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Reviewer: secretguest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/15/2006 - 07:15 pm Title: Chapter Twenty -six: Hot Under the Collar

Something's really suspicious about Riley! Update soon please!

Reviewer: Amanda Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/15/2006 - 04:30 pm Title: Chapter Twenty -six: Hot Under the Collar

What a nice date type thing. Take your girlfriend to see a hooker. Lol. I love it.

Reviewer: Crystal Pegasus Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/15/2006 - 03:46 pm Title: Chapter Twenty -six: Hot Under the Collar

Considering I hate Riley in any venue can't say I'm upset with Spike in the least. Although this Buffy is a bit more compassionate that i am. great update. more please.

Reviewer: gotkona Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/15/2006 - 12:09 pm Title: Chapter Twenty -six: Hot Under the Collar

Faith a hooker? that's just perfect.

Reviewer: Kimmie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/15/2006 - 11:37 am Title: Chapter Twenty -six: Hot Under the Collar

You sneaky Pete!! I waited like a little kid at Christmas for this chapter to post last night (kinda like my little bedtime story) I gave up ... and decided that you really did deserve a night off. Must've posted after I logged off. So now ... with coffee I get a morning treat ...

Loved the plot thickening ... kinda the master of that aren't you?? I really like Angel and Spike getting along (at this point). I'm a little worried that you might make Angel the murderer (naaah, you wouldn't do that after what was said in the bathroom right??)

I just love how straight forward and right on the mark your Buffy is. She is such a stable individual with relatively few real hang ups ... so refreshing. Hopefully she'll help Spike along his path to healing all of his insecurities.

Faith as a hooker/snitch ... perfect.

(hey, my little friend ... don't forget to tell me when it's cool to read the other ... remember, Kimmie loves romance/smut, adventure and hope)(it's ok if you just tell me that I should never read it --- maybe it was meant to be a total angsty one --- only you know )
(THANKS, you are the best!!!)

Reviewer: seraiza Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/15/2006 - 09:50 am Title: Chapter Twenty -six: Hot Under the Collar

now this should be interesting........ witing for more!!!

Reviewer: MidnightGirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/15/2006 - 09:34 am Title: Chapter Twenty -six: Hot Under the Collar

Great update! The meeting with Faith should be interesting. Can't wait to read more!

Reviewer: mikim Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/15/2006 - 06:28 am Title: Chapter Twenty -six: Hot Under the Collar

And it thickens... I KNOW I'm right! It can ONLY be him! And my suspicions have NOTHING to do with the fact that I don't want him around to spoil the Spuffy love, none at all! lol
Wonderful chapter as always!

Reviewer: Dirktavian Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/15/2006 - 05:06 am Title: Chapter Twenty -six: Hot Under the Collar

Oh-- this is gonna go from bad to worse in Buffy's eyes. First Anya, and now Faith. I'm afraid that our Spike is going to have a self-fulfilling prophecy of Buffy feeling she's too good for him if he keeps going around these women. Great update, though. I loved Buffy's question for Spike about what his feelings meant-- and the way he less than artfully tried to avoid anserwring it. More soon, please!

Reviewer: SarahandJamesFanatic Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/15/2006 - 04:52 am Title: Chapter Twenty -six: Hot Under the Collar

good update

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/15/2006 - 04:35 am Title: Chapter Twenty -six: Hot Under the Collar

See, now I really think that Riley is our murderer, but I also think that that's what you want us to think, so I really have no idea! lol!

Good chapter! :)

Reviewer: teasha Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/15/2006 - 04:04 am Title: Chapter Twenty -six: Hot Under the Collar

wow! a hooker! what will you think of next. I am very suspicious of Riley. Good Chapter.

Reviewer: blondiebear Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/15/2006 - 03:47 am Title: Chapter Twenty -six: Hot Under the Collar

ummmmmm............HUH????!!!!! okay, you have got to post like....NOW!!!! how is buffy gonna react to this bit of info? did spike and faith ever.....ugh, i can't even say it. post soon. loved it as usual.

Reviewer: sarah g Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/15/2006 - 03:07 am Title: Chapter Twenty -six: Hot Under the Collar

OMG i cant believe that riley bought her that necklace and im so happy buffy didnt take it. i love this story and am so happy u updated. i also cant believe spike punched him so hard, but he did kinda deserve her. i really hope that spike admits his feelings to buffy and that start a serious relationship. ialso i cant wait to see how buffy reacts to spike telling her faiths a hooker, i think shes going to be jealous and wonder how spike knows faith. also i hope that they catch the killer, i kinda think that riley is the killer, but i could be really far off with that assumption. please update as soon as u can, im dying to read more. thanx

Reviewer: TammyAsh666 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/15/2006 - 03:00 am Title: Chapter Twenty -six: Hot Under the Collar

He's friends with a hooker? He's like a cop, isn't that kind of illegal? I'll never understand that! God, I hope he didn't sleep with her, too. Well, this should definitely be interesting. It seems Spike still doesn't really know what he feels for her. I hope he realizes it soon. It might not be Riley taking her away, but there are a lot of other men out there. I do wonder about that gift, it was way too much for an apology. I'm glad she didn't accept it and let him down gently. Good chapter=)

Reviewer: Amanda Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2006 - 09:56 pm Title: Chapter Twenty five: Baggage Claim

hahaha! great. I hope riley understands and doesn't cry like a little baby.

Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2006 - 09:56 pm Title: Chapter Twenty five: Baggage Claim

I'm glad that Spike isn't regretting it. He is just worried that he won't be good enough for Buffy. Uh-huh.. and now we can see Spike is still mad at Finn. ~ Loved the chapter, till later (the next one). :)

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2006 - 07:40 pm Title: Chapter Twenty five: Baggage Claim

Well I think Riley got the brunt of all those emotions rolling around inside of Spike! Great chapter!

Reviewer: seraiza Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2006 - 04:33 pm Title: Chapter Twenty five: Baggage Claim

i know i really dont like riley since the show but seeing him that pathetic i kinda have some pity for tat guy, hope hes not hurt too badly.... and hope that spike wont get into any serious trouble .... love the update and waiting for more.

Reviewer: gotkona Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2006 - 12:13 pm Title: Chapter Twenty five: Baggage Claim

Beat up riley, Yes

Reviewer: willowmouse Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2006 - 09:09 am Title: Chapter Twenty five: Baggage Claim

excellent! Love a story that has Riley getting punched in the nose :)

Reviewer: kim Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2006 - 06:53 am Title: Chapter Twenty five: Baggage Claim

Gotta feel sorry for poor Riley...he needs to find a nice, simple girl.

Ah, Spike...ever the tenderhearted.

Reviewer: mikim Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2006 - 06:16 am Title: Chapter Twenty five: Baggage Claim

Squeee!! Yeah, go Spike! (and I meant that for the punching in Riley's face lol) But please, please , please don't make him an ass and back off what started between him and Buffy!
That was an EX-CE-LLENT chapter!

Reviewer: anon Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2006 - 05:35 am Title: Chapter Twenty five: Baggage Claim

haha, love it!

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2006 - 04:42 am Title: Chapter Twenty five: Baggage Claim

His conflict makes sense, I mean, the whole "looking the gift horse in the mouth" thing, everyone looks. He's got baggage, of course he's gonna be gun-shy. Ok... way too many metaphors later and I'll leave this saying good chapter. :)

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