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Post NFA Buffy is martial arts instructor

Author Guest
#1 | Posted: 7 May 2011 02:36 
Hi everyone! I'm looking for a fic (I think I read it on livejournal) where Spike goes to see Buffy and she's "happily" with a normal guy. I remember Spike had enhanced powers: new bumpyless fangs, could be seen in mirrors, calmed Willow when she starts going magic crazy. Oh! Also, Buffy has a cat she named "William." Is this ringing any fic bells?

Thanks for your help!!!

Author 0hallie0
#2 | Posted: 7 May 2011 05:15 
Does this help?

Author keeper
#3 | Posted: 7 May 2011 15:02 
Sounds like a fic I was reading at Elysian Fields, new author. Buffy was engaged to some older bloke called Tom. He was a bit boring. Spike turns up with enhanced powers. There's some reference to the Goddess moon. Also some creature that Spike lets feed off him. There's a childe of Drusilla's a turned witch I think. She may also be blind, she's after young Slayers to restore her to power. She has a human minion, really creepy guy, who likes collecting dolls. There were also some original characters, friends of Buffy's who run the martial arts school with her. I can't remember what its called either, but it was good. There was one scene where Willow got stuck in the same bed as them while they were making out. I'd love to read the rest, just never noted the title.

Author Guest
#4 | Posted: 7 May 2011 22:01 
0hallie0, that was it thanks!!! And other person who enjoyed this, it's called None Other Than You and the link above will take to you a thread with a link for the story in case you wanted to read it again.


Author Guest
#5 | Posted: 8 May 2011 16:49 
So does anyone have actual text? Cause links dosnt work for me.

thanks ahead

Author drknit
#6 | Posted: 8 May 2011 17:09 
The author's fics are on the "do not exchange" list, unfortunately.

See Pari's forum entry here.

Author Guest
#7 | Posted: 8 May 2011 17:22 
I do know the rules, drknit. We are allowed to exchange them off-forum. And someone mentioned Cordikitten having it for re-post so author not totaly against idea of fic being on-line.


Author Sotia
#8 | Posted: 9 May 2011 03:39 
Or you could add author on your flist on LJ and read the whole thing without disrespecting their wishes.

Edited to add that according to Pari: "This author has asked that no one shares their fics."

That means in general, not just on this forum.

Author nonothrthnme
#9 | Posted: 11 May 2011 21:54 
Hey all, Tibi here. Yes, that Tibi, the one with the new name. Okay.. so, now I have changed my name on the Spuffy Realm as well, so it will all make sense now right? That this is now me, and that I want my fic locked up?
That I wanted my fic locked up for a few reasons? That seems sensible to me. For a more thorough whatsis on my deal - mebbe - please go to this thread g9118 and find the necessary linkage. And as I say there, I may upload NOTY back up onto SR - in fact I would really like to, because I like this site - but I have constraints upon me that have to do with my rl right now.
Le sigh

And no Carrot, I don't mind having my fic online at all, I very much like to share. I just feel the need to know where and who in a fashion - and this includes all my fic, past present and upcoming NOTY II. Most disturbingly I have found out that an older piece of my fic has apparently made it out there with a different name on it - not Tibi related at all,and that really bothers me . a lot.
That said, I will reiterate that I friend freely... and I will likely find more space for compromise and possibly repost, if Pari doesn't mind, and once her life is no longer topsy turvy I will consult with her.


PS. everybody send even more hugs to Pari, cuz... yeah. And also to Sotia, cuz she rocks! *hearts u*

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 Post NFA Buffy is martial arts instructor

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