Reviews For Murphy’s Law
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Reviewer: kudagirl Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/28/2008 - 09:33 pm Title: When Love and Death Embrace

Death brings all kinds of emotions out and forces a person to take hard looks at their life. This must have been a difficult chapter to write. It was lovely.

Author's Response: Indeed it does, it' very powerful thing that brings a person to their knees about the real issues that matter in life. I admit it was a difficult chapter to write, but in a way, it gave me a chance to purge my own sadness as well. Thanks you for such a lovely review my friend - hugs you tight.

Reviewer: astrodex Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/28/2008 - 08:59 pm Title: When Love and Death Embrace

So sweet and sad. The way you are bringing them together seems very organic and believable. I am still loving this story.

Author's Response: I'm so glad to hear you say that sweety. Indeed I'm trying to keep things realistic - ok, despite Murphy's Law throwing al kinds of wierd monkey wrenches their way - but that's part of what helps them along on the way towards love. Thanks for the great review darling - smooches.

Reviewer: Blackoberst Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/28/2008 - 08:03 pm Title: When Love and Death Embrace

Beautiful chapter. Just about everything it could be, considering the topic and the storyline.
Great work!

Author's Response: Awwww, thank you so much boo. The atmosphere may have been sad, but provided a chance for our couple to bond. Hugs you tight.

Reviewer: Bridget Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/28/2008 - 07:58 pm Title: When Love and Death Embrace

Nicely done.

Author's Response: Thank you sweety - huggles.

Reviewer: Devin Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/28/2008 - 07:54 pm Title: When Love and Death Embrace

Darn you for making me cry during this chapter! I really rarely cry during fanfic, but you're one of the lucky few who has made me do so. :( Poor Xander. And Anya! Oh my. And Willow... :( It just broke Devin's heart! But it was great, especially the way Spike and Buffy's relationship progressed. I'm about to leave the house so sorry for the negligent review, but, as always, cannot wait for more!

Author's Response: Oh-no, I'm so sorry, I don't like making peole cry. I'm gad I was able to 'move' you though - a difficult feat when writing something intense, especially a subject such as this. But I am glad that you found the rainbow of hope towards the end - it really has helped Spike and Buffy to come closer together. Thanks for the review boo - snuggles.

Reviewer: Sam Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/28/2008 - 07:51 pm Title: When Love and Death Embrace

A beautiful, emotional chapter and OMG when Spike asked Buffy to pretend to care - could that be any more moving? I'm not sleeping very well at the moment. Do you think I could borrow Spike - just to snuggle with of course?!! No need to ramble on because I've said time and time again how much I love your writing. x

Author's Response: YAY - I'm thrilled you were moved by Spike's words, it was meant to be intense and imapctful, thank you boo. Luv you lots and lots - smooches.

Reviewer: Dusty273 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/28/2008 - 07:37 pm Title: When Love and Death Embrace

You completely blew me away with this chapter, sweetie! It was a touchy subject, yet you dealt with it in a brilliant way. It was respectful, emotional, sweet, impactful and I just loved the way Spike was with Buffy for it all to lend his shoulder, then that she could be there for him when he needed her. That scene when he asks her to pretend to care... I was melting right along with her and then with him when she said she didn't need to pretend. I love that he made her agree to taking their pics and of course that they stayed together once again. I just adored it all, and can't wait for more! Love you tons, my darling sister! *smooches*

Author's Response: Awwwwww, mil gracias carino, realy. Coming from you it's a compliment that means a lot. It was definitely a chapter where 'lean on me' is the theme... and they both did jjust that for each other. Hee hee hee - her little confession melted Spike as well - he's in so deep he couldn't dig himself out with a backhoe, LOL. Love you darling and thanks for everything - for being your adorable self. Kisses.

Reviewer: kim Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/28/2008 - 07:34 pm Title: When Love and Death Embrace

It's interesting to see a human Spike who hasn't dealt with death, when canon Spike is so used to it. A reverse in assurances.... Yeah, cuddling is addictive! Buffy's still so afraid she won't be able to keep a man...well, waiting only works if the man knows what he's waiting *for*. If she strings him along just for the fear of the unknown, when they both know what they want, he'll eventually have to push for a decision. It isn't fair. I hope he'll get her to reveal what she's hiding about the Riley relationship...

Looking forward to Cordy's latest take. Now that's a girl that seizes what she wants, LOL.

Author's Response: I never thought about it lie that, but you're right - it is interesting to see spike del with deth outide of canon. And oh, yeah, cuddling i more addicitve than any drug out there, hee - especially when its spike. And you hit on an interesting point no one else has yet - Buffy is insecure about 'not being able to keep man' - something I've tried to convey with very subtle undertones - very astute of you darling. As for him pushing, well, he may have to doa bit, yes, but it'll be for the best, for both of them. As for the Riley facts she's hiding - just wait til she reveals it, its a whopper, giggles. I think you'll really enjoy Cordy in next chapter - she's a hoot to write. Thansf or the fab review sweets - luv ya.

Reviewer: Spikesluv Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/28/2008 - 07:32 pm Title: When Love and Death Embrace

You're truly a godness of writing hon!

I just can bow my head and tell you over and over again that every chapter of yours is brilliant..

And this one gave me goosebumps, really!

Author's Response: Awwwwwwwww, thank you sweety, I'm humbled, really. Hugs you tight nd a big fat kiss.

Reviewer: flibble Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/27/2008 - 10:00 am Title: Needing You

Awwww, what a great last sentence. I'm so glad that Spike is there to support Buffy. I can see how this will have a big impact on their relationship.

Author's Response: YAY - I'm so glad you see the potential this situation provides for our couple to realy come together. THanks for the awesome review sweety - huggles.

Reviewer: flibble Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/27/2008 - 02:36 am Title: Almost

Welcome back. We've missed you. My condolences to you on your family on the death of your mother-in-law. But I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed your visit with your Dad. I hope all goes well with his operation.

This was a wonderful chapter to return with. So full of tenderness and anticipation. Can't wait to see what happens next. *hugs*

Author's Response: Aw, thank you darling - it feels good to be back - lifts my spirits after everything that has transpired as of late. I'm so glad you enjoyed the chapter sweety, hope you like the next as well. Hugs you tight.

Reviewer: u2fan2005 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/26/2008 - 04:58 pm Title: Needing You

Looks like a little trip (even though sad trip) is in order back to Buffy's hometown. Can I suspect a certain Agent Jerk to be in Sunnydale while our lovely couple is there? Update soon.

Author's Response: Yes indeed - its off to Sunnydale. And to answer your question... hellllll no Riley won't be there, LOL. Never much cared for him. THanks for the review darling, next update will be this weekend - smoochies to you.

Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/25/2008 - 06:50 am Title: Needing You

It's so sweet of him to take care of her and for going with her to the funeral, taking care of everything, this has brought them closer :) The fact that she said he was her friend meant a lot. I can't say I'll miss Xander, I've never liked him...
Looking forward to read more, honey ;) *kisses*

Author's Response: Oh yes, by Spike stepping in to try and take care of things has gone a long way in Buffy's mind - and of course Spike is thrilled to bits with her calling him her firend... one more major step towards spuffiness, lol. Thanks for the review boo - huggles and kisses.

Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/25/2008 - 06:38 am Title: Almost

Almost, that was a great chapter title :p And they almost kissed :) Cute chapter, darling! Now I wonder who's calling, it better be important... *winks*

Author's Response: Hahahhahahahh, well..... it won't be good news, that's for sure. Thanks for the review darling - smoochies.

Reviewer: quirks Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/24/2008 - 04:27 am Title: Needing You

this was a sad chapter, but i can definitely see how it's helping their relationship grow. i wonder whether being back in sunnydale will prompt buffy to share more about her traumatic past. spike is being such a sweetie!
thanks for the awesome fic

Author's Response: THanks sweety - it is the reason why I chose to go this route. There's nothing that brings out a person's true character more than a situation involving death. Thank you so much for the fab review boo - snuggles.

Reviewer: Brunettepet Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/23/2008 - 02:33 pm Title: Needing You

Spike has certainly grown in this story, and his show of support in this tragedy should show Buffy that he is well and truly there for her. Spike took charge, did what Buffy was unable to do. Xander was a peripheral character in the story, but his role in canon makes his death hit harder. This chapter was emotional and taut, and it pulled them together even further.

Author's Response: Indeed Spike will be showing her what he's really made of with no thought to himself. I did hate to kill off Xander, but I'm glad he wasn't included as a character here - made it a bit easier. I so hope you enjoy next chapter as our couple will become even closer. Thans so much for the review boo - hugs you tight.

Reviewer: SpikesGoddess Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/23/2008 - 11:10 am Title: Needing You

ok I'm all caught up on their antics now, and feeling sorry for Buffy, the poor thing loosing a friend like that, I know how sad it is, I'm just glad she has Spike there to help her in her time of need. Also I'm so glad they've set their differences aside and become friends, it's obvious now how they really feel, I just hope one of them doesn't screw it up by being silly and petty. I'm really loving this story and can't wait for more!

Author's Response: I know, I really hated to do this to Buffy, but it will help bringo out the best in them both, their real selves and to see that in one another. I'[m so happy you enjoyed it darling and got caught up. As for one of them screwing it up... I can say no, that won't happen. Thanks for such a lovely review hon - kisses.

Reviewer: Debbie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/23/2008 - 01:31 am Title: Needing You

First I am so sorry about your mother-in-law, for you and your family, but I am glad you got to spend some quality time with your dad. Sorry I didn't review last chapter, I actually got to read it today, as I have had my dad in the hospital, he is doing better, but I do understand when given a reprive.
I was really touched as to how Spike was there for her in a true way, having someone to lean on in times of losing a love one can be so hard, and to have someone there to help, to do and provide some comfort is so meaningful. It really shows greater depth to a relationship. So I must say great job. This story shows so much evolement of characters, and I love it. My thoughts continue to be with you and as always thanks.........take care Debbie

Author's Response: THank you darling, it was sad to let her go, nbut it was time and she's no longer suffering. I do hope your dad will get better, its never easy to see a loved one go through pain and suffering. - my prayers are with you and I'm happy he is recovering. Glad you liked how Spike responded to the situation with Buffy. He really does care for her a great dedal and it will continue to show in the next chapter as well. THank you for the lovely review sweety, many hugs/kisses and warm thoughts sent your way.

Reviewer: NeomeBuffy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/23/2008 - 01:09 am Title: Needing You

What a good emotional complex chapter. The reactions of people in this kind of situation are not easy to write and you've done a beautiful job here. I like the continued progression of the relationship. Thank you for this chapter

Author's Response: WOW, thank you for the compliment sweety. It's never easy trying to write something like this - an issue of death and reactions from people. I'm so glad you enjoyed it and thank you for the wonderful review. Hugs.

Reviewer: burnkitty Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/22/2008 - 10:33 pm Title: Needing You

OMG! *Mouth drops open* I so didn't see Xander dying coming. Very riviting chapter though, kept me glued to my chair till the end. It nice to see Buffy n Spike growing closer on a more deeper level.

I hope everything is going well in RL. *hugs* And thank you for still taking the time to write and post.

Author's Response: I know - I don't think anyone saw it coming, but I felt it woud provide the perfect opportunity to bring our couple closer together. It seems that so far, things in my own RL have sowed down a bit gratefully, thank you boo. ANd thanks for the wonderful reivew - huggles.

Reviewer: txjmfan Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/22/2008 - 05:36 pm Title: Needing You

A very beautiful yet sad chapter. It's very realistic. It's usually during times like these that you find out who your true friends are, what they're made of. I think it's only proving to Buffy what he already meant to her without her realizing it before, and the reaffirming the decision she'd already made to let whatever this is between them grow. Great chapter. Looking forward to the next.

Author's Response: Yes, and that's so true - a person really does find out who their true friends re when the cards are down. It will go a long way in Buffy's mind. I'm glad to hear you say it felt realistic - this kind of chapter wasn't easy to write, so thanks for that compkiment sweety and for the review - hug you tight.

Reviewer: Heidi Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/22/2008 - 02:52 pm Title: Needing You

Loved it!

Author's Response: THank yo9u darling - hugs.

Reviewer: astrodex Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/22/2008 - 02:52 pm Title: Needing You

I do love where you are going with this.

Author's Response: Thank you boo - glad you're enjoying it. SNuggles.

Reviewer: Sarah Aless Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/22/2008 - 02:19 pm Title: Needing You

Hey hun,
Sorry, I have been really absent for a while and am just catching up! I did try mail you to offer support from a distance but it got returned - guess I've been gone so much i missed an email change!!
Anyhoo - this chapter was great hun. The emotions are captured so well and I'm glad that at least amidst all the tragedy there is something positive emerging in terms of their developing relationship!
Thank you so much for everything you put into the story hun, take care.

Author's Response: Oh sweety, it's good to see you again and I'm glad you got a chance to get caught up - and past my evil cliffy, lol. Huh - that's weird abut my email address, I didn't get anything from you but thank you so much for trying - snuggles you. Yeah, there had to be a bit of a tradegy, but it will bring forth better things in their relationship and help them in moving forwards. I'm so happy you enjoyed it al boo - hugs you tight and a big huge cyber kiss.

Reviewer: MidnightGirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/22/2008 - 11:44 am Title: Needing You

What a horrible tragedy, poor Xander. :( I liked that Spike was Buffy's rock through all of this though, Cordy was a great friend too. Good update.

~Congrats on your new wins! :)

Author's Response: I know - I felt bad doing it to him, but I needed someone whose job would be believable in a an accident - sorry Xander. Thanks for the congrats darling and the fab review - smooches to you.

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