Summary: Buffy and Spike’s parents married when they were young and the two grew up as siblings, however through adolescence they drifted apart, and when circumstances reunited them they both started to battle strange feelings for one another…Protect Me From What I Want shows these feelings evolving and the fallout from that, the second story coming, Protège Moi shows how they deal with their family and the tradegy that strikes when they go home to face them.
All the Chapter titles are inspired by Placebo songs, and I use the lyrics from them throughout the Chapters to set the mood.
Just started updating the sequel 12th July 2012.
Parent Series: None
Categories: NC-17 Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Character Death, Sexual Situations
Stories: 2
Open: Closed [Report This]

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