2. No RP-fics (fanfiction using real people as characters)!!! This means that Sarah Michelle Gellar, James Marsters, etc... should not be characters in your fics. This is not referring to 'original characters'. Characters created by the author are allowed.
3. Correct grammar and spelling are expected of all stories submitted to this site. The site administrators are not grammar Nazis. However, the site administrators reserve the right to request corrections in submissions with a multitude of grammar and/or spelling errors. If such a request is ignored, the story will be deleted. So, Please check your grammar and spelling. We have our very own spellchecker use it.
4. There is a 400 word minimum and 16,000 word maximum per chapter rule here, If your fic/chapter doesn't comply with this rule it will not be allowed.
5. If your story has won or been nominated for an award, you may add a button to your summary and/or story. PLEASE try to keep the button around the size of 120x60 (WxH) *I'm mainly concerned with the height, so keep it no more than 60, you can have it as wide as you so long as it doesn't distort the layout of the page* . Anything bigger may be removed. Also you can post a banner when you post your story, it should be no more than 650x250!! A coding format can be found on the 'help page'
6. Right now only fics over 1000 words can be posted by members, if you have a ficlet/Poem/Drabble or a short prologue/epilogue you'll have to send to the Admin and they will upload them for you.
7. If your story contains extreme sexual subject matter, such as incest, explicit and graphic sexual act, sexual torture, and things of that nature, you MUST use the rating AO (Adults Only).
8. Plagiarism is not allowed here, which in essences is stealing someone else's work and claiming it as your own. If the sequence of events in your story, is identical to another's *Buffy did this, then this, then this, etc....* THIS IS PLAGIARISM!!! Whether it was intentional or not, all fics & authors that 'I' think is plagarizing another, will be removed from the site immediately. If someone thinks this is going on, please let me know. **This goes for Banners as well; The punishment for a plagairize banner will not 'initially' be as severe as a plagairized fic, I will give an offender the opportunity to either acknowledge the creator of said banner or simply remove the banner, after which 'I' will remove it myself and notify the poster. But repeat offenders will be locked out of their accounts and possible deleted from the site** Yes technically we are all 'stealing' from Mutant Enemy and all the owners of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer franchise when we write stories and make banners, but can we at least have 'Honor among thieves'?
9. Please post things in their correct place. Author's Notes, Summaries, Banners all have a section so make sure you post them in their rightful place. The only thing that should be posted in the story area is 'the story'!! Not thank you notes, etc...those you can post in the author's note section or the end notes section
10. *New* - Do not Round Robin and/or continue another author's fic unless you have gotten their permission to do so.