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Reviewer: Debbie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 09:49 pm Title: A father;'s acceptance

GREAT 3 chapters, I think Spike will soon be totally enraptured and in love with Buffy, and once he has a taste of true passion, he will be sunk. Dru has a black heart, and he will learn the difference between the two, and that the sex he has with Dru is missing something, while with Buffy he will feel complete and have a peace that could never be felt with Dru. Thanks and Happy New Year

Author's Response: Hi Debbie, it may take some time to get there, but he just might. But will Buffy accept how he feels - read on and find out

Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 08:43 pm Title: A father;'s acceptance

Wow, last chapter for now! :) I'll be late again, I'm sure.
I really hope things will get as Buffy has planned them (that she can keep a thumb on her money, that her money belongs indeed to her). And not for gifts that go the Drusilla, huh?
And look there.. the duke likes it because he thinks he has found a way now to get rid of his family too to enjoy his concubine. ~ Till next time!

Author's Response: The Duke is not a nice man, or is he? Wait and see

Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 08:31 pm Title: Giving and recieving

Buffy has indeed her own plans... as a married woman she would be free. In a way good for Buffy that William visited Dru the night before: She noticed and the thought made her more willing to go through with her plans.
Wow, their engagement got hot! Though I wonder how long it will take William to forget his promises ;-)

Author's Response: Thanks CK - you will be surprised how long it takes

Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 08:18 pm Title: The Ring

Ah.. so this match was planned for a long long time. Only that the two in question didn't know anything about it. ~ But at last there's hope for Buffy... when I think of William's father. He never remarried because he loved his wife.
Yet not to want to hurt Buffy? Oh my, what does he know of her... him being with Drusilla hurts her. But now:
*on to the next one*

Author's Response: You will just love tomorrows chapters babe

Reviewer: janice Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 08:11 pm Title: A father;'s acceptance

YAY!! keep writing please =) [i love spike in this story tehe]

Author's Response: Hi Janice. Thanks for reviewing pet, there will be another 3 chapters up tomorrow

Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 08:05 pm Title: Making plans

Mmmh Buffy doesn't like there plans but she has to live with them...
And Joyce knows the her husband isn't loyal... but she is reared (bred?) to accept it. Buffy is a free spirit.
She was born in the wrong time; I guess she'll have problems with this attitude though she has the right to do so (to think this way, not the right in the sense of 'law').
But she is ready to fight with her own weapons *g*.

Author's Response: We'll have to wait and see CK, wait and see

Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 07:48 pm Title: Stress Relief

My thoughts exactly at William's last words.. he won't let go easy. And Buffy won't like that. But will she know? *on to the next chapter*

Author's Response: Hi toots, he does clig a bit doesn't he. need to sort that one out

Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 07:37 pm Title: Awakenings

Buffy knows what she want and William showed her what it could be. Things won't go easy... William still clings to Drusilla.

Author's Response: he's a bad, rude man but I thnk I would give it up on the first date for him

Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 07:31 pm Title: Playing on your own

Uh-huh.. I saw you have a lot of chapters already written and I feared you'd post quickly. I guess I'll fall behind the updates soon. I'll catch up, sooner or later.
Wow.. they have all planned out. Buffy will be played and she doesn't know it yet. But I think she's a clever one, she'll notice, sooner or later, what at game William plays with her. But when her father has planned her wedding I think she doesn't have a say in it. ~ I wonder how Drusilla will take the news.

Author's Response: Hi dearie, I am only going to post a few chapters a day. There will be 3 going up tomorrow. Watch out for 15, it's a corker

Reviewer: kd Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 07:17 pm Title: A father;'s acceptance

Wow. This is so awesome. Thanks for all the updates!

Author's Response: you're welcome kd, there will be more tomorrow. I promise

Reviewer: SarahandJamesFanatic Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 06:59 pm Title: Giving and recieving

good updates

Author's Response: Thanks Honey, There will be another 3 or 4 chapters tomorrow. I hope you enjoy them too.

Reviewer: dee Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 06:52 pm Title: Giving and recieving

wow i reviewed the last chapter and there is already another one waiting for my review. it was fantasic. i love how you are giving all the control to buffy, guys are so easily tamed :) please hurry and update again soon, i can't wait for the wedding and wedding night :)

Author's Response: Hi Dee, Thanks for reviewing again so quickly. The wedding night is a little way off yet, but it will be something else. i will be posting more tomorrow so watch for them

Reviewer: spikes_cj Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 06:45 pm Title: The Ring

Well, that was a twist. William appears to have a heart. I know that those times were different, but his statement that he would never hurt Buffy angered me a bit. He's hurting her already. Lucky for me, it seems as Buffy isn't going to take it sitting down. I love this story and thank you for updating so often.

Author's Response: Hi sweetie, I have another 34 chapters ready, but I thought to tease you all by posting 3 or 4 a day. That way I can write more and eventually we will catch up. I am so glad you are enjoying this fic, it warms my heart when people review

Reviewer: dee Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 06:35 pm Title: The Ring

wow this fic is great and the fact that you update like a mad woman helps :) please post more soon, i can't wait to see what happens next.

Author's Response: Hi Dee. My family have told me for years that I am a mad woman. Does this mean I have a story to tell or no life - you choose

Reviewer: Nicki Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 06:33 pm Title: The Ring

Oh, Clap, Clap, Clap, I'm so happy whenever I see an updated on your story! I'm in love with this tale!!! YOU ROCK!

Author's Response: Thanks Nikki, I will be posting 3 or 4 chapters today. Then I think I will write Chapter 45

Reviewer: Nicki Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 03:45 pm Title: Making plans

I am just loving your story! I could read this all day long! Fantastic, fun, romantic, hot, fun, it's got it all. Please keep posting!

Author's Response: Hi Nikki, Keep watching for updates as it gets even hotter which is why it's an AO fic.

Reviewer: spikes_cj Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 03:14 pm Title: Making plans

I'm glad I decided to read this story. I'm enjoying it quite a lot so far. I love historical pieces, and love them even more when the lead female is a strong individual. I'm glad that Buffy learned of Williams true intentions early on, before she really fell hard for him. And I'm hoping that William truly falls in love with her, and she puts him in his place, because right now, not so much with the liking him. Can't wait to read more.

Author's Response: I know what you mean. At the moment he is a bit of a twat. Maybe he will improve, you will just have to wait and see.

Reviewer: zeta0497 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 02:07 pm Title: Making plans

I'm so glad that you're posting this story here. I've been trying to follow as much as possible on AFF.Net but I'm on this site much more often so yay! Does that make me selfish?

Anyway, adore this story, I'm a sucker for period pieces so I'm hooked! I like where you're going with the plot and can't wait to see where it goes, and how it ends up.

Author's Response: Thanks Zeta, it has been fun to write so far, but there is LOTS MORE to come

Reviewer: ella Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 01:58 pm Title: Making plans

I'm so glad to see your story is finally here in an actual Spuffy archive. You're a very talented writer! I feel you've especially captured Buffy's personality very well, which is not easy to do, especially in an AU fic. Looking forward to updates!

Author's Response: Hi Ella, thanks for taking the time to read it again. There have been so many people telling me that they have already read it, so I won't spoil it for the people still to read. Chapter 15 should be good when I post that one

Reviewer: maraina Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 10:49 am Title: Stress Relief

Oh wow...good tinglies, definitely good tinglies, lol! The passion with which William embraces his hedonism is pretty hot I have to admit but 1- Spru? Oh hell no! (LOL again) 2- Going straight from one encounter (i.e. lover) to another? Sooo not of the good. 3- Thinking he can treat a woman (Buffy in this instance but it could be anyone) with such disrespect as to handle her like chattel while seeking his pleasure at her (very literal) expense? Completely in keeping with those times I suspect but still...NOT COOL. Great way to crank the angst-levels up though, hee! Hope there's gonna be some serious comeuppance and a LOT of soul-searching for William in the not too distant future. Still adoring it and waiting eagerly for more.

Author's Response: Thanks maraina. Angst is my middle name and this story has plenty. Give it time and you will see what I mean.

Reviewer: Vette Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 07:46 am Title: Stress Relief

Buffy has her work cut out for her if she thinks she can take away William's favorite trollip. Drusilla has thoroughly seduced William with her lurid games and he is truly ensnared.

Considering how Buffy's father is treating her like a beast to be wed and bread, whether or not she can assert some leverage of her own and bargain William into her plans of "give up Drusilla or no sex with Buffy". Perhaps she can bargain with William's father and have him order his son to give up Drusilla in exchange for an heir. That is really the only bargaining chip that I can see that Buffy has. The women of those times probably would have chaperones to ensure that their virtue would not be compromised and if Buffy were not to allow herself to be alone with William then she can make her plans come to realization.

Buffy's father is quite the rake as well and I feel that he does not give his daughter enough credit considering that Buffy has been wise to his plan to marry her off by starting her out with old men to eventually serve up William on a silver platter. Buffy is his daughter afterall and Hank is not a stupid man.

William's existence is wholly based on selfish pleasure where his ideal of what love should be is warped by sexual enticements provided by a woman who is unattainable. If Buffy were within reach but unattainable, would he bother to give chase since she has already given him a taste of her body.

Somehow I think that William is too sure of himself and does not take into consideration that once Buffy is wed that she can do the same to him that Drusilla is doing to her own husband.

Great story, really am looking forward to reading more of it.

Author's Response: Vette honey, the best is yet to come. Wait and see

Reviewer: serenity Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 04:15 am Title: Introductions

See Gillypod, I told you they would love your story! Congrats on all the reviews. I pale in comparison, but heck I even like yours better than mine. I would love to have your talent and ability for characterization and plot lines. Hope your New Years was fantastic.

Author's Response: You're just biased, but thank you. Still think you should post Lose Control

Reviewer: Nicki Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 03:41 am Title: Awakenings

Oh, the struggle between them will be so MUCH FUN to watch! CAN'T WAIT!

Author's Response: Hi Nicki, Load of struggle out there, honey, just wait and see

Reviewer: anonna Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 03:29 am Title: Awakenings

more please!

Author's Response: Hi anonna, There is LOADS more honey, stick with it and enjoy

Reviewer: eve Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/01/2007 - 02:48 am Title: Awakenings

Go you for posting here now too!! And already the reviews are flowing. ;-) Congrats btw on the nominations

Author's Response: Eve, what can I say. Between you and Spikes MRS I would have stayed on AFF and missed all these wonderful new readers - KUDOS babe

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