Reviews For My Heart is Yours
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Reviewer: lily Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/18/2006 - 01:35 am Title: Seven

im soooooooooooo in love with this story its my fav i love it times a million and i can not wait for more!!!!!

Reviewer: SarahandJamesFanatic Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/18/2006 - 01:14 am Title: Seven

loved the update

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 11:26 pm Title: Seven

Aww! You gotta love it when Spike gets all impulsive and stuff. Act first, think .. well... later. lol! Love this chapter! =)

Reviewer: MarstersGirl13 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 10:07 pm Title: Seven

that was super sweeet! i loved it! more soon please!

Reviewer: Smitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 09:06 pm Title: Seven

Poor buffy and Sspike. I feel for both of them and aww poor Anya too :( Great story

Reviewer: flibble Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 07:44 pm Title: Seven

Nice developments in this chapter. Love the whole kiss in the bathroom thing. So when is Spike going to dump Anya? He obviously doesn't want to be with her. I hope he doesn't lead her on for too long. Looking forward to more updates.

Reviewer: Devin Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 06:57 pm Title: Seven

Great chapter. I am there with Buffy about the guilt, the feelings, love the way you write. I just hope Anya doesn't end up too hurt about this and that everything works out. I'm itching to know what's gonna happen when they finally find out it's Doyle's heart.

Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 06:06 pm Title: Seven

So Spike came back and confronted her eh kissed her. Oh my.. they are both so torn. What a chapter... Anya tried to set up Buffy with Riley? I'm glad she didn't like him. I'm glad I don't write this story because I don't know how you can solve this triangle (Anya+Spike+Buffy). Angst to come, huh? The hotter the situation with Buffy and Spike gets the more angst to come? Well I hope not too much.

Reviewer: Kimber Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 05:56 pm Title: Seven

Oh bad bad them......this will only bring heartache....but then it's what is building the angesty here. I just hope he breaks up with Anya before it goes further.......he's being bad boyfriend and future husband material for using Anya this way......bad dog, he is, LOL.......

Reviewer: demona424 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 05:55 pm Title: Seven

Finally caught up. I love this story! Absolutely fantastic. I loved the part concerning grieving over a loved one. Having lost someone close to me, the words about being able to cry really rung true. I think that people who don't let themselves cry or remember the person they have lost, and simply push away the grief don't give themselves the chance to heal.

This last chapter was so steamy, even if it was just a kiss. To see the passion between them even though it really shouldn't be there. Excellent.

Reviewer: jt Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 05:46 pm Title: Seven

wonderful update. I love your stories. It would probably help Spike's getting closer to Buffy if she knew about his transplant.

Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 05:26 pm Title: Six

Seems as if Buffy needs Faith as a shield against Spike (for her own feelings that are getting strong). And Faith wants to protect her I see. And Anya is a bit clueless... she doesn't have the same experience as Spike (or Buffy) does and she doesn't understand everything Buffy is going through. Good that the next part is on-line too. Spike wants to find out what Buffy intends...

Reviewer: daisy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 03:56 pm Title: Seven

i do not see this ending well. can't wiat for mroe, i hope anya isn't to hurt. more soon please

Reviewer: Suzee Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 03:45 pm Title: Seven

See Riley's stupid if you ask me so I'm fine with being mean to him...but just a little worried for Anya...but she's being kind of annoying too..and I'm making no sense so I'll stop this stupid review and just attempt subliminal messages telling you how much I like it and how you better update it soon ;-)

Reviewer: Suzee Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 03:34 pm Title: Six

Spike's just evil isn't he? But in the 'nice sweet, can't he be with Buffy now', kind of way :-)

Have I told you I love this story lots and lots and lots? Because I really, really do....and someday I will get o my computer again and on AIM type things

Reviewer: Suzee Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 03:25 pm Title: Five

Me thinks Spike's getting himself into trouble ;-) And may I just say that falling behind on your stories is a lovely, lovely thing because then I get to read a bunch? Going to read more now...

Reviewer: spufette Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 02:49 pm Title: Seven

You know it's a funny thing...I usually don't care for Anya and never care what happens to her in these fics. Usually.
I try to write her sympathetically and usually fail miserably.
However, you have managed to make her character annoyingly appealing.
I don't see Spike with her, ever, in any fics, only because I guess I never saw any chemistry there. Apparently JW and ME didn't either. LOL
Anyway, I like Anya in this story, but she should just bow out gracefully.
Riley is okay in this, bland as usual, but now, the Spuffy!!! ooh lala!

Reviewer: Nicki Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 02:44 pm Title: Seven

Yeah,,,,,,Spuffy kisses. I said it before and I'll say it again, Anya needs to disappear. :)

Reviewer: DaniD Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 02:25 pm Title: Seven

Wow..Spike just came out with didn't he? I did't expect that so soon..but I am glad. and then later..Buffy kissed him back! How long can they keep up the pretense that nothing is happeneing between them?

The Anaya thing keeps bothering me a bit..I wish Spike would go ahead and break it off with her..even if he didn't have feelings for Buffy...l get a feeling that she irritates him a bit..? Maybe I am reading in to it to much..also at that point in thier relationship he should feel more comfortable about sharing his experiences with his scar and his transplant..

Love the updates!! You are on a roll Brat!

Reviewer: caatje Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 01:53 pm Title: Seven

beautiful. like the way you let spike take the opportunity to just kiss her. at least now it's in the open that they both feel something. i'm still wondering when the heart issue is going to make itself know. great update! :)

Reviewer: gotkona Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 01:39 pm Title: Seven

gone for 3 days and so many chapters to catch up on. These were all wonderful. Love this story. Very emotional

Reviewer: Kimber Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 12:24 pm Title: Six

Bad have a girlfriend.......not nice to play her for a fool and then expect her best friend to respect you.......LOL, Men, they so don't use the biggest brain they have.....for all the blood traveling down south can almost have someone pull the plug and call then brain dead....but yet they breathe, LOL.......

Reviewer: Shawnie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 10:33 am Title: Six

Ack, no! Don't leave it there..
Update soon, please :) I think Spike's gonna make Buffy confront her feelings. I hope Anya bows out soon, I feel kinda bad for her.

Reviewer: flibble Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 08:01 am Title: Six

Haha. Smooth moves Spike. With the whole pretending to leave thing. Looking forward to more.

Reviewer: Nicki Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2006 - 07:29 am Title: Six

Oh the evilness of you ending it there. Can't wait to read more.

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