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Reviewer: moonchic1023 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/20/2007 - 03:57 pm Title: Chapter 4. Surrealism

I love the build up of this story, full of mystery and intrigue. Looking forward to your next chapter!

Author's Response: Thank you, sweetie! I'm so glad you think so. :D

Reviewer: Toni Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/20/2007 - 03:51 pm Title: Chapter 4. Surrealism

Sexier than just having them attack each other right off the bat. However, I must insist on some spuffy goodness soon.

Author's Response: Hee, thanks for letting me know. *giggles* I don't think it would have been as believable if they had attacked it each other so soon. ;) And no worries, the spuffy goodness is coming soon. *giggles*

Reviewer: smlcspike Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/20/2007 - 03:51 pm Title: Chapter 4. Surrealism

oh no what is Riley going to do,
I love it need more

Author's Response: Hee, Riley is up to no good, that's all I'm saying. ;) Thanks for reviewing, sweetie!

Reviewer: Pet Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/20/2007 - 03:38 pm Title: Chapter 4. Surrealism

Loved the update! So sweet! Can't wait for the next chap! :)

Author's Response: Thank you for your comment, darling! I'm glad you found it sweet. :D

Reviewer: Vampgirly Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/15/2007 - 02:35 pm Title: Chapter 3. Expressionism

Well I finally managed to sit and read this, like I've been promising myself I will since you started to post and I have to say I wasnt disappointed!

This is beautiful and so atmospheric, I love the way you describe how Buffy and Spike interact with each other, and I can tell you I shall be waiting (im)patiently for wednesday to roll around so I can read the next chapter.

Love it and I'm really looking forward to seeing where you take this :O)

Author's Response: Awww, thank you for your kind words, darling. You don't know how much they mean to me. *hugs*

I'm very happy you liked Buffy and Spike's interaction. And hopefully you'll enjoy what I have prepared for later on. :D

Reviewer: Amelia-Jane Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/14/2007 - 10:45 pm Title: Chapter 3. Expressionism

Hmm... Something tells me Spike is gonna rethink his 'never see Buffy again' statement. ;-) Loved the dream sequence, and Spike certainly was a sweetie to give Buffy the painting. Great chapter!

Author's Response: Hee, he might have to rethink about it. Thanks for your lovely review, sweetie!

Reviewer: daydreamer Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/14/2007 - 04:18 pm Title: Chapter 3. Expressionism

I love that he gave her the painting, can't wait to see what her response is

Author's Response: You'll find out on Wednesday. Thanks for your comment!

Reviewer: Hana Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/14/2007 - 03:10 pm Title: Chapter 3. Expressionism


Author's Response: Hee, yes, they did. :D

Reviewer: Crystal Pegasus Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/14/2007 - 09:49 am Title: Chapter 3. Expressionism

Well, Buffy can just suck the "recluse" right out of a vamp can't she! Excellent update. A private salon eh? How private? What's Spike got up his sleeve that he needs all that privacy? Is he really just proteching his identiy or does he have a more intimate plan brewing behind those sexy blue eyes? More please.

Author's Response: Yep, she sure can. ;) Hee, the salon is very private, but not private enough for too much intimacy. I have another plan coming for that. *giggles* Thanks for your lovely review, honey!

Reviewer: hotlipedjen Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/14/2007 - 05:08 am Title: Chapter 3. Expressionism

Really enjoying the story.

Author's Response: Thank you so much for letting me know! :D

Reviewer: Devin Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/14/2007 - 04:15 am Title: Chapter 3. Expressionism

Eek! Loved it. :) Looking forward to more!!! :)

Author's Response: Thank you so much, Devin! There'll be more tomorrow. :D

Reviewer: blondiebear Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/14/2007 - 03:55 am Title: Chapter 3. Expressionism

wow. evil cliffhanger but loved it sooo very much. wonder how the next chapter is gonna go. great job.

Author's Response: Hee, thank you very much, sweetie. Sorry for the cliffhanger, but it couldn't be avoided. Well, it could, but it wouldn't have been as fun for me to write. *weg*

Reviewer: Im_bloody_English Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/14/2007 - 03:51 am Title: Chapter 3. Expressionism

Bloody phone... interupting her daydream, hee. What do I think of this chapter? Hmmmmmmmmm, I think... MORE! I love the way he snuck up on her and the purring in the ear, GAH *melts*. You know I adored this chapter just as much as the rest. I haven't got a favorite chapter yet, love them all equally. Can't wait until the Riley bashing begins, *winks*. Glad I could help you in any way darling, love you, smooches.

Author's Response: *lol* Yeah, bloody phone interrupting Buffy's daydreams. *giggles* Oh, Riley bashing will be coming very soon. I hope, you know how much I'm looking forward to that, but I had to focus on our favorite couple for a bit. It's coming though. *weg* You're just too good to me, darling. Love you, too, *huggles*

Reviewer: VICTORIA Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/14/2007 - 02:49 am Title: Chapter 3. Expressionism

What did I think of this chapter? DELICIOUS!! Love this story.

Author's Response: Thank you, sweetie! I'm so happy you're still enjoying. ;)

Reviewer: sarah g Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/13/2007 - 11:22 pm Title: Chapter 3. Expressionism

OH I TOTALLY LOVED THIS CHAPTER!!! IM SO GLAD THAT THEYRE MEETING AGAIN!!! i love this story so much and am so glad that u updated. i love that spike thinks he can just walk away from buffy again and not want to be with her. i cant wait to see how she reacts to his arrival and i think that its so sweet that he gave her that picture.i really hope that things go well and that they get together and everything works out well. please update as soon as u can, i cant wait to read wat happens next between them. thanx

Author's Response: Thank you for your lovely review, sweetie! I have the hugest smile in my face right now. :D Hee, and yes, poor Spike is in for a rough awakening. ;) About the rest, well, the next chapter should provide you with most of those things you want to see. :D

Reviewer: smlcspike Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/13/2007 - 10:52 pm Title: Chapter 3. Expressionism

I think it is great, and can't wait to see what happens next, I really don't think he will be letting her go.

Author's Response: And I think you're right. ;) Thank you very much for reviewing!

Reviewer: Mitte Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/13/2007 - 10:31 pm Title: Chapter 3. Expressionism

hey just read the whole thing and I love it! The only bad thing about it is that I have to wait a whole week for the next chapter *pouts*.
keep up the great writing.

Author's Response: Hi there, thank you for reading the story and I'm very happy to know you're enjoying it! Hee, sorry about having to wait a week, but between work, my daughters and writing, I'll be lying if I promised to update earlier.

Reviewer: spikeslilchit Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/13/2007 - 09:43 pm Title: Chapter 3. Expressionism

Oooooohh I can't wait til next Wednesday!!!! Great chappie!! ~Hugs!~

Author's Response: Thank you, sweetie! *hugs*

Reviewer: secretguest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/13/2007 - 09:40 pm Title: Chapter 3. Expressionism

Awww...the last time ever? I hope not. Hopefully they'll meet again and again and again. I just love this chapter and fic. Spike is just so sexy. I don't see why he can't be with her though. So he may be a master vampire. I sure wouldn't mind and I think Buffy could adjust to the idea. I can't wait for another chapter!!!!

Author's Response: Hee, he *thinks* it's going to be the last time. ;) Thank you for your kind words and I agree, Spike is quite sexy. Why he can't be with her? Well, he thinks he can't sully her radiance with his darkness, which is why he is trying to stay away. Trying being the operative word here. He won't be thinking that for long though. ;)

Reviewer: secretguest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/13/2007 - 09:35 pm Title: Chapter 2. Constructivism

Oh wow...Spike has thrall? I'm guessing he's gonna give her 'the one' painting she adores and loves. I already love this fic!

Author's Response: Hee, yes, he has thrall. Pretty useful when dealing with gits like Riley, isn't it? *giggles* And you're so very right about the gift. Thank you so much for your lovely review!

Reviewer: Toni Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/13/2007 - 09:35 pm Title: Chapter 3. Expressionism

I don't know if I can wait till Wednesday! I love this story so far, keep it up.

Author's Response: Hee, well, I sure hope you can. Thanks so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/13/2007 - 08:48 pm Title: Chapter 3. Expressionism

Mmmh nice dreams Buffy had :) Only slightly disturbed by Riley ;-)
Guh .... what a hot daydream! Till the phone rang. Buffy wasn't pleased *g*. I wonder if that wasn't a delivery from Spike. Oh indeed :) Awe, the painting. Spike noticed how smitten Buffy was with the painting. It's a very big gift. Well I have the feeling it won't be the last time Spike will see Buffy. I don't think that it will be easy for him to stay away :))
Oh cliffhanger! Looking forward to next Wednesday to read about Buffy's reaction then :)

Author's Response: *lol* Thanks for the lovely review! And yes, you're right it won't be easy for him to stay away. ;)

Reviewer: Sam Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/13/2007 - 08:39 pm Title: Chapter 3. Expressionism

Beautifully written. Roll on Wednesday.

Author's Response: Thank you so much, Sam!

Reviewer: jamies_lady Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/13/2007 - 08:13 pm Title: Chapter 3. Expressionism

wow! brilliant(again) looking forward to next wednesday. love the way William planned to meet her, what a lovely gift

Author's Response: Oh, thanks for your kind words, sweetie! I'm glad you liked William's plans. :D

Reviewer: maggie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/13/2007 - 08:12 pm Title: Chapter 3. Expressionism


Author's Response: Thank you, Maggie! I'm so glad you're enjoying. :D

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