Reviews For Stronger
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Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2006 - 11:30 pm Title: Ch. 2 Ready

Great chapter!

Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2006 - 10:28 pm Title: Ch. 3 First Day

First day back in school... really awkward. And now, a year later, Spike is coming back? Maybe the pain has got less since then but she didn't forget I think. It will sure get intersting. Uh-huh.. the story is labeled Spike/others *sigh* well 10 years ago. Seems it will stay angsty for quiet a while *sigh*

Reviewer: Panta_Rei Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2006 - 10:24 pm Title: Ch. 3 First Day

*snicker* Poor Cordelia--she's so very tactless. =P The balance between present day and flashbacks is great--I can't wait for more!

Reviewer: Panta_Rei Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2006 - 10:21 pm Title: Ch. 2 Ready

Aww, poor Buffy. I have to say, Spike's a bit of a prick...but the snark is wonderful. =P Still enjoying it!

Reviewer: Panta_Rei Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2006 - 10:18 pm Title: Ch. 1 I don't love you

Ooh, I'm loving this. =) You write so poetically--I can really feel both Buffy and Spike's pain. Off to read the next chapter!

Reviewer: SarahandJamesFanatic Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2006 - 09:55 pm Title: Ch. 3 First Day

good update

Reviewer: Raven Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2006 - 09:15 pm Title: Ch. 3 First Day

Hehe! This story is so funny! I love it! I really hope that Buffy's with some other great guy when Spike comes back to town. He was a jackass for leaving her, and he deserves to be taken down a notch or two (or ten!). This story is so awesome, and I can't wait to see what happens next! Please update as soon as you can!
Thanx! Luv ~Raven~

Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2006 - 05:38 pm Title: Ch. 2 Ready

No, go one with the two time lines (present and past). I have no problem with that. So Buffy has still some years in school when Spike left. Time will make it better for her even if she'll never forget. Looking forward to read more :)

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2006 - 02:48 pm Title: Ch. 1 I don't love you

Great fic but so heartbreaking!! I hope Spike eventually suffers as Buffy is now! Please update soon!

Reviewer: luxferi Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2006 - 05:52 am Title: Ch. 1 I don't love you

Oh I love the start already! You have lovely writing style, and you like to keep things mysterious. Please update soon!

Reviewer: DaniD Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2006 - 05:07 am Title: Ch. 1 I don't love you

It is not unheard of that some people do not want to move forward into a big career while in a relationship...Unfortunately Spike made this decision AFTER he took Buffy's virginity and it sounded like he also made some serious promises. Also, to actually say, " I do not love you." That was just at the height of bad taste..I mean, he could have left some small bit of hope that she wasn't a complete fool for loving him!

If and when Spike returns, I would hope that he realizes that he has burned his bridges..Not because I wouldn't want a Spuffy ending * of course I do!* I just would love to read about this character having to really work hard to gain Buffy's trust and affections back.

Whew..Now I don't usually write that much on a first review..So Kuddos to you! lol I am really looking forward to more ; D

Reviewer: SarahandJamesFanatic Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2006 - 03:39 am Title: Ch. 1 I don't love you

good story so far

Reviewer: Raven Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2006 - 04:16 pm Title: Ch. 1 I don't love you

Wow! That was. . .absolutely heartbreaking. In a good way, of course. (It just means you're a terrific writer!) i really love the plot in this story - I can't wait to see how you develop it! Please, please update as soon as you can! I can't wait to see what happens next!
Thanx so much!

Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2006 - 10:59 am Title: Ch. 1 I don't love you

Mmm heartbreaking begin. Though I don't understand why "I don't love you" should give someone hope. "I love you" would do that. Am I wrong? Maybe I don't get something important. I would definitely like to read more of this one. :)

Author's Response: Hmm... when I had her saying that, what i meant was that she knew something had ended and she was hoping that he'd say that he still loved her, despite her telling him to say that he didn't. If he refused to say it, then it would give her hope. I hope that clarified the meaning.

Reviewer: jenny Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2006 - 07:59 am Title: Ch. 1 I don't love you

this story is extemely interesting and i can't wait to read more! i can't wait to see spike begging to have buffy back thought! what a jerk! leaving like that, i hate it when men make promises they can't or don't keep! i can't wait to read more of your story! please update soon?

Reviewer: dusty273 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2006 - 12:07 am Title: Ch. 1 I don't love you

Oh, definitely loving this story. I loved how you entwined past and present, and the emotion you imprinted in the story. Can't wait to read how it is going to evolve.

Reviewer: Kimber Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/17/2006 - 09:37 pm Title: Ch. 1 I don't love you

I hope he falls flat on his ass....< LOL, lovely ass as it may be......he needs to fall on it.....take the girl's virginity and they run.......bad rude bastard, LOL. I hope she far surpasses his music abitlty.........great start

Reviewer: Sylvia Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/17/2006 - 09:03 pm Title: Ch. 1 I don't love you

I like the beginning of your fic. And I hope that you update soon--this looks very promising!

Reviewer: Stephanie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/17/2006 - 01:55 pm Title: Ch. 1 I don't love you

Wow, how sad. Can't believe tha Spike was so cruel to her. You'd think that he's try to lessen the blow right after know. It'll be interesting to see how Buffy handles a reunion with Spike. No one ever forgets their first time or their first heartbreak, and her's is wrapped up in one body. Can't wait for more.

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