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Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 11:38 pm Title: Chapter 9

I would have loved to see the look on Spike's face! Can't wait to read more!

Reviewer: jen Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 11:38 pm Title: Chapter 9

wow! i can honestly say that i didn't see that coming!!! to hell with the negative reviewers, update soon!!! i can't wait to read more of your fic!!!! especially when spike comes back into the scene and how he reacts to the whole angel, dru and darla thing. WOW

Reviewer: J Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 10:43 pm Title: Chapter 9

I just started reading this fic today and think it's absolutely great! Don't listen to anyone's negative comments. Anyway, in the beginning chapters my heart hurt so bad for Buffy!!! Spike was being a total ass, and now he wants what he can't have. Typical male for you. Even though I can't stand Riley, I am glad to see that she's not sitting around taking Spike's crap. I think she needs to make him jealous for just a little longer! Please update soon!

Reviewer: Record Breakers Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 10:32 pm Title: Chapter 9

Oh my giddy heart
Can this get any better? I love this fic!

Reviewer: blondiebear Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 09:30 pm Title: Chapter 9

not really surprised at this cuz hey, spike's been acting like an ass the whole story so far but maybe this will make him realize a few things about himself and his relationship with buffy as well.

and for some strange reason, i was reading some of ooooo's review posts (just to read what she had to say) and i'm just so confused. yes buffy is with riley and yes spike is being a complete dickhead but people can change. there have been stories where spike was the innocent and buffy was the bitch and when buffy changed spike forgave her. what's so different about this??? ooooo's logic just doesn't make sense to me.

anyway, loved it lots. more soon.

Reviewer: SarahandJamesFanatic Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 09:19 pm Title: Chapter 9

more please

Reviewer: secretguest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 09:19 pm Title: Chapter 9

Well...I would feel sorry for Spike if it weren't for what he did to Buffy so no sympathy here! It was time for a lil payback! Update soon please!

Reviewer: oooooooooooo Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 07:35 pm Title: Chapter 9

Thanks Susie. I'm trying to make peace. I do know I get carried away. But I have done the good criticism. I got attack just because I didn't like a certain part of the story or something.

I understand these are reviews. Meaning how you do think the story is good and how you think the story is bad. before, I was nice about my reviews. the author wasn't attacking me. It was the other reviewers who were. If the author doesn't have a problem with it then I think others should just back off.

So, I apologized to Jamesgirl. It is a great story but I have seen it done many times before. Where Spike becomes a better man for Buffy. I just don't see how it should have a Spuffy ending. Spike is unworthy of Buffy. So it isn't for me.

Reviewer: rosie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 06:20 pm Title: Chapter 9

cant wait to see what happens next!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Reviewer: Susie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 06:13 pm Title: Chapter 9

Let me first say that I am enjoying this story. Let me also state that sometimes reading the reviews and author comments can be almost as entertaining. However, I don't enjoy bashing by readers toward either authors or other readers. Constructive criticism yes--personal attacks and foul language no. It does seem to me that oooooo's last message was more on the side of contructive cricitsm without personally attacks. She stated her position and even complimented the author's writing. I do appreciate the desire of other readers to come to the defense of the author when personal attacks are being made but hopefully oooooo's posting is a peace offering of sorts and there will be no need to continue this flaming war. I for one now hope that all of this unpleasant bashing can stop adn we can all go back to enjoying the story or not reading as we wish.

Reviewer: oooooooooooooooooooooooo Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 05:26 pm Title: Chapter 9

As for the person who said that I was going to the hospital for mental problems. Nope! Sorry to disappoint. I do have a illness though. Medication might make me a little crazy sometimes.

I'm all good for a little of angst. That makes a good story. I'm just tired of seeing story after story having Spike the dick. The unworthy one or the jealous one all the time. OR the one who is like many years older raping young teenage girls. It is rape when he sleeps with Buffy when she is 16 or so.

. Take a look on here on the first page on here and see how many stories here write Spike as the dick. OR if they have Buffy bad to Spike there is a always a reason. Like she has a trouble home life. So, people feel for Buffy as well.

This is a high school story and so yeah some boys are not thinking with the right head. But girls aren't all roses either.

I have been screwed over by more girls in my life than men. Girls are mean and they are bitches. And so very vicious.

This story is well written if you are looking for a girl to stand up for herself. Or if you looking for spike to become a better person. Although, Spike becoming a better person for Buffy is done over and over again.

To see Buffy be treated well by someone like Riley. It is good. To see her not take any shit from Spike. The story is great.

But I don't think it is a good Spuffy story. Only because it has been done with Spike being the jerk and having to go crawling back to Buffy. Many times.

Stories based on the show is different because Spike is a vamp.

Anyways, have fun with your writing. keep up the good work.

Reviewer: daydreamer Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 05:04 pm Title: Chapter 9

I knew Dru would do that to Spike... please update again soon, I really enjoy the rollercoster that is this fic :)

Reviewer: MadBrillianT Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 04:52 pm Title: Chapter 9

Oh, poor Spike....although he pretty much deserves it...still, i feel bad for the guy.

Reviewer: spufette Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 04:11 pm Title: Chapter 9

Should have seen that one comming! (no pun intended of course!)

Oh Spike, you fool you. Now you're really going to hurt over the fact that a true, loving girl is lost to you.

Or is she???

Loved this chapter,

Reviewer: Lilas Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 02:36 pm Title: Chapter 9

Excellent turn of events !
I almost forgot about Angel 's desire to seduce Dru. Of course he would be attracted to her and would bring Darla into the sexual playground. Poor Spike.
Now I think he's starting to have a taste of what it is to feel lonely and betrayed .

Keep up the great work. :)

Reviewer: wannabenibblet Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 02:36 pm Title: Chapter 8

this story is GR8. ignor the comments. i personally like stories that have backgrounds and a big plot, this has both and i love it. Keep writing and ill definatley keep reading.

Reviewer: ochit duzon Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 01:52 pm Title: Chapter 9

Oh thank you so much for the updates! But then i read that Buffy and Riley slept in a bed together and i almost lost my dinner. So i reread this chapter again and found out that i was wrong. They went to sleep in one bed together but nothing happened between them right? Sorry to sound so innocent but i cant help but wish that Buffy would not give herself to anyone but Spike inspite of what happened between them.

I also liked this chapter because Spike was able to see for himself what a slut he got for a girlfriend! Now i wanna see Spike grovel his way back to Buffy.

Reviewer: Missytheslayer Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 01:18 pm Title: Chapter 9

Poor Spike... and stupid Riley! GRRR!! I'm sorry, just don't care for him.. anywho... Can't wait for your next update. Great story

Reviewer: Aeryn Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 01:03 pm Title: Chapter 9

enjoying this fic, hope you dont let buffy come around to spike too easily, he really was a b'stard. I dont know what all the ooooo is about but sod them anyway.

Reviewer: spikes_cj Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 12:45 pm Title: Chapter 9

Karma is a bitch. LoL! He's finally getting what he deserves.

Reviewer: Kimber Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 12:23 pm Title: Chapter 9

OH DAMN......

One thing to have it be your best friend...but what a kick in the balls for it also to include the best friend's girlfriend......NOW that is some wake up call.....LOL

Reviewer: squawks Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 12:02 pm Title: Chapter 9

ah ha so he finally gets a bit of what he deserves. Great update, more soon please!

Reviewer: effection Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 11:43 am Title: Chapter 9

Aw, it seems like our poor little rich-boy's finally opening his eyes to see what the world actually looks like. I'm still so angry at him,... but I feel a little bad. Great update! I love how they're coming so quickly!

Reviewer: Emilee Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 11:37 am Title: Chapter 9

Ouch. I mean OUCH. Can't wait for the next update.

Reviewer: Anna Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/22/2007 - 11:15 am Title: Chapter 9

Hi just thought i would let you know the story is great and i wll done for putting that arsey git in his place who obviously gave you a shitty review keep up with the great stories

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