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25 Mar 2010 17:53
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Film Noir type story set in 40s, Scoobies get sucked through a painting, Spike teaches B to dance
Ghost of the Robot is hosting a 'Mad Brilliant Holiday' live online concert 12/27/13
The winners for Round Twenty Eight of the Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards have been announced.
Last day to vote in the SunnyD Memorial Fanfic Awards June 30th
Voting is now open at the Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards!
James Marsters, along with Ghost of the Robot, will be at Dragon*Con in Atlanta this year
Round 28 of the SunnyD Memorial FanFic Awards taking nominations now
Fics that explore what The First did to program/insert trigger in Spike and make him sleeper agent.
James Marsters' band, Ghost of the Robot, giving Online Concert - DO THIS -CHAT WITH JM!
Elysian Fields back up now
James Marsters / Vampire Empire up for Audie Award
Yours William by Puddinhead
James Marsters guest tonight, 1/12, on The Wedding Band, 10pm TBS
Authors: Check reviews for Spam and delete
Slayer Handbook?
July 7th last day to vote at SunnyD Memorial Fanfic Awards
Voting now open at SunnyD Memorial Fanfic Awards
James Marsters turns 50!
Rule reminder: Please come back and let us know if the suggestions are what you were seeking
Any 'Other Side of Midnight' (by Sidney Sheldon) type Spuffy fics?
Any Vamp-Riley fics? Post Gift, Buffy's dead, Vamp-Riley and Spike are together
Recent replies posted
spuffy twin baby fic
Buffy with Spike unknowingly hugs Angelus in graveyard
PTB make Buffy and Spike Pregnant not with Dawn I think the baby's name is Emily
Spike has his soul earlier
Buffy gets kicked out and turned.
Victim!Buffy Fics
Kinky sex/candle in crypt
domestic Spuffy
Spuffy crossover with AtS S4?
Buffy and Spike in Scotland - kelpies and horse demons and a cook named Duncan
Buffy says Angel's name while with Spike, hurts Spike's feelings on purpose
buffy and spike get married and their daughter(about 5 years old) sings at their wedding
powerful spike?
Spike and William are separated, threesome stuff, they have a baby
End of S4 fic. SB hook up while Riley's gone. When Riley comes back, Buffy tells Spike it's over.
Buffy tries to put effort to show affection to Spike
2 part 19th century fic, Elizabeth and William - Drusilla and Billy the Kid?
New: Members Only Posting
Burdens to Blessings by Slayrgrl, last two chapters missing! Help!
Spike demon want Buffy?
"Night Angel"
Vampire Buffy
Christmas story with homeless Spike
Fics where the gang turns their back on Buffy or where Buffy walks away from the gang?
Spike and Buffy divorced and starting anew
Buffy doesnt die and dates Spike
Angel vamp wedding
Elysian Fields ???
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