Reviews For Starting Over
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Reviewer: gotkona Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/09/2006 - 02:42 am Title: Chapter One

You are a machine. Another intersting one. I love the stepsibling angle with these two. Always makes it interesting.

Reviewer: secretguest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/09/2006 - 02:30 am Title: Chapter One

what happened to Buffy?? I was just wondering though...if Spike is straight faced and conformed to rules....wouldn't he be William instead? Not to be aggravating or anything cause it is your story, I was just wondering if there was a story to his name?

I can't wait to see what you'll come up with! You're one of my favorite authors! Update soon please!

Reviewer: Sevvy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/09/2006 - 02:15 am Title: Chapter One

Aw, how sweet! Can this one be a fluff-fest since Bent is so depressing? *bats eyelashes*

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/09/2006 - 02:14 am Title: Chapter One

Sounds fun! Looking forward to seeing where you go with this one. :)

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