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3 May 2011 05:28
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Buffy keeps talking about her teeth
Spikes minion runs Joyce to hospital saves her life
Buffy and spike claimed, Joyce comes to Giles house demanding they release buffy
Angel uses spike blood for Acathla,spike self sacrifices and Buffy follows 'prophecy' ?
Looking for completed version of Cat walk by Gilly Bean please
Looking for a copy of Tainted Love- it's by Celestria-17
Spike a soldier
Buffy is doing a school report on Lord of the Flies- Spike helps study
Spike went and got protection spells put on the three of them, so they couldn't be affected by magic
Buffy died after the tower but something happens and Spike can see her. He thinks he is going crazy
Buffy a stripper to support her brother and sister-Conner and Dawn
Fic that uses 'Our Song' By Taylor Swift - Angel is Buffy's brother, Spike is Angel's best friend.
The scooby gang are sucked into a book along with Spike?
Buffy and Giles co-owners in restaurant/bar.Spuffy have a child he doesn't know about
Giles and Angel do a spell to make Buffy Spike forget they claimed each other
Any fics where Buffy feeds on Spike Whether she is Vamped or needed it for some other reason
Vamp Buffy Spike Slayer Magic and caves
Vamp Buffy was a slayer escapes family when they move to Sunnydale Spike slayer
Spike pretends to be Buffy's fiance' for her wedding plans,food tasting, ballroom etc
Buffy owned a club called Sanctuary ( I think) it was like Cataritas.
When William Met Elizabeth by LuckyStarz Does anyone know if this is completed somewhere please
human fic;where Buffy and Spike were together. Something happened married others Angel/Dru
Fic where Buffy can teleport, Anya knows but not the other scoobies
Anyone remember the fic where Buffy and Anya go to a demon strip club?
Buffy and Spike have a night together next day sick in bed not able to get up the light hurts eyes
Buffy goes back in time for a book,a time shifter demon stole it and is selling at auction to demons
Buffy is trapped in a painting with Giles and I am pretty sure Spike too./Similar to Rhapsody in Oil
Fic where Buffy says I wish you could see what it's like to be me, shows Xander trying to rape Buffy
Spike finds a little girl in a cemetery coming through a portal turns out shes his & buffys daughter
looking for a fic that is similar to 'Twenty-One by kantayra'
Recent replies posted
Time Travel possibly season 1 or 2?
Drusilla is dead, and Spike blames Buffy
Spike and Buffy pretend to be dating/married.
Watchers journal from the past
S6 Xander fills out Doublemeat for Buffy without telling her.
Spuffy claim - Angel holds Spike hostage - Buffy rescues
Buffy with Super senses
Be My Girl? Fic set in S3 where Buffy dates a new guy who ends up being an ass
wealthy spike mistakes sons girlfriend for a hooker
Any claimed fic or Spike hurt and needs Buffy's help
Buffy cooks
Vampire Spike with artist/photographer Buffy
Buffy settles for Angel holding her until Spike comes back
Any you-have-to-read-it-even-if-it-is-a-WIP ?
Anya watches with Dawn
Spike leaves then returns to Buffy
Demon driven oral s.ex
Joyce, Anne and Anya watch baby in Heaven
Spuffy Twilight Crossover?
Buffy seduces Spike, her stepdad
Spike with Thrall
Buffy Overlord of Sunnydale?
Fertility potion
Buffy replaces singer on band tour
Spike takes Buffy shopping
post Chosen Buffy has a child and goes to see Angel...
Spuffy fics where Buffy lets the Scooby gang know she's with Spike no matter what.
Dorian's Kitten is getting published!
Alternate Dimension/Time Travel
Spuffy 'Shades of Grey'
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