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Reviewer: spikes mrs Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2007 - 07:07 pm Title: Bath Time

love bathtime fun myself so I can imagine how Buffy felt wnderful

Author's Response: dont we all, honey, dont we all.....

Reviewer: spikes mrs Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2007 - 07:03 pm Title: Giving and recieving

One of my favourite chapters

Author's Response: thanks mrs - glad you're enjoying it second time around

Reviewer: spikes mrs Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2007 - 06:59 pm Title: Contact

oh love rhis chapter

Author's Response: Hiya, it's one of my favourites too

Reviewer: spikes mrs Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2007 - 06:56 pm Title: Introductions

lookie what I found and hey i bet i can bring your reviews up over 200 here as well shall we see

Author's Response: Hi mrs, still a way to go yet. Thanks again and again for the reviews

Reviewer: J Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2007 - 06:18 pm Title: Daddy's Home

Oh God what will he do.Will he get Druzilla out. he cant kill buffy and spike

Author's Response: Hi J, there will be more soon and I think the chapters will answer your questions - thanks ever so for the reviews my love

Reviewer: Jenna Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2007 - 04:56 pm Title: Four for Breakfast

Yes, Son.. why does Buffy call you Spike?


I really liked these two chapters. it is about time Joyce had someone to really care for her!

Great job!

Author's Response: Hi Jenna, on the show she was still an attractive woman and the only mail interest she got was from a robot. I felt she should have a real man, if you know what I mean.

Reviewer: 1880girl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2007 - 03:47 pm Title: Too late at night

Nice chapter, I hope Xander don't forget everything that William has shown him and stay with Anya and Cordelia. Buffy is slowing coming about to her feeling for him which is great. Overall good one.

Author's Response: Why thank you my luv, I am glad there are readers out there still enjoying it as belive there is still a bit to go. I might post up to Angelus' return tonight - I will see how it goes.

Reviewer: ella Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2007 - 07:04 am Title: Too late at night

Oooh, very sexy! It's actually really unbelievable that a lady of that period would act and talk like Buffy does, but for once, I don't care! Your story is just so great!

Author's Response: Hi Ella, When I did my research for this story - which is fast turning into a saga - I went into depth on how the upper crust of Britain acted at that time. This is before the Victorian era which really dampened any sexual feelings. The Regency period was totally different with marriages made within a week of the couple meeting. Different time - different place. Mind you, if I had met Spike then I would have married him in a DAY - wouldn't you?

Reviewer: SarahandJamesFanatic Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2007 - 05:00 am Title: Too late at night

another fantastic update

Author's Response: Thank you so much - I will bring the story up to date in the next few days - we are only 9 chapters behind now

Reviewer: Iza Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/16/2007 - 09:30 pm Title: Too late at night

Poor guy, who's gonna help him now ;-) ? But then Buffy is right, a guy who can change his heart in two days can't be trusted easily, even though he's been struck by passion. Plus he's wicked enough to leave her (and us...) wanting for more ! They're even now, let's see what happens next...

Author's Response: Hi Iza, At least he was honest with her, but I wouldn't trust him either - not yet. More up very soon as the fic is only 9 chapters behind and I want to bring it up do date

Reviewer: jamies_lady Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/16/2007 - 08:40 pm Title: Too late at night

many thanks for the wonderful story. reminds me of georgette hayer at her very best bt definatly adults only.
cleverly written

Author's Response: Aww thanks sweetie. I tried to write it as if you really were in that time. I did a lot of research into places, customs and speech patterns. It was quite hard not to write the occassional OK. LOL - so glad you like it there will be a few chapters posted tomorrow

Reviewer: Pam S Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/16/2007 - 08:39 pm Title: Too late at night

Enjoyed the updates.

Well, Daddy Dearest and Drusilla are gone for now. Glad Joyce told him off.
And hopefully we will find the old doctor was giving her something to make her sick... and now she will have a quick comeback.

Now for Buffy's wedding night.

Author's Response: Hi Pam, Buffy's Daddy may be gone, but we all know what Dru calls Angel - more updates tomorrow babe I promise

Reviewer: Alex Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/16/2007 - 02:36 pm Title: The end of an era

At this rate, I suppose we will soon catch-up on the original... in the meantime, I love getting a lot of chapters in one go...
Keep it coming!

Author's Response: Hi Alex, Not long till catch up but it is still a WIP so there is lots more to come. I will try and put some up tonight and tomorrow. I think it should be caught up by the weekend. *Huggles* for the constant reviews - you are my star

Reviewer: maraina Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/16/2007 - 02:11 am Title: The end of an era

Man oh man, after returning to work this week (and I'm only at the end of day TWO...eek) there's nothing like coming home to a HUGE update on one of my FAVOURITE stories. Go you good thing you! LOL So I'm starting to buy William's sincerity (especially after putting Dru in her place but wasn't absolutely clear at the start that he'd do that) which makes me feel more positive about the couple's chances. Gotta wonder what's gonna happen when Mr-Ho-Bag-Who's-Been-Committed-Finally (aka Angelus) returns though. Oh and good on Joyce for taking the high-road with her tosser husband who is soon to be nothing more than a distasteful memory. Loving it!!!

Author's Response: Hi maraina, SOOOOO glad you are still enjoying it. I was a bit scared about putting up so many chapters, but I am determined that the fic catch up with the original. Look out over the next few days, there are still about 10 chapters to be posted

Reviewer: scaryscouse Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/15/2007 - 11:37 pm Title: The Betrothal Ball

excellent, cart her off to the loony bin, but I don't think that's the last we have heard of her or her hubby

Author's Response: HI babes, when I did the research into Bedlam I was surprised to find it only closed in 1997. It's now a museum. I did lots of research for this fic and the research ended up becoming most of the plot, LOL. Thanks for continuing to review - another 10 chapter till catch up and they will be up in the next few days or so. Enjoy

Reviewer: Angie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/15/2007 - 11:09 pm Title: The end of an era

What a wonderful story, truly a pleasure to read!!!

Author's Response: Awww, thanks Angie. It really does help the author when readers take the time to read and review. Please keep an eye out as there will be more VERY soon

Reviewer: SarahandJamesFanatic Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/15/2007 - 11:03 pm Title: The end of an era

good updates

Author's Response: Thank you form the bottom of my heart for continuing to review. It truly makes my day and makes the fingers go tap, tap, tap

Reviewer: bluebird Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/15/2007 - 10:58 pm Title: The end of an era

I sooooo Love your story! I'm so heart broken about Buffy still wanting out of the marriage. Love the way the prince took care of her father though! Can't wait to see what happens next! Please write more soon!

Author's Response: Hi Bluebird, thank you so much for taking the time to review. I was beginning to dispair that everyone had stopped reading it. More chapters on the way babes, I promise

Reviewer: Iza Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/15/2007 - 09:49 pm Title: The end of an era

Even though this is the first review I leave, I've been following this story avidly from the start and love what you did with it. Hope Buffy will finally see the light ! Thanks for the quick updates and congratulations for this first fic of yours, you're talented.

Author's Response: Hi Iza, thank you so much for your compliments *blushes*. I am glad you are enjoying it. There will be more over the next few days to bring the fic up to date - watch for them luv, I think you will enjoy

Reviewer: mjspuff Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/15/2007 - 08:40 pm Title: The end of an era

love this story.

Author's Response: thank you mjspuff, I'm glad you like it too - it's not far behind now and wil batch up before the weekend

Reviewer: tis-kit Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/15/2007 - 07:46 pm Title: The end of an era

Oh my, several chapters that have alleviated my boredom nicely! I tend to follow most stories via my lj and only check the archives weekly, so it was a really pleasant surprise to such significant progress; thank you.

As to what's been happening since I last! This has grown a considerable plot and my head is spinning from all the dastardly goings on.

I loved the sparring scene between Elizabeth and William in particular and it is good to see such strength in the women despite the restrictions of the time.

Author's Response: thanks tis-kit. the story is only 10 chapters behind now - I will bring it up to date in the next few days. Angelus is on his way babes - watch for it

Reviewer: PamS Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/15/2007 - 06:37 pm Title: Before the Ball


Author's Response: Thanks Pam, I am trying to catch the fic up and so there will be lots posted tonight

Reviewer: Pam S Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/15/2007 - 06:31 pm Title: Plots and counter plots

Enjoyed... but know the angst is coming soon.

Author's Response: Hi Pam, Its not hard to see it coming. Thanks for your review, it really does brighten my day

Reviewer: Alex Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/15/2007 - 04:49 pm Title: The Water Closet

Angelus seems very frightening in this story... I am not looking forward to be acquainted with him....
I love fiery Buffy; William can't resist...impossible... and vice versa! (I know I couldn't ;-))

Author's Response: Hi Alex, it's definately the Buffy we know and love. Read on babes, I will be catching this one up in the next few days

Reviewer: Serenity Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/14/2007 - 06:13 pm Title: Introductions

Just re-read a couple of chapters and thought I would leave a review to say still bloody brilliant the second time around! Plus, thought I would help in getting to 200 reviews on this site as well! :)

Author's Response: Serenity, my angel, thank you so much. I think I will bring this story up to date in the next few days cos everyone is jumping to AFF.

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