Reviews For Buyer Beware
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Reviewer: DaniD Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 09:27 pm Title: 10

Yep...He ran.

But where the hell did he think he was going to go?Guess anywhere Angel is not, hunh?

I like how you have matured Buffy for this story. She is a much wiser, slayer here. You can really read the maturity in the way she thinks and reacts to things. Thank goodness for Spike's sake..
Can't wait to see what happens next...good update! : D

Author's Response: Thanks, DaniD! I don't think Spike was thinking - a problem he has at times! Buffy has spent a lot of alone time contemplating her navel - and other stuff . She lives in a world where she hasn't been the center of anyone's universe for a while, poor lass. Hope you enjoy the next bit. Hugs, sweetie.

Reviewer: Suzee Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 09:26 pm Title: 8

I think that taking the Initaitive down is a really good idea on Buffy's part--seems like they got a little too outo f control--or maybe it's that they got a little too in control.

Good to see that she's going to try to mend things with WIllow a little :-)

Author's Response: I think the really scary thing about the Initiative was that it demonstrated the evil that was done by man, not demons. Thanks for all the reviews, hun. BFN

Reviewer: Lynda Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 09:26 pm Title: 10

You story scares me. I fear for Spike and Buffy. What will happen to them.

Author's Response: Be brave, Lynda! Times may well be/get hard but someone is waving a candle at the end of the tunnel. BFN

Reviewer: willowmouse Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 09:23 pm Title: 10

That was wonderful, this is a wonderfully writen story, excellent plot and just beautiful ....

Author's Response: Thankk you! Warms the cockles of me 'eart that you are liking so much. Bye, sweetie.

Reviewer: Suzee Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 09:09 pm Title: 7

And now I'm back ;) I don't think I said it, but I'm really glad Tara's in this fic...she really shouldn't have gotten killed in the show.

I really like how this isn't a story where it's just 'vampires are slaves and that's that' but that you have a lot of details--like with the police--thrown in to make it that much more believeable and interesting :-)

Author's Response: Thanks, Suzee! I loved Tara's chracter in canon and hated it when she was needlessly killed off. With Joyce and Tara gone I think everything fell apart. But that's just my opinion. So glad you've been liking and hope you like the next chappie too, BFN

Reviewer: Karma Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 08:03 pm Title: 10

Great story! Read it all in one sitting today can't wait for an update!

Author's Response: Thank you, Karma! Am so glad you've started to read and hope you enjoy the update I've just posted. BFN

Reviewer: Suzee Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 07:22 pm Title: 6

I think you've done a super great job with this chapter (told you that being home sick was making my reviews sound stupid)

Author's Response: LOL I'm wondering if this is that chapter. Any comment is always welcome. Hope you aren't straining your eyes when you should be resting - seeing as you're poorly. BFN

Reviewer: Suzee Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 07:13 pm Title: 5

Seems like Spike and Buffy could really be good for each other :) And since i don't believe I've said so yet, that really is a beautiful banner Mandi made for you :)

This was another great chatper..sorry I don't have a better way of telling you so.

Author's Response: Thanks for the praise, sweetie. Mandi's banner is tres cool and I'm so lucky that Schez requested it for me. I'm hoping that Spike and Buffy will be good for each other, too. BFN, hun.

Reviewer: daisy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 06:57 pm Title: 10

wow. cant' wait to see that confrontation. is giles going to be okay. and will buffy suceed with taking out the whole operation. more soon please

Author's Response: Hi, daisy! Things will happen at their own sweet pace (I've really tried to cut to the chase but it just don't wanna rush!) . You'll get answers eventually - I hope! More next Monday (figners crossed) and thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN

Reviewer: Suzee Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 06:54 pm Title: 4

Spike's so...not Spike-like in this story (at least so far) but at the same time he really is...what I mean is that the way you're writing him is how I really think he woudl behave if in that situations--(this might only be true for me) but spometimes Spike is hard to write and you're doing a great job :-)

(Me being home sick is what's finally letting me catch up on the fics I want to read but it's alos making me leave not the best reviews...even if I try to; sorry)

Author's Response: I am so chuffed you see my interpretation of Spike as feasible. As it didn't happen that way in canon (and who would have watched if it did?) it is all in the way characters could have changed given different circumstances. Sorry to hear you're sick and do hope you'll be right as rain soon. And thank you again for taking the time to leave word. So kind.

Reviewer: zanthinegirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 06:45 pm Title: 10

Not usually a fan of "slave" fics; but this one is simply enthralling. Wow! Great writing, compelling story, fascinating dystopic vision of what might have been; had the initiative won.

Did I say "wow"?

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm so glad you're liking. More differences for you next chapter that I hope you will enjoy. *grins* BFN

Reviewer: Brunettepet Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 06:39 pm Title: 10

I enjoyed the tension of the chase and Spike's observations of your demon-lite Sunnydale. The changes The Initiative has wrought would certainly appeal to city planners. Spike and Buffy's feelings of desperation during the pursuit were nicely realized, and Spike's role playing to get staked was vividly written. Angel's call was an excellent plot device to bring emotions to a head. I'm looking forward to the arrival of Angel.

Author's Response: Thank you! I suppose things could have gone more a nursing home, but things were bound to start happening on the hellmouth. Angel arrival not imminent just yet - but soon. *grins* Thanks for your review. Much appreciated, hun. BFN

Reviewer: Suzee Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 06:36 pm Title: 3

Poor Spike :( You are writing him really well though--this is a very good fic :-)

Author's Response: When you start reading you don't hang about! I really appreciate the time you are taking to leave a mention after each chapter, very kind.

Reviewer: Suzee Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 06:23 pm Title: 2

This really is a great fic :-D Sorry the review's not longer but I want to go read more ;)

Author's Response: Thank you! Off you go. *grins*

Reviewer: Suzee Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 06:00 pm Title: 1

There have been a few stories wit h the 'vampires as slaves' idea but I really think you've got the best explanation/back story :-)

This is a great start (first fic or no)...looking forward to reading more of it

Author's Response: Thanks, Suzee! Glad you're liking and will be following any further reviews! BFN(?)

Reviewer: maggie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 05:43 pm Title: 10

loved it was happy to read the answer i wanted for buffy to tell spike .can t wait for next monday for the next chapter thank you great read maggie

Author's Response: Thank you, maggie! Thought this chapter might make you a bit happier! BFN, sweetie.

Reviewer: immortal redhead Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 05:31 pm Title: 10

really love this fic it has so many cool elements going for it I hope you add more soon :)

4 stars

Author's Response: Thank you! Glad you're liking and I try to update every Monday. Hop you pop by again. BFN

Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 05:30 pm Title: 10

Good chapter! (R&R before) :-D

Author's Response: Thanks, sweetie! You're such a star. *hugs*

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 05:07 pm Title: 10

Great update! I hope Buffy convinced Spike she wouldn't sell him to Angel! Looking forward to the next update!

Author's Response: Thank you! More information next week. *grins*

Reviewer: luxferi Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 04:34 pm Title: 10

First off, thank you for updating! Secondly, Giles coming down? Will they know (or feel) it's Ethan and not Giles? And where *is* Giles?! *LOL* So many questions. But don't worry, I'm not seeking answers... I know everything will unfold as they go. As for Buffy, I applaud her unselfishness! ;D ;D

Author's Response: My pleasure on the updating - glad I could do it! You know I won't answer - and you don't want me to really - but I do love to see the questions (reminds me of all the stuff I've gotta answer!). *hugs*

Author's Response: My pleasure on the updating - glad I could do it! You know I won't answer - and you don't want me to really - but I do love to see the questions (reminds me of all the stuff I've gotta answer!). *hugs*

Reviewer: bitz Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 04:23 pm Title: 10

oh my god!!! this is great...really, you have loads of talent. i'm really enjoying this fic, hope you keep up the updates. a+ :)

Author's Response: Thank you! Glad you liked and thanks for saying, hun. I'll always do my best to keep to Monday updates - but I ain't perfect! BFN

Reviewer: klylu Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/09/2006 - 01:20 am Title: 9

ops! he deleted the messange, right? i'm quite scared for him... not about what buffy will do when she discovers it... cos i know that, sooner or later, she will discover the thuth about angel and he won't be a happy camper anymore! i hope angel will try to get spike... just to be knoked off buffy's house by the revoked invitation...

Author's Response: Hi, klylu! I see you are getting into the vengeance vibe here, sweetie. LOL next chappie is up now so hope you will like. BFN

Reviewer: Yve Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/07/2006 - 05:12 am Title: 9

Awsome! I love it....Its so sad and tragic and I can't wait to read the rest of it : )

Author's Response: Thank you, Yve. It won't always be sad, hun. BFN

Reviewer: Annie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/07/2006 - 03:32 am Title: 9

Fantastic story. Just started it tonight and read all 9 chapters. Look forward to reading more. Thanks!

Author's Response: Thank you, Annie! Great to have a new reader that reviews as well. Hope you pop by again and continue to enjoy. BFN

Reviewer: willowmouse Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/07/2006 - 03:18 am Title: 9

Great update - I really enjoy the realationship that you are building between Buffy, Spike and her friends ...

Author's Response: Thank you! Relationships are what makes the grind of life worthwhile. So glad you're enjoying and letting me know. BFN

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