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Reviewer: Nicki Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/07/2007 - 01:47 am Title: Striking a bargain

oooohhh, fantastic chapter!!!!! More, more, more!

Author's Response: Hi Nicki - I just had to tease you with a few plot chapters before we got to this one. Worth the wait I hope

Reviewer: Rosana Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/07/2007 - 01:38 am Title: Striking a bargain

Wooooooooooow!!!!! Love it!!!
Go Buffy!!!!

Author's Response: She has come out of her little shell now and the real Buffy is coming out to play.

Reviewer: scaryscouse Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/07/2007 - 01:33 am Title: Striking a bargain

wow-best chapter yet. What's good for the goose & all that

Author's Response: I knew you would like it.

Reviewer: DK Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/07/2007 - 01:24 am Title: Striking a bargain

Outstanding chapter!!
She has put him in his place and the setting of the terms, she should have been a queen.

Author's Response: hi DK, I was not going to post the chapter till tomorrow, but the reviews fed me and I felt you all deserved it

Reviewer: scaryscouse Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/07/2007 - 01:05 am Title: Home Truths

another good chapter-yay you posted 3 together, you're spoiling us. I like the fact that you are using Clem as his friend. Totally believable

Author's Response: Hi, Spike should have had a friend on the show. I liked Clem so I used him unashamedly.

Reviewer: SPUFFYaddict Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/07/2007 - 12:57 am Title: Striking a bargain

Dru's such a homewrecker!

Oh how the unrequited love battles will never end. I hope something good comes out of these nonSpuffy moments.

Author's Response: H babes. I was determined to write a plot interspersed with some porn. Sometime the plot bunny just runs away with me, but hey ho the muse wins every time

Reviewer: spikestheman Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/07/2007 - 12:33 am Title: Striking a bargain

You go girl!!! Love this Buffy and have to be honest with you and HATE this simpering Spike...cant help but think that Clem would be a much better match...hey dont worry know one loves Spuffy more than I but this Spike better change his ways and soon...thanks again for the quick updates!!

Author's Response: Spike wont simper long babes,don't you worry. I like Clem in this too. he was such a cute demon

Reviewer: janice Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/07/2007 - 12:21 am Title: Striking a bargain

WOWW. i liked that last line alot. im so pleased with this story...and your, well, insane =) but in a good way of coarse. i really like buffy in this story...spike's kinda...hung up on dru and i don't really like that but it adds to the story! thanks =D

Author's Response: Hi Janice, it was a good way to end the chapter. I liked the line a lot too. I have up to 51 chapters ready but I did not want to bore people with the whole lot at one time which is why you are only getting a dribble. More up tomorrow

Reviewer: Sandra Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/06/2007 - 11:49 pm Title: Home Truths

Orgh!!!! I could kill william!! What the f*ck is wrong with him!!!

I'm starting to belive that they wont end up together... And that is just wrong..!!
please update soon.. can't go quick enough.. am addicted to this fic!

Author's Response: Hi Sandra - chapter 27 is up. The big confirontation is finally here

Reviewer: SarahandJamesFanatic Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/06/2007 - 10:47 pm Title: Confessions

good update

Author's Response: Thanks my dear, I will be posting another few chappies either tonight or tomorrow

Reviewer: 1880girl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/06/2007 - 09:03 pm Title: Confessions

Loved it, this is one of the best spuffy stories I have read in three years. Thanks to you Gillypod, I find myself checking this story for updates at LEAST one a day. Please don't keep us waiting long.
p.s I bow at your feet.

Author's Response: 1880girl - I promise there will be at least another 2 chapters over the next few days. I have another 27 ready to post, but I thought it might be too much at one go.

Reviewer: DANIELA Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/06/2007 - 06:01 pm Title: Introductions


Author's Response: Thank Daniela - I promise this story is no where near finished. There will be a few new chapters over the next few days babe, hope you enjoy

Reviewer: dee Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/06/2007 - 05:34 pm Title: Confessions

i love clem, at this point buffy should just marry clem cuz spike is just a jackass. please hurry and update again soon, i can't wait to see how much groveling spike is going to do and how much torture buffy is going to inflict on him :)

Author's Response: Hi Dee, I always liked clem and I was determined not to write him with a 'skin condition' like he normally has in AU fics. I used his personality instead - hope you like it

Reviewer: kay Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/06/2007 - 03:29 pm Title: Confessions

i can't wait to read more, this is one of the best fics i have read in a really really long time, keep up the great writing!

Author's Response: Hi Kay, Thanks for the compliment. I will post a few chapters in the next few days - keep checking babes

Reviewer: debkix Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/06/2007 - 12:59 pm Title: Introductions

flipping amazing, that's what it is

Author's Response: Why thanks debkix, I am so glad you are enjoying it. There will be more soon, honey, I promise

Reviewer: tis-kit Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/06/2007 - 12:24 pm Title: Confessions

William adds further proof to the adage "you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone".

Looking forward to the confrontation.

Author's Response: Hi tis-kit. it's a stormer and not quite what anyone expects and it will be up sometime today. I am letting readers absorb this chapter first.

Reviewer: DK Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/06/2007 - 03:15 am Title: Consequences

A wonderful story, great for a long winters night. I always wondered about this time period, you make it sound a heaven for men and hell for women/ Thanks for the great chapter.

Author's Response: HI DK, so glad you are enjoying it. There will be more chapters later today. I did loads and loads of research before writing this fic and a lot of the plot developed from the research. It is such fun to write and there is LOTS more to come

Reviewer: scaryscouse Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/06/2007 - 01:07 am Title: Consequences

gosh that was such a good chapter & so glad you will post again tomorrow

Author's Response: HI scaryscouse, I hope you will enjoy my chappies tomorrow. Reviews definately make the posts faster

Reviewer: Becky Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/05/2007 - 11:49 pm Title: Consequences

i loved this chapter ! i love a squirming confused and angry william! and i love the cold shoulder buffy gave him! i'll be waiting tomorrow for a new chapter! love it so far!

Author's Response: Hi Becky, there will definately be updates tomorrow - I promise

Reviewer: tis-kit Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/05/2007 - 11:41 pm Title: Consequences

Wow; I've just read your response to my recent comments and I am absolutley flabbergasted that Sweet Temptation wouldn't take your story!

You're correct in saying that whilst there are some great stories archived there, there is also some complete and utter twaddle.

Well they are missing an excellent read and I'm glad that the unwarranted rejection has not put you off.

Author's Response: To be honest with you tis-kit, it really put me off for a long time. I was acutally a wee bit tipsy when I posted it to AFF, but when the reviews started to pour in the story just took off. I definately will be posting a few chapters tomorrow - I dedicate them to you

Reviewer: tis-kit Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/05/2007 - 11:25 pm Title: Interruptions

Now that's extreme!

Author's Response: Hi tis-kit, isn't it just. I will post more over the weekend as everyone wants to know what Buffy has planned for him. Just checking them now and will post early tomorrow

Reviewer: melissa b Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/05/2007 - 07:41 pm Title: Consequences

please updare sooon this story is just soooooooo good

Author's Response: Don't worry melissa - more on the way

Reviewer: Sandra Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/05/2007 - 04:26 pm Title: Consequences

Can't wait to read the rest.. please hurry and update..
And let buffy ruin his life.. a litle.. = )

Author's Response: Hi Sandra, time will tell honey, time will tell

Reviewer: dee Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/05/2007 - 02:54 pm Title: Consequences

hope this review speeds up the writing process. i can't WAIT to see what buffy does....spike is in for it now :) please hurry and update again soon!

Author's Response: Hi Dee - there is a bit of plot first, but I promise you will read it all over the weekend

Reviewer: BloodyLuv Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/05/2007 - 02:45 pm Title: Consequences

oh oh, someones's in trouble!! LOL buffy should really make him suffer!!! update soon!!

Author's Response: Isn't he just. Imagine what you would do if that happened - I know what I would do.......

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