dusty27309/07/2006 - 01:15 am13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
Oh God, oh God, oh, God! I hope Lorne manages to talk to Spike before anything happens. I'm biting my nails as I'll not so patiently wait for whatever will happen next. Wonderful chapter, and this has to be one of the evillest cliffhangers I've read. Well done, cariño! More, please? *whimpers*

Author's Response: LOL, I had to do the cliffie thing, it was time for a clencher. I'll be doing my best with 14, but it has to be written just right so its sure to get the reaction I'm going for. THanks for the review sweety.

akarinacj09/06/2006 - 10:49 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
Ok..I´ll try to have a little faith in you.... But I think i will wait to see what next chapter comes with before I make any of the commentts I want to make... Please update soon. I can hardly wait.

Author's Response: Please do sweety, and I know it's hard to see Spike so close to doing Harmony - I nearly puked having to write myself, believe me. Thanks so much for the review and I'll do my best to post asap as soon as I'm finished.

Nina09/06/2006 - 10:33 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
Okay, so work stopped. I shut the door to my office and put on my best "working hard don't bother me look." YAY! Another update!

I am running out of good review material...any more awesome chapters and I will be reduced to posting "buh buh buh buh." They just make my heart sing. This has been such fun from the beginning and even though the two of them pining for one another is *killing* me, the buildup is so delish. Faith? Pshhh...you had me at Man-Ho. Hahah! I slay me.

And ewwwwww Harmony? Pleah, Grr. Shudders. I hope Spike gets out in time - straight to BUFFY. Who called! And set up another date! OMG....I can't wait...bouncy bouncy bouncy....

I am having the best time reading this and I can't WAIT for another update. Luckily, I won't have to wait long...right? *bats eyelashes*


Author's Response: LMAF, you're too funny - working hard don't bother me look. Glad did and came to review. Your so funny, buh buh buh reviews, but hey I'll take those too. O.M.G., I'm answering this review as I read each line. I about fell out of my damn chair here roaring with laughter........... Faith? Pshhh...you had me at Man-Ho. Hahah! I slay me. I often use that line around my friends... I slay me. Your a girl with my kind a humor, I like that. Oh yes, they're going to have another 'play' date alright, and I'll do my best to get 14 posted asap, but of course I want it juuuuuuust right before I do. Thanks for such a truly funny and wonderful review.

secretguest09/06/2006 - 10:26 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
Would it really be a bad thing if Spike and Buffy got together? I hope not. I wonder how their next meeting will go. How long until Spike has enough money to quit? I can't wait for Buffy to break up with Riley! Update soon please!

Author's Response: Oh, of course not, but I'm not ready for it to happen just yet, plus a little drama never hurt, it adds a little spice, kicks it up a bit. It actually isn't that long till Spike can quit, but it's not so close, either, that it's feasable to do so. Thanks for the awesome review hon, and oh, I have something planned for Riley.

kim09/06/2006 - 10:25 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
Oooo, Harmony's not going to be happy with that interruption....but it's oh so necessary.

Author's Response: LOL, you know it girl, thanks for the review.

Platypus09/06/2006 - 09:59 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
Damn, why are Buffy and Spike (ok NORMALLY just Buffy, but I digress-plus makes me love this story just a little bit more) always so deep in denial? They need a good wake up slap. Anyways I love watching this story unfold. And it is a slow torture waiting for the next chp.

Author's Response: Ah yes denial, well, their arrangement didn't turn out as expected and as such, yes, a good slap is in order, lol. I'll do my best to post soon sweety, thanks so much for the review.

PhotographyNut09/06/2006 - 09:56 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
Hate to say this but Spike is a fool if he thinks he can forget Buffy that easily. No matter what he thinks deep down he isn't a prostitute. As for Buffy one more go isn't going to help her sleep better! Great chapter! Absolutely loved it!

Author's Response: Thanks for the review hon, and of course you're right, Spike was never a thinker - but poor William was depressed and open to suggestion. As for Buffy, well, you know her, out to prove something to herself.

Spike's Mrs09/06/2006 - 09:29 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
I have faith but I need them to get back to gether again please....... I'll beg I'm not bellow lowering my self in the name of good writing and plots ...

Author's Response: Oh honey, don't worry it's spuffy all the way - just got a throw in enough to mix up the pot. LOL, begging, oh no, don't do that, I feel awful I did what I did already - but it is in the name of plot. Thanks so much for the review, take care.

cordykitten09/06/2006 - 09:28 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
Love your chapter title :)
Wow.. Spike left her some really lively dreams there *g* ~ And Spike is suffering too.. though after drowning some Jack he thinks the solution to his problem is Harmony. We'll see. ~ Let me guess.. is Buffy giving in to her dreams now? Yes she is. And I hope it won't work lol. ~ I'm glad that Lorne decided to act. Because Spike/Harmony? *shudder*. Now I hope too it won't be too late. Till the next chapter, hopefully soon. And regarding your A/N I don't have to worry, huh? *crosses fingers*

Author's Response: Heehee, well Harmony's not the solution so much as just shagging her. Oh yes, major gag factor spike/other. Nope, no worries sweety, you know me better than that, lol. Thanks for the lovely review.

Dolau09/06/2006 - 09:16 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
Haven't lost my faith in you :-) And thank you for clearing that thing with the Ivanhoe not beeing from the book.. Saves me lot of wondering in plotlines... :-)

Loved this chapter b/c it gives me a look into their inner sanctum. Their fears and their mindsets.. And poor Harmony.. Just not the right tone.. Kinda tonedeaf.. Having a hard time seeing Lorne beeing able to call in time, since he's that close to *fuck out that brain, that she doesn't have"... and what reaction it will get, if Spike answers a phonecall at that moment.. :-)

So many things about to happen, really looking forward to read it all... The angst, the fun, the smut and whatever you throw at me... I'm reading

Author's Response: LOL, fuck out the brain she doesn't have - too funny girl. Thanks for the wonderful review and for having faith in me sweety.

Iza09/06/2006 - 08:52 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
You like to torture us, don't you ? Of course, we have faith in you, but really, this is a hell of a cliffhanger ! I want to scream at my computer cause I need to know what comes next...
Thanks for the quick update.

Author's Response: LOL, no, not into torturing, but yes I had to do the cliffie, otherwise it would have been a really long chapter. Thanks for the review hon, I'll get back to work on 14.

Bloodplay09/06/2006 - 08:46 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
PLEASE update soon! I'm panicing her!

Author's Response: I'll do my best sweety, as long as the muse cooperates. Thanks for the review.

harpygoddess09/06/2006 - 08:07 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
LOL - Thanks for the note at the end about trusting you, because I didn't want to spend the time until your next update worrying about what Spike would do with Harmony!

Author's Response: Your welcome, I can evil it's true, but in the end it's spuffy. Thanks so much sweety and hold on tight, I'm doing my best on chapter 14 - has to written carefullly.

Suzee09/06/2006 - 07:46 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
Absolutely great as this fic has been already...now I really really, really want some updates now that you're getting to plot--well that and how you left it with the Spike/Lorne/Harmony deal :P And congratulations on the nominations, I remember how much fun those can be--especially the ones in the beginning :-D Of course you deserve them though..it's a wonderful story..and think if I suck up enough i could convince you that updating sometime before/during the weekend would be a good idea? Maybe I should stop telling other people that I'd like them to update and go finish a fic of my own so that I can update ;) (make it not so one sided and all)

Author's Response: Hi sweety. Yeah, I'm blushing like a virgin over the award thing - not in a million years did i expect that. I felt it was time for a cliffie, keep my readers with me. Gotta get peole riled up a little - you know what I mean. I do hope to update soon, but this next chapter has to be juuuuust right. Let's hope the muse makes an appearnece soon, he's a tad tired lately. Thank you sweety for such a nice review and all your wonderful compliments... I'm truly humbled.

effection09/06/2006 - 07:16 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
Hm. It's funny. Most of time, when fics have Spike with Dru or Harmony, I get insanely frustrated and annoyed at him. But the way you wrote it... you really kinda made it feel like business. A pure gigolo/escort get down to the job kinda scene. So the Spike/other wasn't really that bad at all.

Great story, update soon!

Author's Response: That's wonderful, I was hoping I wouldn't piss people off with this chapter - cuz hey, Harmony??? PUKE! Oh yes, you are so on the money, this was business only with Harm, even if it helped him personally. Thanks so much for the great review.

Kimmie09/06/2006 - 07:13 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
Holy Update Batman!!!!! YOU ROCK SISTER!!!

Eeeexcellllent choice of Spikes next customer ... knowing that pretty much everyone in Spuffyville is driven bonkers by Harmful. And the purple frilly teddy so typically tacky Harmony. (sorry if any one out there owns one but we know that Harmony's was really over the top) Her being so contrived and doing the seductress thing YYYEEEEEELLLCH
And of course he'd have to be loaded on Jacky D to actually go through with that evening (not to mention wipe away his pain). Gotta tell you T ... he's breakin' my heart.

Then there's Buffy doing her obligatory "Cleopatra/Queen of D'nile" thing telling herself that the next encounter will show itself as strictly business.
I know that eventually she'll realize that he is one in a million and her soul mate AND I know that we have a long way to go before that ... hey, it's gonna be a fun ride and I trust you to make it exciting along the way.

Thanks for the rapid update ... you are THE BEST!!

Author's Response: LMAO, I always loooooooove your reviews, they always make my day, hell, my week. Yup, I just needed a typical bimbo, and who better than Harmful? Did you feel like puking when she was in seductive mode??? Imagine me trying to write it - with a ralph bucket next to me, lol. OMG, LMAO then LMFAO some more..... your comment: "Cleopatra/Queen of D'nile", your too funny.... you should write a comedy fic, I'm serious, I'd be the first to promote it. Yup we've a bit of bumpy ride, but it will make the destination more beautiful, glad you enjoyed this chappy so much. I thought I was going to be drawn and quartered here. Thanks for the truly oustnading review, *hugs*, Tina

demona42409/06/2006 - 07:06 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, I just had to get that out. I could barely read the sections with Harmony and it actually made me a little ill. I think it was not because it was with Harmony, but because you know it was the worst possible decision he could make for himself. This was a brilliant chapter. I loved how it was sectionalized and you got a bit of both worlds. Please update soon!

Author's Response: LOL, sorry, I shouldn't laugh really. But alas I needed it to happen, and naturally Spike is not the 'thinker' between the two (spike/william) and William is a little vulnerable and down at the moment. I'll do my best to get 14 out soon, I promise, and I'm glad you liked the sectioning, it was a bit tough for me. Thanks for such a great review sweety.

Heidi09/06/2006 - 06:54 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
Oh... angst...
But I trust you with this. :)
I'm sure you do everything in this story because it's necessary for the plot.
Lovely chapter!!

Author's Response: Thank you so much, and yes, it's all for a reason, plus it had to start sometime right?

Sara M.09/06/2006 - 06:48 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
Your writing it how can we not have faith in you?!? Spike is such a guy, cause you know "fucking" another person, makes all thought of the one you want to leave. Buffy wants to see Spike so that she can get him out of her head... thats so going to work. Phss, right. Thanks for the chapter!

Author's Response: Heeheehee, I loved your review, it made me giggle. Oh yes, but even the best laid plans often backfire right? Yup, Spike's not the thinker, William is, but William isn't thinking straight lately - his brain's too Bufffy-addled lately. And of course the same goes for Buffy as well. Thanks for the cute review, I loved it.

Jenn09/06/2006 - 06:40 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
Ok, putting my faith in you.......LOVE this story please make the characters happy!

Author's Response: Oh, I promise there will be many nice and happy chapters, just got my hands dirty here for a bit. Thanks for the lovely review, and for keeping your faith in me, what goes down must come up righ?

SBLuver09/06/2006 - 06:35 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
Great chapter! I do trust you. This story is too good not to. Can't wait to see how Spike reacts to finding out about Buffy!

Author's Response: Thank you, thank you, thank you..... for the review and the vote of confidence. Angst is never easy to read, but is often necessary.

Angi09/06/2006 - 06:20 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
Ugh, I so could have done without that. Please don´t be anymore graphic with that Harmony-scene and I´ll press all my thumbs that Lorne calls in time. Yikes.

Author's Response: LOL, sorry, had to be cruel so I can be kind later. I never much cared for graphic spike/other either, but it's a necessary evil unfortunetely. Thanks for the review sweety.

gotkona09/06/2006 - 06:10 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous

Very interesting. can''t wait to see what happens next.

Author's Response: Thanks sweety. I sent you an email just a few minutes ago. Hopefully I won't be crucified for this chapter, lol.

jeanie09/06/2006 - 06:03 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
lorne playing matchmaker. good, hope it works out. great update as usual. poor buffy can't sleep, wish i had her problem.

Author's Response: Well, yes he did play matchmaker, but he's not all-seeing either. He's trying his best to do what he feels necessary, and hope it works out the way he first perceived it would - that meaning he can't predict how people will act. Thanks for the hon, talk to you soon.

Crystal Pegasus09/06/2006 - 05:59 pm13: Out of Sight, Yet in My MindAnonymous
Yikes! Poor Spike to saddled with Harm in any capacity. I knew there was more to Lorne than just a pimp and business owner. I know there will be lots and lots of non spuffy angst ahead, but such is the plot of a tale worth reading. More please.

Author's Response: Glad you like Lorne, I felt it was time to get to know him a little better. Oh yes, it was time for the angst to start, but indeed it will make for an interesting read, at least I hope you like what I have planned. Thanks for the great review sweety.

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