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Buffy and Spike in a real relationship

Author rukbat3
#1 | Posted: 4 May 2011 00:17 
So many fics end right after Buffy and Spike resolve their differences and things are looking up for them, or, alternately, they just consist of a lot of shagging (not that I object to that), as though that were the only level on which they are capable of interacting.

I'm looking for fics in which Buffy and Spike have a real life relationship, in which they might (for example) have serious conversations or joke around and tease each other. They don't have to start out like that, just as long as they don't only arrive there in the last few chapters. I'm not looking for just fluff either! Real relationships can involve angst.

Fics that have an actual plot, separate from the relationship, would be appreciated, but are not necessarily required. Also, while I occasionally read all-human fics, for this request I would prefer fics that spring off from some point in the show.

Thanks so much for your help!

Author AMI

#2 | Posted: 4 May 2011 01:40 
I have to recommend the "Unexpected" series by Passion4Spike.
It's a series of stories that deal with everything in life(and I do mean everything) that could happen between Spuffy. Starts in S2 and goes into all the seasons. So far it's 12 stories and right now she's doing the 13th.

Here's the link...all the stories are listed in order. Work your way thru them, I promise you won't regret it.

Link...Unexpected Universe by Passion4Spike

Author Guest
#3 | Posted: 4 May 2011 03:12 
Spike's Will be Done by TalesofSpike at the Bloodshedverse

No Such Thing as Coincidencs by All4Spike at Spuffy Realm

They're both AU series branching off Season Six

Author Guest
#4 | Posted: 4 May 2011 06:52 
On this site you can find Running from the Inevitable by The Enemy of Reality. The summary is:-

With a tub of ice-cream in her lap, Buffy wallows in misery over Angel disappearing out of her life in a puff of overly dramatic smoke. Her life gets turned upside down when her hated enemy staggers drunk off his face to her front porch. Not only is he demanding her help, he is invading her personal space. She's had enough! Post-S3. Angel and Drusilla are a no show. Meanwhile Buffy and Spike embark on an adventure full of childish bickering, UST and reluctant camaraderie that will change what they thought were unshakable perceptions.

At Elysian Fields there's:-

The Chiaroscuro Series by Miss Murchison. The summary is:-

It's sometime after "As You Were" and "Hell's Bells." Buffy and Spike's relationship is apparently over. But the Slayer has been having strange dreams, and I'm a romantic, so things go AU immediately.

Whispers of Eternity by Ashlee. The summary is:-

Battling a demon on a routine patrol one night, Buffy is seriously injured. When Giles realizes the full extent of the damage, he knows there is only one person who can help her get back to the Slayer she used to be. (Season 5)

Into the Fire, Ashes to Ashes & Rising From the Flames, all by Gillian Silverlight. The last two be sequels to Into the Fire. The summary for Into the Fire is:-

Post 'Smashed' - Buffy searches for a reason for her attraction to Spike and why he feels she came back 'wrong' as well as the true origins of Slayers and Vampires. Little can any of them begin to imagine the truth.

And Here We Go Round Again by Megan. The summary is:-

Following on from the end of As You Were. Spike, devastated by Buffy's rejection, finds solace in a bottle shared with Anya and finds his unlife turned completely on its head. He finds that vengeance might not be for losers after all as he is thrust into the opportunity of a lifetime. But can he convince Buffy to take the risk?

Drawn to the Fire by BuffyXenaDQFan (and it's sequel Let it Burn). The summary for Drawn to the Fire is:-

After the events in "Chosen," Buffy and the gang go their separate ways in order to start building the Slayer army. When Buffy discovers that she's carrying Spike's child and a very heavy burden, she seeks out an old friend for help.

Dreams and Desotos by Bloodshedbaby. The summary is:-

An alternate end to Becoming where Spike and Buffy leave Sunnydale together and wind up in a small New England town where nobody knows their secret identities. But the past has a way of finding them when they least expect it.

So That's What This Is by dampersandspoons. The summary is:-

A redesigned season 6 of Buffy. What if she realized that coming back from heaven was more of a blessing than a curse? And what if Spike held the secrets to her happiness?

The Journey by Mary Anne Gruen. The summary is:-

AU taking place immediately after Wrecked, using spoilers. S&B and the rest of the S6 gang continue their journey toward growing up.

Change Partners and Dance by dreamweaver. The summary is:-

What if when Buffy first arrived in Sunnydale, instead of a souled Angel meaning to help her, she was faced with a soulless Spike, looking to cause trouble and kill his third Slayer?

Charms of the Clarion by Eurydice. The summary is:-

When the Council approaches Buffy with an offer she can't refuse, she finds herself in another world, with Spike as her necessary partner. Set early Season 5. - Complete

Hero's Reward by pfeifferpack. The summary is:-

Begins post AtS "Not Fade Away" and rapidly goes to S6. Given a chance to do things differently a hero finds that putting another first and ignoring his own desires can lead to his rewards beyond his hopes.

Not Beneath Me by Tasha. The summary is:-

Begins at the end of the episode "Fool For Love" (Season 5). What if Buffy hadn't kept completely silent when Spike sat down next to her? What if she had asked him to stay and opened up to him, even a little? How would that have changed the rest of Season 5?

At All About Spike there's Affinity By Ginmar. The summary is:-

May contain spoilers for 'Dead Things' and beyond; if you're under 17, definitely do not read this. Post-Doublemeat Palace, Rated NC-17, Spike/Buffy, 132759 words.

At Nocturnal Light there's:-

Avocation by Enigmaticblue, with it's two sequels, Under the Sun & An Unaccomplished Fate. The summary for Avocation is:-

The gypsies curse the wrong vampire, and by the time they rectify their mistake, Spike has been fundamentally altered. Nearly a century later, the Slayer needs help, and there's only one person qualified for the job. Of course, he's not real interested in taking it.

Collide by Enigmaticblue (and the sequel Brace Yourself). The summary for Collide is:-

What if that house-demolishing in Smashed was a metaphor with a different meaning than the writers gave it? What if that night marked a release of a different sort? Goes seriously AU immediately after Smashed.

Hoping's Very Fears by Enigmaticblue (and the sequel Sorrow's Own Joysþ). The summary for HVF is:-

Spike stops a warlock's spell, inadvertantly getting himself into deep trouble. Will Buffy be able to accept the changes in him? And what are they going to do about Glory?

At Bloodshedverse there's:-

In League With Serpents by weyrwolfen (and it's sequel Feathers & Forked Tongues). The summary for In League with Serpents is:-

When Spike wins something unexpected over a game of cards, he ends up with a most unlikely crypt-mate and a mission to help a newly resurrected Buffy. With an empathic serpent setting up shop in his head, a scheming warlock on his tail, and a bothersome change in his relationship with the Scoobies, Spike finds himself in the position to save the slayer he loves, the world, and maybe himself in the offing.

Victims Of Fate by ya_lublyu_tebya. The summary is:-

Goes AU after 'Becoming'. The soul-restoration spell has further-reaching consequences than anyone could have imagined, changing Buffy's life in a multitude of ways. And when her life begins to fall apart, she finds understanding in the last place she would have looked.

At Just Rewards there's:-

Things That Go Bump in the Night by Slaymesoftly (and the sequels A Bumpy Christmas & Sequelsþ). The summary for TTGBITN is:-

Set several years post NFA, Buffy is mourning for Spike and hasn't quite moved on with her life. Then she gets a call from Dawn who wants some protection from a ghost. A ghost who is haunting a home that was or is owned by a William Pratt...Is the ghost Spike? Why doesn't he recognize anybody? Why and how is he trapped in this house? And what will it mean for them if he is no longer trapped as a ghost?

His Tender Mercies by Enigmaticblue. The summary is:-

Wolfram & Hart make a slight error, and bring Drusilla back instead of Darla at the end of Ats S1. Drusilla heads straight to Sunnydale and Spike, and in the process throws a monkey wrench into Buffy's thinking. Oh, and Riley left after "Restless."

Of course there are many more great stories out there but I think I've provided you with enough to get by on for the moment!!

Hope you enjoy them!!

Author Melly
#5 | Posted: 4 May 2011 07:53 
All of Eurydice's fics are wonderful but this one is a particular favorite of mine.
Be sure to read her other fics posted on SA

Rhapsody in Oil by Eurydice

Summary: A mysterious painting, a Slayer looking for something just a little bit different from Sunnydale, and a horny vampire...what could possibly go wrong? Set Season 4 between Something Blue and Hush. .

Author Guest
#6 | Posted: 4 May 2011 07:56 
I highly recommend "Sideways" by Golden Usagi.

Author drknit
#7 | Posted: 4 May 2011 08:43 
Herself's "Bittersweets" saga has a lot of real-life, a lot of angst, a lot of shagging.

Author drknit
#8 | Posted: 4 May 2011 12:48 
Gabrielleabelle has a new fic for Seasonal Spuffy that might be just what you're looking for:


Summary: Detailing one day in the life of our couple. We've seen them in battle, and we've seen them in bed (or, well, missing the bed). Now we get to see them in the happily ever after as they contend with flooded apartments, grocery shopping, and nosy teenage Slayers.

Author RRaineTerra
#9 | Posted: 4 May 2011 19:22 
Also look at
Fix You by Enigmaticblue, over at nocturnal-light
Summary: Desperate times call for desperate measures where the First is involved. In order to prevent the end of the world, Buffy asks Willow to do a spell that's supposed to fix everything, and Spike goes along for the ride.

Fixing the Factors by Immortally Spuffy, at EF
Set during The Yoko Factor, something has happened to make Buffy and Spike repeat the same day over and over.

Author rukbat3
#10 | Posted: 5 May 2011 00:01 
Wow, thanks for all of these great recs! I have read a couple of them already, and Fix You is one of my favorite Spuffy fics ever. All of the others sound really interesting, and I can't wait to get started!

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 Buffy and Spike in a real relationship

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