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Reviewer: Klai Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/26/2006 - 02:50 pm Title: Chapter 29

Poor Aimée ;)! How ironic she has a rash in such place... Definitively, it has been said that the girl will always have a hitch she can't scratch...

So Tegua is her Nemesis. Perfect :)!

So, Giles is convinced that Angel will marry Buffy. And he lost the invitation. There is a french expression for that, "La Totale", (THE totality). I can feel the misunderstanding coming. Ouch (shivers on the spine)! I'm scared. I can see poor William, thinking that his beloved Elizabeth is engaged against her will :( :(! Or worst, that she doesn't love him anymore :( :( :(!

Well, I know that the "quiproquo" is a necessary rule in such story, and I cross every finger (hands and foot) for, if it will have to be a mistake, that it will be short in time ;)!

But no doubt he will be surprised and disappointed to learn that little Aimée planned to marry Angel when she was seeing him. Hard not for the heart, but definitively for the pride... Men ;)...

I can't wait for the next chapter. And it has become an habit ;)!

Author's Response: Hee! Yeah, Aimée definitely has an itch she can't scratch.

Tegua, yes, you can say she's her nemesis. And will continue to be through most of the rest of the story.

Giles has been convinced since the beginning of the identity of Angel's bride and since he didn't let Angel tell him, well, you can imagine the rest. Don't be scared, yes, there'll be a misunderstanding but I promise it will be resolved very soon. I won't drag it more than I absolutely have to.

I agree, his pride would probably be hurt, not because he loved her or anything, but because he'll feel that she tried to fool him.

Thanks for reviewing, cariño!.

Reviewer: jt Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/26/2006 - 04:15 am Title: Chapter 29

Loved the update. So, Aimee has a rash. Wonder what else Tegua may do to her? Glad Maria had that little talk with Elizabeth. Hope Giles doesn't screw up and tell William Elizabeth is marrying Angel. Although Spike does know he's marrying Aimee. I can't really think he'd do anything other than to tell Giles the truth. Am so looking forward to the wedding and all the things that might happen when everyone gets to Campo Real.. Especially when Snyder sees Spike. Glad you had a great bday.

Author's Response: Yes, she sure does. Oh, Tegua still has many cards under her sleeve where Aimée is concerned. Hee! you'll find out on chapter 31 what Giles will say to William, but Spike doesn't know that Angel is marrying Aimée. Oh, things are going to heat up when we get to Campo Real. Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: DaniD Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/26/2006 - 01:49 am Title: Chapter 29

That was one hell of a first line...I CRACKED up when I read
Aimée was truly afraid of asking Tegua for a remedy for the rash that the nance water had caused her.

Yes I caught foreshadowing about the fallen invitation...Surely it has Aimee's name on it!!!! Great update! : D

Author's Response: *big smile* I'm so glad you liked that line. :D

Yes, the invitation has Aimée's name on it, the problem is that Giles never read it. ;)

Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Amelia-Jane Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/25/2006 - 11:20 am Title: Chapter 29

LOL... I love how Tegua has Aimée so terrified of her. I'm so glad Spike will be returning soon, I can't wait for the fireworks to begin. Maria knows Buffy so well... I really enjoyed her their talk. Wonderful update as always!
I'm so happy to know you had such a great birthday. =)

Author's Response: I loved writing Aimée terrified of Tegua. She needed to be brought a few notches down, even if it was just for a little bit. ;)...Spike will return on chapter 31 for sure and yes, there'll be some fireworks...I had that talk written since María talked with William, I had planned to use it there, but decided that it was better if Buffy found out on another way.

Thanks so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: Kimber Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/25/2006 - 11:10 am Title: Chapter 29

Oh my.....wicked rashes in all the right places for slut sister......just what she deserves for even thinking about getting busy with Spike.......

I'm glad Maria saved the say on Buffy blowing Williams plans out the window........possible Widow before becoming the bride....can't have that......

Darla I hope gets caught in the bordello and made to work for the letter, LOL........

and poor Giles.......I smell trouble when Spike gets back to town.........misscomminication on who the intended bride to be is to be.......hmmmmm.

Author's Response: Hee, I thought you might like that little bit.

Yep, we can't have that; they'll have more than enough in their plate as it is. ;)

Hee! That's a wonderful plan for Darla. Might have to give it a thought or two. *lol*

And yes, there's some miscommunication coming up for our hero. ;)

Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Debbie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/25/2006 - 10:52 am Title: Chapter 29

I have to say that I am amused with Aimee's rash.he he..I almost think it may have been cooked up by Tegua, a woman after my own heart.
I am glad you had a great birthday, you deserve it.
Things are getting more exciting, and of course am looking for more, and I am enjoying it very much and thanks

Author's Response: Oh, yes, Aimée's rash is all of Tegua's doing. She's having a ball making Aimée squirm. ;)

Thanks so much for reviewing, cariño!

Reviewer: teasha Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/25/2006 - 09:07 am Title: Chapter 29

oh I hope that he is not going to tell William that Angel is marrying Buffy.........Is he? I can't take the suspense!
Next chapter please...................

Author's Response: Hee, you'll find out soon enough, don't worry. ;) Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Vette Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/25/2006 - 05:03 am Title: Chapter 29

Glad you posted this chapter. You're really cranking up the plot now and I can't wait to see where you go next.

Author's Response: Hee! Yeah, I think it was time to move the story along, so plot was needed for that. Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Klai Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/22/2006 - 06:32 pm Title: Chapter 28

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU :)! Odd, it's your birthday, but it's you who gives us a present with this story ;)!

So, Darla de Alcazar. Hard time for her. First: Angel will not marry Elizabeth, BUT Aimée. Second: William, the undesirable one, is still alive AND will become the new administrator of Campo Real. Third: Snyder stays... Snyder, making blackmail and threatening.

It's a thing called "karma". Ask Tegua ;)!

Tegua... God, I just love this woman ;)! Aimée will have a hard time too, it seems. Karma n° 2...

Cordelia... Many questions about her... Friend or ennemy? The both in the same time?

A chapter that leads a lot of question! Perfect job :)!

Author's Response: Thank you for the b-day wishes and for reviewing! Hee, I'm just glad you're enjoying the story. :D
And Darla's hard times aren't over yet. This is just the beginning for her.
Hee, yeah, Tegua knows all about 'karma' and who might be getting what they deserve. ;)
Cordelia, could be both, depending on who you ask. ;)

Reviewer: Klai Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/22/2006 - 06:16 pm Title: Chapter 27

So, William and Buffy had The discussion about little Aimée. Well, it's understandable that Buffy feels some pain and jealousy; what do men always find in little Aimée? (Yes, what?) But she is intelligent and wise enough (thanks to Maria ;)!) to know that having a past doesn't prevent from having a future...

Men... Yes, they can be sooo gullible... But, considering William...He liked Aimée, wanted to marry her. Slept with her (anyways, I suppose the girl was not difficult or slow to convince...).

And Buffy? Yes, he loves her and wants to marry her. And feels desire for her. But he stops himself in time (and avoids a slow and painful death from Maria).

Does that mean that he cared (a little at least, it seems everything has to be "little" with Aimée) for Aimée, but didn't respect her much?

The real question would be instead: does little Aimée deserves respect? Yes, easy question / easy answer...

Author's Response: Yes, they finally got to talk about little Aimée. What do they see in her? Well, most men think she is beautiful, and don't care enough to try to see how she is under the surface.
William wanted to marry Aimée because he thought she might be a good wife for him, she had the social status he would need, she was beautiful and didn't seem to mind what he was, since she was the one doing the pursuing.
Hee, yep and what he feels for Buffy is so different. He respects her, he knows if he presses a bit she might yield to him, but he loves her and wants her as his wife and doesn't want to put her at risk unnecessarily, protecting her even from himself.
I don't think he cared that much for Aimée, might have felt desire for her, and definitely didn't respect her, since he took her and hasn't thought much of her ever since he saw Buffy for the first time.
Does Aimée deserve respect? Maybe not much, considering all she's done. ;)
Thanks for reviewing. :D

Reviewer: Kimber Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/20/2006 - 03:10 am Title: Chapter 28

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU .......and many more

Author's Response: Thank you very much!

Reviewer: Kimber Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/20/2006 - 03:08 am Title: Chapter 28

Oh can the girl stand it soooo hot....THERE, LOL.......shrivels and dies.......

Oh, there is a chance for Angel after all......I hope Cordy isn't like her uncle........

Lovely update of the other characters as we wait for more of spuffy.....

Author's Response: Hee, well, it just seemed like a fitting punishment for her. ;)
There might be a chance for Angel, but we're still a long way away from it...And yep, don't worry, Cordy isn't like her uncle.
Spuffy is coming in, well, maybe 2 chapters or so? I just need to move the plot along a bit. ;)
Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: jt Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/20/2006 - 01:49 am Title: Chapter 28

Loved the chapter. It gave so much info. Tegua, love the way she thinks. Snyder, same bastard. Will Cordelia become as rotten as Darla and her uncle? Or will she capture Angel's heart? Lack of Spuffy was perfectly OK. I loved to find out all you gave us in this chapter. Happy Birthday! Have a great one.

Author's Response: I'm glad you liked the chapter. And don't worry, Cordelia won't be as rotten as Darla and her uncle. About Angel and her, well, we'll have to wait and see what happens. ;) Thanks for reviewing and for the b-day wishes.

Reviewer: Devin Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/19/2006 - 10:34 pm Title: Chapter 28

Is it too much to hope that Angel will open his eyes to the beauty that is Cordelia, and leave Aimée for her?
I'm loving the way you're writing Tegua, she's such a fun character, with her and María watching Spike and Buffy's back they'll have a lot less to worry about.
I know Darla is just looking out for her son, but I can't wait till Don Rodrigo comes back and sets her straight.
Hope you have a great birthday, love. Enjoy it :D

Author's Response: Hmm, about Angel and Cordelia and Aimée, well, it might take some time, but Angel will realize that Aimée is not what he thought she was.
I love writing Tegua, so it makes me very happy that you're enjoying her as well. And yep, María and Tegua will be very helpful to Spike and Buffy.
Oh, Darla is looking out for her son, but she's mostly looking out for her I think. And don Rodrigo will come back very soon.
Thanks for the b-day wishes and for commenting!

Reviewer: DaniD Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/19/2006 - 09:10 pm Title: Chapter 28

OMG..Tegua is giving Aimee' hell!! lol How is she not laughing at her?!

Darla is making her move..If Cordelia doesn't get that letter, the jig is up!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...HAPPYBIRTHDAY TO YOU...HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR DUSTY....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOO YOUUU... *just wanted to get that in for one of my favorite authors!*

Author's Response: Hee! Yep, she sure is giving Aimée hell. Tegua's biting the inside of her cheek so she doesn't laugh in front of Aimée. lol
Oh, Cordelia is highly motivated to help Darla in any way she can. ;)
And thank you for the b-day song and for reviewing, you're too sweet. :D

Reviewer: Amelia-Jane Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/19/2006 - 08:33 pm Title: Chapter 28

The more I get to know Tegua the more I like her. I loved her scene with Aimée. Looks like Synder really backed Darla into a corner, gotta say Darla is really proving to be resourceful though. Fantastic update!
~ I hope you have a great fun filled birthday Mari~
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! *hugs* Amelia

Author's Response: Hee! I was more than a little worried how this chapter was going to be received. Thanks for reassuring me that it doesn't suck too much. :D I'm glad you liked the scene with Aimée and yeah, Darla can be resourceful, but Cordelia can be even more resourceful than her. ;)
Thanks for the birthday wishes and for reviewing! *hugs* Mari

Reviewer: Debbie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/19/2006 - 08:13 pm Title: Chapter 28

Happy Birthday !!! Hope you have a great day and enjoy yourself.........enjoyed the have me wondering, but birthday fun first, I will wait. Oh, and thanks

Author's Response: Hee! Thank you! And I know, but I'm pretty sure every one of your doubts will be resolved eventually. ;)

Reviewer: Vette Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/19/2006 - 01:56 am Title: Chapter 27

At least Spike came clean to Buffy on his affair with Aimee and his idea of settling for a suitable wife.

It may hurt now but it would hurt worse if it was not revealed by Spike. Great chapter!

Author's Response: Hee! Yep, he did. And you have a very good point in that. Thank you so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: lys Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/18/2006 - 07:25 pm Title: Chapter 27

i think this story is really good, i think you should change the names an submit it to a romance publisher when its finished.

Author's Response: Thank you so much, I'm very glad you think so. :D

Reviewer: Klai Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/18/2006 - 05:35 pm Title: Chapter 26

So funny :)! Yes, there is someone who could be more, more dangerous than Darla de Alcazar for William, I name: Maria! In each nanny sleeps a lioness, it seems ;)... Like Tegua, a precious ally for Buffy and William. And Tegua with Aimée! So sadistic ("querida" :)!) but hey, let's admit that little Aimée deserves it... a lot. Tegua is going to have fun, like us ;)!

Author's Response: I'm so happy you thought the chapter was funny. :D And yep, María could turn out to be more dangerous than Darla, she has more maternal instincts for one. ;) And yep, Tegua and María will be precious allies for Buffy and William and even don Rodrigo, eventually. ;) ...Hee! Tegua and I are having fun making little Aimée suffer a little bit. ;) Thank you so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: DanID Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/18/2006 - 11:46 am Title: Chapter 27

My heart was breaking for Buffy in that chapter. The fact that Aimee is how she is to would surley hurt to know that she was with Spike first and he thought of marrying her. *even though he now loves Buffy* I LOVE this Buffy and her willingness to love..and be loved. She is so open and honest.

Can't wait to see what the fates ....errr...should I say YOU...have in store for Spike and BUffy! lol Great update!

Author's Response: Yeah, mine, too, it was hard to write her reaction in that chapter...even if she did understand, that doesn't mean it hurt less.
Hee, well, there's some angst for them in the next chapters, but there's going to be some fluffy Spuffy intermingled with it.
Thank you for reviewing!

Reviewer: jt Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/18/2006 - 01:50 am Title: Chapter 27

Loved the chapter. Look forward to his return. Thanks for reassuring me in my review at BSC. I confuse myself sometimes reviewing at 2 sites. I just read at whichever site I find it at first. Does Aimee start her weekly visits in the next chapter. Curious as to what Tegua has her doing. I just love Maria. I noticed Maria and Buffy are starting plans. How will dear Joyce deal with that? I'm glad Buffy and William have her on their side.

Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter and he'll be returning on chapter 29. And you're welcome on the reassuring, I couldn't let you think all those things could happen, now could I? ;) I think your question about Aimée gets resolved on the next chapter and I love María, too. Joyce, well, you'll see her reaction, soon. ;) Thanks for reviewing, cariño!

Reviewer: Kimber Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/18/2006 - 12:16 am Title: Chapter 27

AHHHH, that was lovely......and I hope and pray the evil sister bitch never finds a love so passonate or true.......turns into an old maid and all her hair falls out.......gets a wart on her nose and ther womanly charms dries up and droops by the time she's 21......LOL

Author's Response: Oh, don't worry, sweetie, I can promise evil sister bitch won't find a love like that...not sure if she's going to turn into an old maid or all the rest, but I think you'll be happy with her end. ;) Thanks for reviewing!

Author's Response: Oh, don't worry, sweetie, I can promise evil sister bitch won't find a love like that...not sure if she's going to turn into an old maid or all the rest, but I think you'll be happy with her end. ;) Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Amelia-Jane Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2006 - 11:44 pm Title: Chapter 27

* breathes a sigh of relief* I was so worried about how Buffy would handle the Aimée/Spike affair news, i'm so glad Buffy decided to have faith in Spike's love for her. I think it was a smart move on Spike's part to be honest with Buffy about Aimée, keeping a secret that big only would've put a strain on their marriage. Fantastic update!
~ Thank you so much for the belated birthday wishes and the chapter dedication Mari... you're a real sweetie! And a belated congratulations on your nominations at the Spuffy awards... you really deserve them! *hugs* Amelia :D

Author's Response: I was a bit worried about that, too. It was hard to write that part. Yes, Buffy has faith in Spike and in his love for her, and it meant a lot for her that he actually told her the truth, but the problem is that with Aimée around it won't be easy for her to let the past go.
I'm so happy you enjoyed the chapter and I only wish I could have posted it earlier, but as always RL doesn't always let me do what I want to do. And thanks for the congratulations and for reviewing! *hugs* Mari

Reviewer: Devin Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2006 - 11:09 pm Title: Chapter 27

Fluffy angst has to be the best kind of angst there is out there, lol.
"lo que no fue en tu año, no te hace daño.." ain't that the truth, but it doesn't stop it from hurting though, gotta give Buffy credit for not freaking out about Aimée and being understanding.
Can't wait till the next chapter and then the return of William from his trip :)

Author's Response: I'm very glad you think so, because we're getting close to more angst as the action moves to Campo Real. ;)
Yep, Buffy understands, and as you say, it doesn't stop from hurting, especially if your darling sister will insist in reminding her. ;)
Thank you so much and William returns on the next chapter. (29)

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