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12/08/23 10:15 pm
Thank you nmcil :)
12/03/23 05:03 am
Congratulations and Thank You for all the years of your wonderful site.
10/26/23 05:23 pm
Also, the search link is in the menu on other Skins. I will add it to this one ASAP
10/26/23 05:12 pm
Can add /search.php to url. I will add it to menu as soon as I can


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Author's Corner

Do Right By Me by Brat

This Has been viewed 4596 times

Chapter Notes: thank you everyone! :) probably one chapter more after this. . .
beautiful banner by noaluvjames!

Chapter forty two

Carting her into the bedroom, William tossed Buffy playfully onto his bed. She giggled with delight and maneuvered herself back against the pillows, kicking off her shoes and socks along the way. Watching and waiting for him while propped up on her elbows, she grinned at him and bit her bottom lip as he whipped off his tank top and sent it sailing across the room.

Bending one knee on the bed, William started his prowl to her, crawling like a sleek cat to her causing Buffy's panties to become undeniably wet watching him. When he was within arms reach she reached out to him and pulled him in, wanting to feel him on her, having missed the sensation of having his weight resting on her. She kissed him deeply and wasn't sure who moaned into the kiss, but didn't care either. Starting at the curve of his back, she glided the tips of her fingers up his back, feeling the muscles under his skin ripple.

"Mmmm. . .I love you," she murmured into his mouth, feeling his hot breath against her mouth.

He grinned, "I'll never tire of hearing that."

She grinned, "You might. I might have to say it a lot."

"Please do."

"And then you have to say it back."

"I love you, Buffy."

"Mmmm . . . I won't ever tire of hearing that."

He chuckled and started nuzzling her neck, causing a shiver to run through her and her nipples hardened instantly. He caressed her side with his hand and inched up until he was covering her clothed breast in his hand. She arched into him, wanting the clothing off and wanting to feel his skin on hers.

"Kitten want something?" he teased, nibbling on her shoulder.

"Yes, you," she told him. She reached down, tugging off her gauzy flowered shirt. "Want to feel you," she pouted slightly.

He reared up, eyes hotly on her, and helped her when she sat up slightly to take the offending garment off until she just had on her cream laced bra. She started to reach behind her to unhook it and he stopped her, swatting her hands away lightly.

"I want to," he said hoarsely. "Missed you. Missed unwrapping you for my eyes and my eyes alone."

She nodded and swallowed as he skimmed his hands across her belly and on the undersides of her bra to the back where he unhooked it with nimble fingers. Her breast sprang free as the bra loosened and he slid his hand over her shoulders releasing the straps.

When the bra was gone, he stared at her breasts and lunged at her, pressing her back to the bed and laving one nipple with his tongue while palming the other and then repeating the same action for her other breast. Her nipples were hard and each time his roughened tongue went across her nipple, she felt her pussy clench. She moaned and slithered a hand between them, wanting to feel his hardness in her palm.

Spreading her legs wider, he rocked himself into her, and hit her clit in just the right spot, sending sparks of pleasure rocketing through her.

"What do you need, luv?" he asked.

"I need to feel you . . . more of you," she told him and slid her hand inside his sweat pants and watched in fascination as his eyes shut in rapture at the feel of her hand gliding down, down - there it was! She could feel the pearl of moisture that had gathered right on the tip and she swirled the head with it before fisting her hand down his shaft.

"Ahhh. . . Buffy," he moaned and gasped at the same time.

"Will, please. . . "

His eyes flew open. "Please what, baby?"

"I want you in me. I want you inside me, please." She was damn near begging but blast if she cared.

"Wanted to take it slow," he murmured, "Savor it."

"We have our whole lives to savor it, I want you now," she said urgently.

He beamed at her, "Our whole lives eh?"

She nodded, taking her hand off his cock and pushing his sweats down, "Yep, our whole lives."

"Pet, let me help," he said and shucked off his sweats and she shucked off her pants. He stilled her hands once more.

Lying back, she watched him, quivering as he 'unwrapped' her once more. When her panties were off, his mouth was on her pleasure center humming with delight as he sucked up her juices. So aroused was she for him that it wasn't long before he sent her careening into an orgasm which he greedily suckled up.

"Now, Will, please," she begged breathlessly, reaching down and tugging on him.

Wiping his mouth on the inside of her thigh, he prowled up her once more, grinning. When she felt his cock touch her slit she lifted her hips, aching to receive him.

He slid his length up and down her slit, teasing her and gathering up moisture on his cock. His hands were on either side of her head and his arms were extended as he hovered over her, grinning, knowing he was teasing her.

"Need something pet?"

She tried to glare at him in her haze of want, "If you don't give it to me, then you're not getting it either. Get in me."

"I love it when you're bossy," he said huskily and positioned himself at her entrance and lunged forward, giving a moan of completed satisfaction. "Fuck, you feel so . . . perfect."

"Mmm..." she moaned and reached for him, wanting his body on hers. She kissed him hungrily, sucking his tongue into her mouth as he started to move faster and harder. She met his every thrust, every parry, needing the release and the feel of him, the glide and stroke of every move. She felt, in a word, complete.

"I love you," she said breathlessly.

"I love you," he replied just as breathlessly and his pace quickened. "God, pet, I'm not going to last long. Been too long without you and. . . . .argh. . . you feel so good."

She nodded, dotting his face with kisses as he strained to hold back. "Yes, yes, yes,” she breathed, and wrapped her legs around his waist, pushing him deeper inside her. “More, more, more. . . “

“Such an insatiable little girl,” he rumbled deeply.

“Only for you,” she told him, and brought him down closer so she could bite his ear and whisper into it. “I love you,” she whispered and he started going faster. “I love you,” she said again. She was so close, just . . .

“WILLIAM!” She screamed, coming all around him and then he was roaring her name through the blood rushing in her ears.

He collapsed against her, panting into her neck and she could feel his heart racing against her and she shifted so that their hearts were together, beating together.

Then she burst into tears.

He moved his head up, still in a haze and pushed some damp hair from her face and wiped her tears with his fingertips. “Baby? What’s this about?”

“I wasted so much time,” she wailed and buried her face in his shoulder.


“I’m sorry I put you through all that,” she whimpered.

“Buffy, baby, look at me, luv.”

She moved her head back to gaze up at him.

He wiped away her tears and smiled gently at her, “Buffy, I’m not mad or upset with you at all.”

“Yeah, not now.”

He laughed and rolled them to their sides, keeping himself inside her. “Baby, I knew you’d come back. I knew it that day in your office when we talked about it all. That’s why I said I trusted you, I knew you’d come back.”

“I know, but,” she wiped at her eyes,” I still feel bad.”

“Don’t,” he said firmly. “Don’t. I don’t want you feeling guilty and feeling like you have to make anything up to me. We’re together now and we go forward now.”

She nodded, wiping the last of her tears away, “Jump together?”

He smiled, “Exactly.” He rolled onto his back, taking her with him and placed her on top of him. “Now why don’t you jump up on here and . . . ?” he said, leering at her.

Buffy burst into giggles and collapsed against him.


Later, they lay entwined on his bed, his head pillowed on her breast with his arms wrapped around her. Buffy was playing with his hair, twirling the spiky and curly locks in her fingers, marveling at how soft it was after bleaching.

“Did it hurt?” she asked.

“The bleaching?” he asked, stroking her soft skin gently.


“Little bit. I used Sweet N’ Low. Trick I learned to make it not hurt so much.”

“Hmm, interesting. I like it.”


“Yes, really. You didn’t have to do it for me.”

“Well, truthfully, I did it in part for you,” he admitted sheepishly.


“It’s kind of symbolic for me actually.”


“That day we were in your office talking and I told you the break up was staying on until I had all of you? I got my rocks back that day.”

“Got your rocks back?”

“Yeah, I felt so confident that I was doing the right thing and that you would come back to me, that I felt …”

“Like the king of the world?”

He chuckled, causing her breasts to shiver under him. He was mesmerized by that for a moment and she poked him to keep talking.

“Yes,” he continued “I felt sure. Certain. When I changed and rebelled when I was younger, I became my own person, independent from my father. I found my own path. A rebirth of sorts. So bleaching my hair back to this represents that for me. And now,” he peered up at her, “here you are.”

She smiled and caressed the side of his face, “I did notice a change in you that day. You were flirting with me and we were supposed to have broken up.”

He grinned. “Well, haven’t you been noticing over the past few weeks that it hasn’t been a typical break up?”

She nodded, “Yes, we were . . . dating.” She laughed airily. “Sneaky devil.”

He nodded, “Exactly. It was all part of my plan to get you back and make you see what we had.”

“I feel like I got my rocks back too,” she said softy.

“You did. You’ve become so much more confident in yourself, Buffy. You’re confident in you; in us . . . you’ve got your rocks back.”

“Should I color my hair too?”

He shook his head, “No, I happen to love these goldilocks,” he said huskily and reached out, twirling a strand around his fingers.

She smiled tenderly at him. “You know when I think I knew?”


“When we were up talking that one night and you told me stories about you when you were younger. Thinking back, I think I fell before then, but that was when it was done deal.”

“You know when I knew?”


“When I went out with Darla.”

She laughed, “That bimbo from the coffee shop?”

He nodded, “I was trying so hard to not fall under and I was out with her and all I could think of was you, and how I didn’t ever want to go out with another bird, ever, unless it was you.”

“Oh Spike,” she murmured, her eyes twinkling, “I love you.”

“I love you too Buffy,” he said, smiling, his eyes twinkling back.

“Snuggle with me,” she ordered and brought him down next to her, wrapping herself around him, pressing a kiss to his bare chest.

“Do your parents know where you are?”

“No, I never bothered to call. I’m supposed to be out with Willow, Anya and Faith.”

“Ugh, Faith.”

“Tell me about it.”

“I really don’t like her.”

“Well,” Buffy started thoughtfully, looking up at him, “She’s not that bad. I actually feel sorry for her.”

“How so?”

“Because she hasn’t figured out how to get her rocks back yet. She’s a lost little girl. She’s in misery and she doesn’t yet realize she doesn’t have to stay there. She was hurt badly and I think used terribly by someone that wasn’t as invested in their relationship as she was and believed them to be. She’s bitter because of it, but only because she’s hurting.”

He regarded her contemplatively, “Maybe psych is your calling if you’re not sure about law?”

“I’m thinking criminal psychology.”

“Oh God,” he groaned.


“Now I’m gonna have to worry—“

She chuckled, “Not just yet.”

“So, do your friends still hate me?”

She gave him a funny look. “Hate you? They don’t even know you.”

“I know.”

“Will, does it bother you that you never met them? I mean, really met them?”

He shrugged, “Maybe a little. Since they are who you spend your time with when you’re not with me.”

“Honey, I never thought of it that way. I wasn’t hiding you or anything. I didn’t know them all that well before because I was with you all the time. I never thought of it that way.”

“I like the red head.”


“Yeah, she seemed all right. And Anya.”

“Then we’ll all go out and you can meet them all proper like,” she smiled. “Sides, I want to show off my hot boyfriend.”

He grinned rakishly, “Hot huh?”

She rolled her eyes, “You know you are.”

“Still nice to hear it once in a while; especially since you’re a Goddess.”

“I wouldn’t go that far.”

“I would,” he murmured and leaned in, nuzzling her neck. “I would.”

She rolled to her back and pulled him on top of her, “Then you’re my God. And as my God, I want you to make love with your Goddess.”

He smiled, “Happily.”
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