and it's not her jewels she should be worried about.

Beyond Forever by Ashlee Rated: NC-17
Summary: Set at the beginning of season 2- when Buffy stakes a vampire on patrol one night, she had no idea how her life would change. And when a master vampire shows up in Sunnydale looking for vengeance, the last thing he expects is to find the one thing he needs.

Author girlie_mel
#9 | Posted: 2 Apr 2012 22:39 
There is also;

Replacement by sus

After years of struggling for a life of her own, the immortal Slayer is finally free from the demands of her friends and the Council. Will she be willing to go back in time and do it all over again, just for the chance to be with the vampire that was always meant to be her other half? An enemy from the future will give her the chance, if she wants it.

Really good story one of my fav's


Author Lambean
#10 | Posted: 3 Apr 2012 02:23 
Awesome older Spike younger Buffy Story

Forbidden Passion by Serenity Rated: NC-17

Summary: Seventeen year old Buffy Summers is the best friend to Cordelia Chase, the only daughter to actress Evangeline Chase who has an affection for younger men. What's a high school senior to do when she starts lusting after the latest boy toy at the Chase mansion? This starts out as a high school fic, but will not stay that way. BTW...I suck at summaries.**All characters belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy...I just use them to further my over-active imagination.**

Tainted Innocence by Peroxide_Dreams Rated: NC-17
After being dumped by her boyfriend Angel, sixteen year old Buffy Summers is forced to spend the summer with her mother's boss Cordelia. Just when things are starting to look up, Cordelia's playboy husband Spike turns her world upside down.Won Best Fantasy Readers Choice at the Spark and Burn Awards.

These are two of the best older Spike younger Buffy stories ever!

Author Guest
#11 | Posted: 3 Apr 2012 07:39 
On Sinister Attraction:

Awakenings by Lady Anne
Summary: Buffy's parents are killed and she come to live with her uncle, Giles, who is a professor at UC-Sunnydale. There she meets the gang, Willow, Cordelia, Angel, Xander and William and they grow up together. To fulfill provisions in her parent's will, Buffy, accompanied by Willow, goes to England to finish high school and returns 3 years later to find what her future holds for her.

On Elysian Fields:

The Rescue of Mr. Gordo by Mrs Muir
AU-Buffys father skips town after the IRS seizes everything, leaving Buffy, her mother, and Dawn destitute....Her only remaining friend, Spike, helps her in a daring rescue of Mr. Gordo and Mr. Lido from their former home and helps Buffy to reveal the secrets of her heart.

On Spuffy Realm:

One Special Night by Katrina
Summary: AU: All Human. A heated encounter with cynical stranger, William Saunders, on a winter's night gives sensible, Elizabeth Summers a chance to act out of character and leaves her with memories she'll treasure forever. But then, he unexpectedly reappears in her life and wants to pick up where they left off

Author Linnae13
#12 | Posted: 3 Apr 2012 11:50 
shamelessly RECing my own fic, unfinished but I promise that I will not leave it that way. I just added a new chapter today actually.

Titled: "Opposites Attract"

Author Guest
#13 | Posted: 4 Apr 2012 00:59 
Somewhere I Belong by TammyAsh.

Fic Recs Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Fic Recs /
 Any fics where Spike is Buffy's first

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