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Reviewer: Noelle Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/04/2006 - 02:32 pm Title: Hot and Cold

I think you captured Amy quite well last chapter even though she was only in it briefly. Good update.

Author's Response: Thanks, although I think I went into the Amy thing quite blindly...

Reviewer: veronica Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/04/2006 - 01:48 pm Title: Hot and Cold

good update and i like seeing spike and buffy getting along but i'll be ok if they get dark again

Author's Response: Thanks :)

Reviewer: Kimber Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/04/2006 - 12:46 pm Title: Hot and Cold

Man, this was a great chapter in the fact that his gang is having a hard time believing the Amy for Buffy thing. Cordy showing some connection with Buffy by giving him the pepper spray. Spike realizing that Buffy is very important, but with the flashback with Dru can understand why he's holding back giving her the knowledge how deep his feelings are. Buffy's eyes is starting to see that Spike is more then she first thought, and if the next couple chapters continue, then their foundation will be stronger...and if I'm reading the hint, it's a good thing they are getting closer....for it might be what saves them and gives them the strength to come out of this stronger and not weaker for it......if that makes sense......

Author's Response: Yes, that does make sense, don't worry. I'm glad the Dru flashback did something for you :) Thanks for the great review!

Reviewer: ChrissieLinnit Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/04/2006 - 10:15 am Title: Hot and Cold

Great update, pet. Plenty of things to worry over in this chapter.

First, there's Cordelia's 'friendly' help for Buffy... done as a gesture of one strong woman to another, or was there annother 'ulterior' motive???

Then there's Amy. A crackhead who will do whatever her supplier wants her to do. While Spike has that control over her, he's fairly secure in the knowledge that she will do want he wants, but... there's no loyalty there, and the moment someone else offers her a better deal (e.g. freedom), she'll jump at the chance.

Then there's the chemistry between Buffy and Spike. I totally empathise with Buffy's frustration and anger at Spike in her conversations with him, and I'm sure that Spike's less than aggressive responses back to her are because he does recognise that he has indeed curtailed her freedom, of choice and liberty. However, I'm somewhat puzzled that she is still full of hatred internally toward him where their emotional feelings are concerned. An example,

Buffy closed her eyes, hating the way he made her feel. Wanted. And she would never admit it. It was wrong. Very wrong.

Why did she hate

Author's Response: Because it's him. Not because feeling wanted is bad, but because liking the fact that she feels wanted by HIM is bad, and so she thinks she hates the way he makes her feel. And the internal hate is, of course, going back to the rape. She tries very hard to remember that, even though sometimes she fails. The other stuff, I'll let you see when the time comes :) Thanks!

Reviewer: sirc Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/04/2006 - 09:51 am Title: Hot and Cold

great chapter :D

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: luxferi Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/04/2006 - 06:17 am Title: Hot and Cold

Oh no... it's gonna get dark and angsty soon? *sighs and braces herself*

Continue please!

Author's Response: It wasn't already? Lol. Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: BuffyRat Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/04/2006 - 05:59 am Title: Hot and Cold

Buffy! Don't let that boy walk out that door! How amazing the vibes that run between those two. When she said she'd never really be his... my goodness, I think I heard Willam's heart break. And the kiss when he spoke of the reason that it was more than sex, those words he just couldn't come up with, that undefineable pull that is simply just there. Amazing. And that little inkling in our Buffy's subconscious about how good it felt to be needed, even in that unholy place they call home. How they simply just need each other. This story just gets more and more amazing each time. Can't wait until the next update.

Author's Response: I'm glad you're feeling the vibes! Sometimes I'm not sure if they're coming off to the reader at all :/ Thanks!

Reviewer: DaniD Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/04/2006 - 05:53 am Title: Hot and Cold

Hey..Staying up late tonight got me a update! yay

Ok..I can definately see Buffy and Spike developing right along in last few chapters. * I loved the paragraph where Spike said something about not being able to sleep..I got the impression that he meant he couldn't sleep without Buffy..but then he covered it up with the comment about Amy screaming. By the way PJ, you are a master at coveying your characters thoughts and feelings withthout them actually coming out and saying them. :D

Well..I am going to try to enjoy the not as dark angst for the next bit..but now ya got me just waiting for something terrible to happen. lol
Thanks for the update!

Author's Response: Of course he meant without Buffy ;) And thank you - that's a really great compliment!

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