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12/08/23 10:15 pm
Thank you nmcil :)
12/03/23 05:03 am
Congratulations and Thank You for all the years of your wonderful site.
10/26/23 05:23 pm
Also, the search link is in the menu on other Skins. I will add it to this one ASAP
10/26/23 05:12 pm
Can add /search.php to url. I will add it to menu as soon as I can


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Author's Corner

I'm With You by wolffan200

This Has been viewed 3146 times

Chapter Notes: Another day another two updates. Here's chapter 15.
Chapter 15

Buffy froze and looked over at the bushes Spike had been staring at. She couldn’t see, hear or feel anything. She looked back at Spike who was still staring fixedly at the same spot, jaw clenched.

“What?” she croaked panicked.

Who could be following them? Was it the Watchers? Had they seen her and Spike together? This was really bad.


He didn’t answer, his attention fully focused in the direction of the bushes. Buffy reached out a hand to try and break him out of his trance but he suddenly took off with a snarl, running with vampire speed toward his quarry.

“Spike!” Buffy called, taking off after him.

Spike dived over the bushes into the neighbour’s yard and Buffy heard a thud followed by a surprised yell and a growl. She leaped into the next door yard and was met with the sight of Spike standing up, hauling one of Glory’s lacky’s to his feet and pinning his arms behind him.

“Lookie, lookie what I found. Anyone you know Slayer?”

Buffy stared coldly at the nasty looking hobgoblin in front of her, whimpering in pain as Spike tightened his grip on the minion’s arms, crushing them painfully against his back.

“Yeah. He’s one of Glory’s pets. What are you doing following me? How long has this been going on? No, you know what? I think we should take this somewhere more private, where you can give us some answers.”

The minion hissed as Spike shoved him forward a step, before smiling stupidly up at Buffy.

“You have my mistress’ key. It is only natural she sent me to follow you in search of it. We can avoid any unpleasantness and you will not have to fear being followed if you return it to her.”

“Pfft, yeah, I don’t think so. There’s going to be quite a bit of unpleasantness unless you cooperate and answer my questions.”

“Where d’you fancy takin’ this Slayer? My crypt?”

“It certainly sets the mood, but…I should probably call Giles and have him join us. He might prefer his place or the shop.”

“Think that’s wise pet?”

Buffy furrowed her brow in confusion, cocking her head to the side.

“What d’ya mean?”

Spike swallowed back a smile. She was just so bloody adorable when she did that. Like a bewildered puppy.

“Well we want to make scabby here talk yeah? Don’ need the Ripper to do that with me around an’ you never know exactly what info he might give up.”

Buffy still looked puzzled. Spike sighed and raised an eyebrow at her expectantly. The minion was glancing back and forth, confused himself, although he couldn’t really see Spike behind him.

Buffy thought about what Spike meant when it suddenly hit her.

Oh! The hobbit with leprosy might tell Giles about us. I’m not ready for him to know about that. That would be bad. I’m such an idiot sometimes.

Spike couldn’t help his lip twitching in a smile when he saw the penny drop.

“Good point. Okay your crypt it is and you’re right, there’s no need for Giles to get involved. After all, a Slayer and a vampire? Should be no problem beating the info out of him.”

The minion wriggled and squirmed as Spike began leading him away, Buffy following, arms crossed. She heard a door open and turned around to see a sleepy-eyed Dawn peeping around the front door.


“Dawn! Get inside, now.”

Their hostage squirmed around, attempting to look behind him but a snarl followed by a sharp twist of the arm from Spike kept him moving.

“What’s going on?”

“Dawn go back to bed. I’m handling it. I’ll be home later than usual. I have some questions to ask our new friend here. I’ll see you in the morning okay.”

Dawn rubbed her eyes and with another look from Buffy, nodded and shut the door. Buffy waited a minute before following Spike off into the night.

Unbeknownst to the two blondes, there was more than one observer watching them. Hidden away in an ordinary garden ornament was a camera, one that had taken in the entire scene from their arrival outside Buffy’s home until they had left with one of Glory’s worshippers.


The tall man’s hands clenched as he watched the scene play out on the monitor. It took every ounce of self control he had not to punch the offending piece of equipment that had forever burned the image of Buffy and that thing into his brain.

He barely noticed as one of his men stepped forward cautiously to stand beside him.

“Sir? What are your orders? Do we attack?”

Pulling his eyes away from the screen as the petite blonde moved out of sight of the camera he turned to face the junior officer who had addressed him.

“Not yet. I want to plan this out properly. That hostile is craftier than it looks, and it has a Slayer protecting it. No mistakes this time. When we attack, we aim to kill. I want him eliminated, understood?”

The officer straightened up, saluting the taller man who scared him with the coldness of his eyes.

“Sir, yes, sir! Target is to be destroyed sir!”

“Good, now get back to work.”

The officer hurried away, glad to be away from his commander’s presence. All the men knew that this was no ordinary mission. This was a personal vendetta against the only hostile to ever escape and evade recapture from the Initiative, and if the rumours were true, had a lot to do with why their commander was here in Sunnydale tracking the Slayer instead of deep in the jungle on the top priority mission his former unit was on. The whole situation unnerved him, and he just hoped that once they took care of Hostile 17, things would get back on track, but he very much doubted it.

Glancing back at the monitor that was now fixed on the quiet front yard of the house on Revello Drive, Riley fought back the urge to vomit. He knew. He just couldn’t believe that she would actually…

He snarled and stalked off to his private quarters. He needed to get away and compose himself out of sight of the others. They looked at him suspiciously lately. Of course they wouldn’t question his actions as their commander but rumours were circulating about him and he had to be careful, especially since those rumours were true.

Once alone, he headed to the bathroom and leaned over the sink, splashing water on his face and trying to compose himself. He noticed that his hands were shaking and he clutched the cool enamel of the basin tightly. He stared up at his reflection in the mirror.

Riley was pale, his eyes were bloodshot from hours staring at the various monitors in the base and lack of sleep. He hadn’t been to the vampires in a couple of days and withdrawal was setting in. He would have to go tonight. He’d lost so much blood and too many eyes were on him lately for him to risk it but he needed to go tonight.

It’s all that bitch’s fault. I only started going there because of her. Now look at me. She’s destroyed me!

Riley smashed the mirror with a growl and then laughed insanely as his hand began to bleed. He had to save that for them, he couldn’t afford to waste it like that. He opened the medicine cabinet and began to bandage it as best he could.

When Riley had left the Summers house that evening he’d headed straight for the seemingly abandoned building which occupied a large nest of vamps who fed off humans who were willingly letting themselves be bitten. He’d stumbled upon it after allowing a vamp to live after she’d bitten him outside Willy’s one night. She told him to come by if he wanted to be fed on again so he decided to check it out. At first he was disgusted at the sight, but he was weak. He had to know what it felt like, had to know what she saw in them, and it was thrilling. He felt so needed, he was their life source. He’d become an addict to the point that he was now physically quite drained, yet he couldn’t wait more than a few days to allow his blood to build up before going back. The shaking and trembling would become too obvious, and his need outweighed his willpower.

He hadn’t been lying about taking up his former unit on their offer to return to the military. They’d given him a choice. He could travel into the depths of the jungle with them to the heart of the mission, or he could head the team in Sunnydale observing the Hellmouth and killing the dangerous hostiles. There was no contest between which was the better offer and they’d only given him a choice because they knew he wanted to be with the Slayer. Of course they were hoping he’d decide he was better than her whipping boy but he’d chosen Sunnydale. Graham had tried to convince him otherwise but Riley had made his mind up, he was staying, just not for the reason they thought.

He’d already broken up with Buffy when he accepted their offer. He was staying because he had to know. He hated that he’d listened to Spike, that the annoying, peroxided menace had gotten to him like that but he had. With every comment he made, every niggling doubt in Riley’s mind grew until all he could see was how much Buffy didn’t love him. The way she looked at Spike made him envious, he never thought for a second she would actually consider the irritating Brit for a partner but there was always such passion in her eyes, her voice when she was with him, she had never looked at Riley like that and he hated it.

Riley sat on his bed and held his head in his hand. He had to wait a little while before he could slip away to the nest. Unwanted, the scene from earlier replayed in his mind and he pulled at his hair as his anger took over again.

He wanted revenge on Spike. He meant every word when he told Buffy the chip wouldn’t stop him from dusting the vamp. As far as Riley was concerned, Spike was to blame for his relationship with Buffy falling apart and he was going to make him pay. He did the job he was supposed to at first, playing the good boy, earning the government’s trust again, and then he began organising his team to track the one that had gotten away before and keep an eye on the Slayer, never thinking he’d see what he had. He claimed that Hostile 17 was still a threat, not to mention the military property in his brain. He didn’t care that the men saw through him, they wouldn’t dare question his authority, he could be scary when he wanted to.

Riley smiled to himself at the irony as he prepared to leave the base. Breaking up with Buffy had led him to become the darker kind of man she craved. The monster he now was.


Buffy and Spike exited the line of trees from the woods near the cemetery where they had dumped the demon’s body. Some other creature of the night was bound to pick it up for a meal. Buffy hadn’t intended to kill the guy but after they’d beaten what they could out of him, he’d run off, finding time to escape while they were discussing what they’d learned. Not wanting him to run off to Glory they had no choice but to track him down and kill him.

“Stupid devoted minions. They don’t know what’s good for them. I might have let him go if he promised to take off.”

Spike didn’t answer. He knew how it would end from the minute he grabbed the bugger. At least now they knew to be more careful. Glory was sending scouts out to keep an eye on the Slayer in hopes that she’d lead her to the Key. Good news was they had no idea what the Key was or if Buffy really had it yet. So far he was the first scout to be sent out, which meant their secret was safe for a while and Glory had learned nothing.

“So I guess we should ease up on the smoochies outside the house for a while. That sucks.”

“Hey now, let’s not be hasty. I caught on before any real harm was done. You can’t invite me in one minute an’ then put a ban on kissin’ the next.”

“Not like I want to but we can’t run the risk of being caught again until after my friends know. I can invite you in, although who knows when we’ll get the chance again, just no more being all affectionate in public.”

“We barely see each other as it is an’ I’m feelin’ deprived here Slayer. I want you so bad I can hardly stand it.”

“Trust me, you’re not the only one. God I hate this, all I want is to jump you whenever I want and let everything else sort itself out.”

Spike leaned in to Buffy and trailed a bandaged hand through her soft hair.

“So why don’ you?”

Buffy leaned into his touch and her eyelids fluttered as his cool breath crossed her face.

“I very much want to. Spike, there’s only tonight…”

He cut her off with a kiss and Buffy sighed against him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

“Then take tonight. Spend it with me an’ worry ‘bout the rest later.”

One look in his blue eyes and Buffy gave in. It had been far too long since they’d been together and at least for tonight they could pretend nothing else existed.

“As long as you agree to let me leave in the morning.”

Spike grinned.

“We’ll see.”

They barely made it to the bottom level of Spike’s crypt before they were ripping each other’s clothes off. Buffy had to help Spike because of his hands but after a lot of frustrated tugging and pulling they soon found themselves naked on the bed.

Buffy scooted up until her head was on the pillow and licked her lips hungrily as Spike hovered over her, eyes clouded with lust and drinking her in from head to toe. She lifted a foot and rubbed along his thigh to his waist and back down again, pleased at the shiver that ran through him.

“Are you just going to sit there staring all night?”

Spike smirked and moved up her body, dropping light kisses along her skin as he went, sending a thrill of anticipation through her and making her breath hitch.

“Jus’ admirin’ the view luv, been a while, even more gorgeous than I remember.”

Spike rested above her and swooped down for a kiss. She caught his head in her hands, running them through his hair and messing it up just the way she liked it. They savoured each other’s mouths, tongues twirling when Spike suddenly flinched. Buffy pulled back worried.

“What’s wrong, did I hurt you?”

She immediately relaxed her hold on his hair but Spike shook his head.

“No luv, not you. Put a bit too much weight on my hands is all, I’ll be fine, little more delicate than usual, jus’ have to try an’ remember.”

“Oh. Are you sure you’re okay? I don’t want you opening those wounds up because you’re being a stubborn macho ass.”

“Gee thanks. Really pet I’m fine. I intend to love you good an’ proper like I’ve been wantin’ to every night.”

Buffy smiled at him. He would always put her first. She knew he loved her, the fact he was willing to keep them a secret and say goodbye to her at her door each night like a gentleman because she wanted him to was proof of that. She wondered how he could be so devoted to her when they’d only been together a short while. She stroked his cheek and stared into his warm blue gaze as he returned her smile. Her heart skipped a beat and she felt a lump forming in her throat. Startled by the sudden rush of emotion she blinked and came out of her trance.

“All the same, I’d rather not run the risk of you getting carried away and hurting yourself. I think the safest thing to do is to switch and let me be on top this time.”

Spike raised an eyebrow and tilted his head slightly.

“I see. And is this purely out of concern or are you jus’ tryin’ to get back in the drivin’ seat you like so much?”

Relieved to have moved away from the intense feelings overcoming her previously Buffy responded to his teasing with their typical banter.

“Maybe. Are you telling me you have a problem with that?”

“Not at all kitten. I’m more than happy to lay back an’ enjoy the sight of you bouncin’ above me.”

“Well then,” Buffy said, pressing against his chest and easing him onto his back, “I guess this time it’s your turn to lie down and let me take proper care of you.”

Spike bit his bottom lip, watching as she poised above him, running her hands over his abs, up his chest and back down, her nails grazing his skin lightly. She leaned down and kissed the hollow of his throat, moving steadily down between his pecs before turning to lick at a nipple.

“Buffy,” he breathed, and she smiled, turning her attention to the other nipple, making him gasp.

“I’m going to take my time with you Spike. I have you all alone and vulnerable under me and kitten wants to play.”

Spike moaned at her words. Damn but she was sexy. He hoped she wouldn’t tease him too much, she was already driving him wild but he wasn’t going to complain if she did.

Buffy continued to move down his body with soft kisses and licks, stopping occasionally to nip lightly at the skin before continuing on. She followed the path of his abs and traced his hipbones, stoking his sides as she drove him into a frenzy.

“Buffy, please, pet, I want you so much.”

She grinned, glad she could have the same affect on him that he could on her. She traced his bellybutton with her tongue and moved down the light trail of brown hair, guiding her toward the darker curls and her prize.

His erection twitched as she neared it and she caught it in her hand, looking up to see Spike’s face. He gasped as she began to stroke his cock and she understood why he liked to look at her when he drove her wild with his mouth. His expressions and reactions fascinated her and knowing she was the one causing those helpless whimpers and gasps gave her a sense of power and pleasure. She moved closer and licked along the underside of his cock from base to tip and his eyes flew open.

Spike watched, amazed and thrilled as she swirled her tongue over the head before lowering her lips and sucking on it. He couldn’t help his hips thrusting up slightly from the sensation as he wove his hands through her hair, ignoring the slight sting and savouring the pleasure instead.

Buffy stroked him with her hand in time with her mouth as her head began bobbing up and down on him. She’d never really been into oral sex before, mainly because she hadn’t had good oral sex before and had thought it degrading. Now she knew the control she had and Spike was delicious, she wanted to do this and she was enjoying it almost as much as he was. She took more and more of him into her mouth each time until she almost had him in fully. She undulated her tongue releasing a strangled cry from Spike as his hips arched off the bed.

“Bloody hell! Slayer, Buffy, get up here now before I lose it.”

Buffy considered staying where she was and swallowing him down when he came. She wanted to do it but it had been so long she wanted him inside her too much and she released him.

“Later,” she whispered as she pressed a kiss to the tip of his cock and moved upwards to straddle him.

She knew his vamp hearing had heard what she’d said and his eyes had widened a little but she halted any questions about her whispered promise by rising up and rubbing her slit against his hardened shaft. They both groaned and Spike grabbed her hips, urging her down. She positioned herself above him before sinking down slowly, gasping as he filled her up.

The sensation was incredible. For both it was like coming home and it was seconds before Buffy began moving into a steady rhythm which Spike followed. They moved slowly at first, savouring the feeling of being together again but soon they craved more. Buffy began moving faster and grinding against Spike’s pelvis when she came down, stimulating her clit and building the pleasure inside her. Spike’s thrusts became harder and he was hitting that spot inside that had her shouting his name.

She forced her eyes open so she could look at him and make eye contact. Everything was more intense as their gaze met and they felt their release approaching.



Once more the walls echoed with the sounds of their coupling as they screamed and growled their release. Buffy collapsed down on top of Spike, sated and overwhelmingly happy. He hugged her close and kissed the side of her face softly.

“You’re gonna be the end o’ me pet. How the bloody hell did I get so lucky?”

“You’re not the lucky one Spike, I am. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Spike chuckled and kissed her again.

“Reckon we’ll have to agree to disagree on that one luv. What matters is you’re here now an’ I have no intention of letting’ you go.”

“Mmmm I wish I could stay here forever instead of just ‘til morning.”

“Tell me ‘bout it. If I had my way you’d be chained to my bed an’ not allowed to leave.”

Buffy shifted so she could look at him while she stroked his chest.

“There’s mention of those chains again. Do you really own some? That could be interesting.”

Spike groaned and pulled her in for a kiss.

“You best not say things like that if you want to get any sleep before sun-up. Now jus’ curl up beside me an’ we’ll put any ideas involvin’ chains away ‘til we have more time to explore them.”

Buffy released a put-upon sigh.

“Okay. If you insist.”

Spike growled.

“I bloody well do, minx.”

Laughing, Buffy snuggled up to her boyfriend and, wrapped in each other’s arms, they fell asleep, feeling safe in the knowledge that as long as they were together everything would work out.
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