Reviews For How Soon is Now?
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Reviewer: jadedmidnight Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/14/2006 - 04:59 am Title: School Day Part 1

Very amusing chap and great update.


Reviewer: SarahandJamesFanatic Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/14/2006 - 04:41 am Title: School Day Part 1

good update more please

Reviewer: DaniD Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/14/2006 - 03:15 am Title: School Day Part 1

Wow..Spike sure is a jerk Hope Buffy hangs in there with her "new start" .....Great update!

Reviewer: Whitelighter354 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/14/2006 - 03:09 am Title: School Day Part 1

Loved it Ria! I so hope that she has at least a class with him. I wonder how he is going to be around her with other people! I just have to know! Cant you write any faster?!!! LOL! Just Kidding! I know its kinda difficult sometimes! :) I really cant wait ... so please please please post soon! Great Chapter! :) WL

Reviewer: BuffyRat Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/14/2006 - 03:05 am Title: School Day Part 1

Glad to see we've met the gang, and that they are those people that we know and love. Loved Anya and her lack of tact. Always a pleasure, that. Great chapter. Please, update soon.

Reviewer: Alyxandria Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/14/2006 - 01:04 am Title: School Day Part 1

Love Willow, Xander and Anya's introductions.
Awesome update! Keep these great chapters coming. I'm addicted.


Reviewer: Sandra Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/14/2006 - 12:22 am Title: Newly Blonde

Can't wait to read whats comming next! So far its a really great fic :)

Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/13/2006 - 10:40 pm Title: Newly Blonde

;-) Spike loves.. to hate Buffy for now :) Good; Buffy can go to school now and even 'found' a gym. ~ I'm too tired but we'll find out whom she did draw, right? Buffy changing back in her old 'self. Loved the chapter.

Reviewer: DaniD Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/11/2006 - 07:51 pm Title: Newly Blonde

Seems like Spike likes the "blonde Buffy"... (of course) Still curious about what happened to Buffy..and who's face was she drawing? Looking forward to more!

Reviewer: luxferi Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/11/2006 - 03:22 pm Title: Newly Blonde

Enjoyed the chapter, sweetie. :)

Reviewer: Sophie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/11/2006 - 08:10 am Title: Newly Blonde

This fic is really good so far! Please keep it coming and update soon! :D

Reviewer: SarahandJamesFanatic Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/11/2006 - 05:11 am Title: Newly Blonde

more please

Reviewer: Rachael Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/11/2006 - 05:01 am Title: Newly Blonde

I'm so looking forward to reading how this story unravels, i'm totally intrigued!

Reviewer: BuffyRat Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/11/2006 - 04:08 am Title: Newly Blonde

Always better as a blond. Now we can get into the real action, and all the appropriate flashbacks. I can't wait. Please, update soon!

Reviewer: BuffyRat Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/11/2006 - 04:01 am Title: Understand

Not jealous at all. Sure... Great chapter.

Reviewer: BuffyRat Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/11/2006 - 03:56 am Title: Dinner Awkwardness

And the plot thickens. Both of them seem to have a knack for finding trouble. Great chapter.

Reviewer: BuffyRat Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/11/2006 - 03:52 am Title: Welcome

Quite interesting. I think this will be a whole bunch of fun. Wonderful start.

Reviewer: ChrissNicole Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/11/2006 - 03:31 am Title: Newly Blonde

eeeeeeekkk. He noticed her in thr good kinda way. yay. snoopy dance. love it.

Reviewer: Mac 1 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/11/2006 - 03:11 am Title: Welcome

Looking forward to this one. Love the plotline. :-)

Reviewer: Niamh Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/11/2006 - 01:21 am Title: Newly Blonde

Its nice to have a break from the angst -- even if the undercurrents are still there. Can't always be dark and gloomy, sometimes the sun does shine. . . I'd love to know more of her backstory, though. . .

Reviewer: Livia Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/11/2006 - 01:15 am Title: Newly Blonde

LOVLOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE this story it is just awesome. I can't wait to read the next chapters. And if I'm right, the it, he or she thing seems to say that Buffy was pregnant. Am I right? Keep up the excellent work. Update soon.

Reviewer: Whitelighter354 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/11/2006 - 12:53 am Title: Newly Blonde

I love it hun!!! There is only one thing that is really bugging me. I want to know what happened in LA. Like about the boy. I really cant wait to see how spike and buffy are going to get along, but something is telling me that it isnt going to be cake! :) Please post soon!

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/11/2006 - 12:46 am Title: Newly Blonde

It's great to see Buffy more positive about getting a fresh start! Great chapter!

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/11/2006 - 12:42 am Title: Newly Blonde

Good chapter.

Glad Buffy got the new clothes and went back to blonde, sometimes a fresh start like that can be enormously helpful.

Looking forward to more! =)

Reviewer: HELTERSKELTER Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/11/2006 - 12:08 am Title: Newly Blonde

yay! transformations.
now.. to ditch harmony...

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