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Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/25/2006 - 01:46 pm Title: Chapter Five: Oh, What a Beautiful Morning

Mmmh nice :) Waking upto breakfast. Yeah I guess it is very hard to gro´w up disabled in some form. Kids can be cruel. Yeah, you said it too. It's sadly very true.
Uh-huh.. Spike told Buffy he doesn't has a girlfriend (because they broke up again) but Anya sees it not that way. Hopefully she has all clothes on lol. Well now I'm looking very eager forward what Spike will say to that! Because he should make is mind up. Is he together with Anya or not. And if he is not (what I think he is because he bolted all the time the got to near) he should be honest and tell her that! ... You see, all eager to read on :)

Reviewer: gotkona Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/25/2006 - 12:05 pm Title: Chapter Five: Oh, What a Beautiful Morning

Yeah i thought you didn't have a girlfriend? Getting interesting.

Reviewer: willowmouse Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/25/2006 - 07:36 am Title: Chapter Five: Oh, What a Beautiful Morning

oh, cant wait to see him get out of this one!

Reviewer: Dirktavian Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/25/2006 - 05:11 am Title: Chapter Five: Oh, What a Beautiful Morning

Oh, what a tangled web we weave....Well, at least this will allow him to tell his story of his on-again, off-again relationship. And if he admits he doesn't really care for Anya, especially not after the way she treated Buffy, then "that works out well". Nice way for Buffy to use one of Spike's lines in the BtVS show. Loving this story-- just loving it!

Reviewer: MidnightGirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/25/2006 - 05:06 am Title: Chapter Five: Oh, What a Beautiful Morning

Wow! That was quite an entrance Hurricane Anya made into the story. I had a bad feeling William would regret not mentioning Anya... lol. I can't wait to find out how William answers Buffy's question. Loved the breakfast scene. Fantastic chapter!

Reviewer: Kimmie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/25/2006 - 03:00 am Title: Chapter Five: Oh, What a Beautiful Morning

well written and very creative ... I could almost smell the bacon in this cozy morning scene ... then Anya.
Cannot wait for the update(s)

Reviewer: Riahannon Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/25/2006 - 02:29 am Title: Chapter Five: Oh, What a Beautiful Morning

this story is great for me because, while I'm not deaf, I am hard of hearing and I do the whole reading lips bit, so your story is awesome!

Thanks and keep updating!

Reviewer: Crystal Pegasus Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/25/2006 - 02:20 am Title: Chapter Five: Oh, What a Beautiful Morning

Calm down Buffy, he doesn't have a girlfriend, he's got an insecure, clingy bitch invading his apartment and ACTING like his girlfriend. I just love this tale and look forward to the next update!

Reviewer: ash Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/25/2006 - 01:42 am Title: Chapter Five: Oh, What a Beautiful Morning

anya's insane!!! i love this!!! cant wait to see what happens next!!!

Reviewer: kim Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/25/2006 - 01:36 am Title: Chapter Five: Oh, What a Beautiful Morning

More like a stalker, lol.

Reviewer: Alyxandria Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/25/2006 - 01:34 am Title: Chapter Five: Oh, What a Beautiful Morning

I love the last line! I just *knew* it was coming! LOL! Great chapter. Thanks for the update!

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/25/2006 - 01:22 am Title: Chapter Five: Oh, What a Beautiful Morning

See what he gets for telling Buffy he doesn't have a girlfriend?? Loved it! Great chapter!

Reviewer: Laura Liz Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/25/2006 - 01:18 am Title: Chapter Five: Oh, What a Beautiful Morning

lying is bad...always comes to bite you in the ass. good work spike!

more please :)

Reviewer: secretguest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/25/2006 - 01:17 am Title: Chapter Five: Oh, What a Beautiful Morning

Wow....that was awkward. Anya's kinda nuts....I wodner how Spike's gonna get out of this. Update soon please!

Reviewer: blondiebear Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/25/2006 - 01:08 am Title: Chapter Five: Oh, What a Beautiful Morning

well, spike's got some 'splainin' to do! lol. i can really REALLY relate to buffy's character in this fic and i can't wait to find out what happens with her character in the upcoming updates. she's so strong and.....not at all bitter about her situation. i like that. even with everything that's happened with her, she has a positive outlook on life. Buffy was right though. people often fear differences and what they don't understand. it's hard but u just have to deal with it somehow. i know i do.

anyway, loved it. great job.

Reviewer: Burnz Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/24/2006 - 09:14 pm Title: Chapter Four: Here's my Baggage

Really entertaining story! I look forward to the updates. :)

Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/24/2006 - 07:34 pm Title: Chapter Four: Here's my Baggage

Wow.. Buffy is strong. She must be I think. Buffy had her alarm system organized well. And she was quick in finding a way to defend herself. The hair-spray was a good idea. Lol Spike was rude because he is attracted to Buffy and is trying to defend himself before it is too late for him.. but maybe it is already lol :) Loved it.

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/24/2006 - 03:20 pm Title: Chapter Four: Here's my Baggage

Great chapter! Loved it!

Reviewer: Dirktavian Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/24/2006 - 11:52 am Title: Chapter Four: Here's my Baggage

Now don't go making him act like an ass again, just because he was having lusty Buffy thoughts.... I really like how taken he is with her-- And you have portrayed her as incredibly strong. I wasn't even thinking about all of this rational, crime detective stuff (other than the fact that she should be a suspect), but it was nice that you got these questions out of the way. Since Spike is a cop, it's like you've satisfied his curious mind so they can take the next step in their relationship. I'm a little confused, too. She originally didn't want to leave her house. Then when she's with Spike, she asks to stay with him. Then she isn't sure she wants to stay at his house? Was it just a one-night kind of thing-- Just to stay at his house?

Another brilliant chapter. I am so grooving on this fic!!! And thank you bunches for consistently updating these fics. ;)

Author's Response: Hi! Thank you for the review. I always love reading what you have to say :) I think with Buffy wanting to go home, at first she really did because she was trying to be all strong, then when she got to Spike's she felt safer and the idea of going home actually terrified her and she just wanted to take the night to process it all, however, she doesn't want to rely on anyone and doesn't want the event to drive her completely away, so she does want to go back. Am I making sense? LOL. I know what I was thinking in my head, sometimes it doesn't always come out right...Mainly, Buffy was just in shock.

Reviewer: willowmouse Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/24/2006 - 08:00 am Title: Chapter Four: Here's my Baggage

This is great - just loving it!

Reviewer: teasha Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/24/2006 - 06:40 am Title: Chapter Four: Here's my Baggage

cool chapter..........he really needs to sort out his relationship with anya but I understand that buffy is rather unavailable now.

Reviewer: MidnightGirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/24/2006 - 03:45 am Title: Chapter Four: Here's my Baggage

Interesting talk between Spike and Buffy, it was very informative. Loved the chapter!

Reviewer: Crystal Pegasus Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/24/2006 - 02:43 am Title: Chapter Four: Here's my Baggage

Wonderful update. Very emotional chap. Highly unique tale with Buffy being deaf. Look forward to more.

Reviewer: B Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/24/2006 - 02:06 am Title: Chapter Four: Here's my Baggage

Complications can be good. And giving comfort can be good too.

Reviewer: Suzee Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/24/2006 - 01:30 am Title: Chapter Four: Here's my Baggage

Yeah, yeah, so he dosn't need another girl in his life...but see it's Buffy so that negates the other stuff...or so I say--even if I'm thinking that I just made no sense :S Anyway I still love this story so very, very much :-D Great update, hope you can update again soon

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