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Reviewer: BuffyRat Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/19/2008 - 05:24 am Title: Chapter Sixty

Ballsy, love struck vampire. And I knew Giles would figure something out. No other way that could have gone. Hope he doesn't lose her. Looking forward to more.

Reviewer: luridmuse Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/18/2008 - 08:17 pm Title: Chapter Sixty

Poor Spike I so wanna see him happy!!!!!


Reviewer: DeltaNightHawke Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/18/2008 - 07:48 pm Title: Chapter Sixty

I disagree with Dawn on this "Everything is not good" right now it is close but it's not perfect for the simple reason Spike has no idea where he stands with Buffy and where they are at. Are they a couple? are they together together? are they living together? will she wear his ring? whats his role now in her life now that they aren't tryig to kill one another and everything that has happened on the past has come out. Dawn in a teenage way kinda does not see all that is going on she just sees they kind of have a family thing together going on and that is what she craves again and does not want him to blow it. She does not see how scared Spike is and his need to be the man in their life.
I'm hopeful or optimistic or whatever that it will all work itself out. Cant wait till you add more

Reviewer: SilentOne2k Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/18/2008 - 05:33 pm Title: Chapter Sixty

This is Spike and he is the first to admit the blood doesn't always flow first thing to his head he just goes with his gut and his gut is telling him to protect his woman by any means necessary. And Giles is doing the same to protect his slayer

Reviewer: vampid cupcake Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/18/2008 - 04:53 pm Title: Chapter Sixty

Buffy knows he is evil and without a soul and though his job is messed up and wrong I think she can see his heart was in the right place even if it's wrong I mean hes a vampire they don't exactly hire his trpy down at KFC or at Subwat for 5,000 a week.
Dawn was right on in saying all the little sister things even if it rang in his head over and over. He is still gonna do what he has to do to protect his girls and right or wrong be damned

Reviewer: Tears of the Moon Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/18/2008 - 04:27 pm Title: Chapter Sixty

Once again you made me cry and I love it. You pack so much punch into this story it's four stars all the way.

Reviewer: gdo Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/18/2008 - 03:07 am Title: Chapter Sixty

I love happy Buffy. Darn Giles, but it's not going to be easy deceiving him.

Reviewer: Breath-me_In Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/18/2008 - 12:26 am Title: Chapter Sixty

I feel so bad for Spike but I think once this all blows up Buffy will surprise him and maybe Dawn will be a key in helping with that.
Giles is the voice of reason but even he can't completely hate on Spike about wanting to help out the girl he loves but I am sure Willow and Xander will have a field day with it. I hope they say something and Buffy puts them in their place.
Anagin you go beyond and keep me coming back for more on this saga.
Great writing

Reviewer: Quetzacoatl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2008 - 04:03 pm Title: Chapter Sixty

I was behind on a few chapters but whoa catching up was mid blowing with all that is going on.

PLEASE MORE I am dying to see when this all comes out

Reviewer: inkstained Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2008 - 02:40 pm Title: Chapter Sixty

Intense and emotional read where you just dont know where they are headed but you're craving for more

Reviewer: Kalahara Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2008 - 01:14 pm Title: Chapter Sixty

No wonder he is exhausted and losing weight hes carrying such a burden of trying to be all things to Buffy. I think Giles is gonna expose Spike but it won't have the effect on Buffy he thinks it will have.
Yes - What Spike has been doing for money on many levels is wrong but his intentions are pure in wanting to do what is right in protecting and helping the woman ; women he loves. So I don't think Buffy will be able to be very black and white in her thinking on this one. Gile and the gang have just been waiting to find a way to be rid of Spike in their lives and really are just kinda jump at the chance for a way to out him.
Spike wants to be the man he thinks Buffy needs so he wants to support her and care for her and take care of her sisters and household but at the same time if* Buffy was more forth coming in her feelings and intentions with Spike and their future he would not be so desperate to be grasping at any straws as a means of keeping Buffy. She won't wear his ring, she won't fully invite him into her home or life and he's so insecure about where he stands he is beyond being a desperate ex-man. And Buffy's kinda into the fluffy puppy ga-ga head over feet love Spike has for her and although its nice it's not realistic in a relationship. It would not hurt Buffy to wake up a little and get a job and for them to work together as a team and couple and be real in their relationship. Buffy is a lot stronger then she looks she can shoulder some responsibility too. I can't wait to you add more to this fic.

Reviewer: Record Breakers Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2008 - 12:57 pm Title: Chapter Sixty

“William,” she whispered, and he shivered at the name. “I love you. Don’t you know that?”

Maybe thats just it she keeps saying she loves William to him and he is Spike now and a mixture of both.

Come on Spike I am cheerying for you to find your spine and make a comback and become equals :P

Reviewer: Aurorah Borealis Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2008 - 12:09 pm Title: Chapter Sixty

Aww Dawn is looking at Spike and Buffy together as having a real family, I thought that the sweetest moment ever even if Spike didn't see it. It is sad to see Spike is unsure of going home or calling Buffy's place home and they haven't really talked about that I can see why he is full of fears and scared he will do the wrong thing for Buffy really hasn't reassured him that he is there to stay and a part of her life.

Reviewer: Buff4Unlife Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2008 - 11:26 am Title: Chapter Sixty

beautiful story
just beautiful

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2008 - 09:31 am Title: Chapter Sixty

Oh I really hope Dawn is wrong, that it will end well (Spike not driving Buffy away with his try to make money.)
It is worrisome Spike doesn't eat, that he went to Buffy first. Like an addicted, huh?
Unexpected at this point that Spike claimed Buffy yet understandable because of his fear. *pets Buffy* Good of her to take care of Spike now, feeding him.
Oh busted... Giles suspects where the money comes from. :(
Spike is taking an even higher risk now *bites nails*
I really hope this will get well.

Reviewer: ll_x_x_ll Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2008 - 03:40 am Title: Chapter Sixty

Spike is so caring of his girl he makes my heart bleeding just eading aobut the pain he is in.

10 out of 10

Reviewer: ll_x_x_ll Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2008 - 03:39 am Title: Chapter Sixty

Spike makes my heart bleed he is so caring of his girl

Reviewer: rocel Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2008 - 03:03 am Title: Chapter Sixty

Very emptional chapter! I've been waiting for this for so long but i wasnt dissapointed! I could feel the insecurity and anguish in Spike it saddens me so much. What would happen now? Please dont let him lose Buffy again. She's all that he got.

Reviewer: doRaExPlorDer Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2008 - 02:58 am Title: Chapter Sixty

So much freaking out going on but can I say I loved the claiming part best!
In a way Buffy is treating Spike like a love sick puppy dog and not really giving him what ne needs she seems sorta amused by his adoration of her and not really seeing the true him.
And I think when the truth comes out and it blows her little worship image she has of him I don't know what she is gonna do

Please write more soon

Reviewer: Gutter Glitter Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2008 - 02:42 am Title: Chapter Sixty

Damn girl this is one hella good read I need a tissue and chocolate and still I want more please write more soon

Reviewer: secretguest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2008 - 12:54 am Title: Chapter Sixty

This is so sad. He loves her so much. He's sacrificing their relationship to make her happy. It almost makes me want to cry which takes a lot. Please let them have a happy ending. I'll just be devastated if they don't, especially after all of Spike's pain and suffering. Can't wait for more!!

Reviewer: smlcspike Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2008 - 12:26 am Title: Chapter Sixty

That was good

Reviewer: Francine Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/16/2008 - 04:25 pm Title: Chapter Sixty

Oh, I so want to cry for Spike. Poor guy. He knows what he is doing is wrong but he'll keep doing it despite knowing he will lose Buffy in the end because his girls need the money. Stupid Giles.

Reviewer: Switchblade Kross Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/16/2008 - 03:35 pm Title: Chapter Sixty

Dawn is so right and under it all Spike knows what she is saying is true but he is caught between a rock and a hard place in trying to be all things to the woman in his life and not wanting to fail

Reviewer: Burns2Touch Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/16/2008 - 03:32 pm Title: Chapter Sixty

I didn't think he would do i but he did claim her and Ooo-la-la now I am dying to see the dynamics if any that this will do or change in their relationship.

More please

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