Reviews For Murphy’s Law
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Reviewer: Devin Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/18/2008 - 06:21 am Title: Almost

Oh goodness gracious woman, you cut it off at an awful point!! Grr. But does this mean for at least a few weeks we'll have regular updates again? I can only hope, although if you are tied up with family things I'll be a lovely patient girl and (happily) wait. :)

I'm very sorry about your mother-in-law, but I'm glad at least she had a peaceful end. Hope everything with your family is okay, and that you soon get a better idea of when your dad's surgery will happen. I'm so so so so sorry that all of that's piled up on you! No one should have to go through these things, but you're a fanfic writer -- you of course can get that SHIT HAPPENS. Maybe that can at least be a marginal comfort?

Good thoughts to you, lovely!!! Thank you so much for the very enjoyable update. :)

Author's Response: I know, hangs head inshame, but t was a brilliant clifie thanks to Mari pointing it out to me. For now I'll be doing regular updates, yes. Thanks for the condollences, I'm just glad she's not suffering anymore, it was hard to watch that. LOL - indeed shit happens, kinda like murphy's law, i should have known better huh? THanks for the lovely review darling - many hugs and kisses.

Reviewer: Christine Wright Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/18/2008 - 05:01 am Title: Almost

Oh but your an evil wonderful writer. I'm really enjoying your work. I'm new to this really, and your my first ... ummmmm .... fanfiction experience, that is.
Can't wait for more.
Question do you publish professionally?
Thanks for all the entertainement, I'm hooked.

Author's Response: Hahahahhaa, well thank you - I do strive to keep people on their toes. WOW, I'm your first fanfic experience? That's an honor, it reall, realy is, thanks boo. Do I publish proff???? Not yet, but hoping to someday soon. And aloha to you too - my hubby happens to be in Hawaii right now ubntil he gets deployed again, poo, but after that, hopefully he'll come home for good. Thanks fr the review sweety - snuggles.

Reviewer: Crystal Pegasus Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/18/2008 - 04:25 am Title: Almost

Welcome back. My sympathies to you and your hubby in the passing of your mother-in-law. I am glad your dad is still hanging in there a will keep you all in my thoughts for a very successful surgery and recovery. Now...

What on earth did you do to muse while you were away that would of caused him to be so cruel in the cliffy? I have to say though, that was the best build up to interruption by phone that I think I've read in at least a decade! Well done. Had me all on the edge of my seat, salivating, knowing for certain this was it, Buffy's big moment of trust, Spikes fulfillment of love and happiness and then, BAM, ya just smack it up-side the head and make me sputter and chock and wonder... what the hell? No kiss? No revelation? No giving in? NO SPUFFY SMUT! What a jip! LOL! Seriously, that was incredible... very tender, very sweet, and Spike trying to explain fellatio! What a hoot! Although I loved that Buffy thought the cannoli was one (I see the connection, round, filled with cream, suckable (sounds like a Spike danglie bit to me!).

Pure romance and a perfect to end to my day. I look forward to falling to sleep with this imagery in my head (makes for fantastic dreams!) What a fabulous full service author you are....romantic romps, steamy sex and delicious dreams... all delivered right to my laptop compliments of IBE and muse!

Well, you know the rest, I loved it, I need it, It's better than chocolate (better than Cheddar Cheese - an believe me, for me that's saying so!mething) and I thank you for sharing your talent and imagination with us all. Big tight bear hug my friend!

Author's Response: THank you darling - it hasn't been an easy time of it, but I am happy the mil is no longer suffering and my dad has a while longer.
Giggles - it was Mari who suggested it, I merel agreed - gotta admit though, it was a great clifie if ever there was one. Hee hee - I couldn't help that ilttle fellatio conversation, exploiting Buffy's innocence andhaving poor SPike suffer a bit as a response - agai, evil muse, lol. OOOOOOOO, better than cheddar chees? I LOVE chedar cheese, too much in fact, so what a compliment my friend. Yup, more to follow this weekend and hopefully you'll enjoy it even though its bad news... it'll have an upside. Thanks for a hilarious and fab review my friend, lots of love and cheddar cheese sent oyur way, hee hee.

Reviewer: IT Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/18/2008 - 03:25 am Title: Almost

Glad to see you're back. Best wishes to your family at this time.

You ought to be crowned Queen of Evil Cliff-hangers! Loved the "dessert" discussion! LOL Looking forward to next week.

Author's Response: Thank you darling. ANd me, crowned Queen of evil cliffies, hee hee hee, maybe for the time being - I have friends who've left worst one... points at Sotia for her latest in MBWF, lol. THanks for the review sweets - hugs and kisses.

Reviewer: Darkrivertempest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/17/2008 - 11:13 pm Title: Almost

Ok, I know I posted a review, but it must have gotten eaten by the big SERVER MONSTER that had taken hold of the Spuffy Realm. So here we go again :D.

EVIL CLIFFY WOMAN! Curses to Dusty! (not really) Foiled again! And this chapter turned out beautifully, even after your butchering! Thou hast butchered well.

I'm glad that you're back from your travels, and my deepest regrets on the passing of your mother in law. She was an amazing woman, as your daughter can atest to ;).

Glad to have you back my evil cliffy sista! Much love.

Author's Response: Yeah - stupid server screwed things up for us all, poo. Moi, evil cliffie woman? Giggles, you know me so well sista, lol. And of course thanks, i'm glad my mil isn't suffering anymore and of course my daughter, god bless her just proved a big something to everybody the day of the funeral. Love ya boo and thanks for everything - snuggles.

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/17/2008 - 08:48 pm Title: Almost

You know what it means... whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. Oh so true, even with this site at the moment. *sends hugs and condolences*
Good I'm reading only today or this review would have been lost too.
I thought Buffy's answers were cute when she didn't know the terms *g*
Loved the spuffy moment, how near they became in the meanwhile.
Bad news for Buffy... I'll wonder a bit about it till the next part.
~ Good to see you back.

Author's Response: Hee hee - oh yes, indeed it does darling - at the worst possible moments too. A little laughter at Buffy's expense and some 'almost' spuffiness before the blasted phone went off. No worries on the bad news even if it is bad - it will help the spuffiness along in a different sort of way. Thanks for the fab review darling - hugs you tight.

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/17/2008 - 07:31 pm Title: Almost

Loved the chapter! Hope the bad news isn't too bad! Can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: Yay, glad yu liked the update hon. As for the bad news, wel, it is bad, but in a way that affects them more positively I believe. Thanks for the review hon - huggles.

Reviewer: tammy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/17/2008 - 05:40 pm Title: Almost

Loved the update. I am sorry about all the personal things that have been going on for you. Take all the time you need. :)

Author's Response: THank you sweety. I am glad to be back though and happy to see you liked the update - smooches.

Reviewer: Brittany Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/15/2008 - 01:57 am Title: Almost

Okay last time I said I loved where you left the chapter off but this time......... not so much!!! You are evil.....
BUT I still loved the chapter!! And I'm glad that things are slowing down for you and that your getting a breather....

By the way when I checked the recently added section and saw that you had updated I squeeled so loud that I got weird looks from people..... then I started doing a little happy dance in my seat.....

Author's Response: LMFAO - I know, I can't believe I went from one extreme to the other when posting this as for cliffies go. I so wish I could havebeen a fly on the wall when you squee'd and captured other people's attention in the room, giggles, sounds like it was too funny. THanks for the review darling - lots of hugs and kisses.

Reviewer: quirks Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/15/2008 - 12:41 am Title: Almost

i'm doing my Happy Dance to celebrate your return! So good to have you back, and hear that your dad's health is less critical, and to have more FIC to read!
Those two are adorable and infuriating! And the phone call!!! GRRRR (am now doing my Exploding from UST Dance) ;)

Author's Response: Giggles, thank ou boo. Yup, I agree our couple can be both infuriateing and cute - its like a ping pong match with them, lol. LMAO - I'd love to see what the Exploding from UST Dance looks like. Thanks for the grea review boo - hugs you tight.

Reviewer: Dysfunction Queen Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/15/2008 - 12:41 am Title: Almost

Love the story! But thats a cruel place to stop it! I almost wanted to cry when I say that was how it ended. This is a wonderful story and I really really cant wait tell the next chapter. Good Luck!

Author's Response: I'm sorry darling - I know they were almost there, but it will serve a purpose, I promise, *winks*. THanks for the review and I hope you enjoy this weekend's update - snuggles.

Reviewer: Pam S Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/14/2008 - 10:49 pm Title: Almost

Glad Buffy has finally made up her mind to take a chance... Waiting to see what the phone call is about.. Mom?

Glad you are back.. but sorry about her death...

Author's Response: Thanks for the well wishes hon - I'm just glad her suffering is over. Yup, Buffy made her mind up, but the phone interrupting them... coud change t back as well. As for the bad news, it's something I don't think anyone will see coming, *winks*. But t will help bring our couple closer, I promise. Thanks for the review hon - snuggles you tight.

Reviewer: JO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/14/2008 - 10:04 pm Title: Almost

Dang It Tina! The friggin phone rang?, in the future have Spike disconnect the damn phone that thing is a nuisance anyway, it seldonm brings good news. Now I have to wait a WHOOOLLLE week, I hope they do the kissy thing before she answers the phone and it better not be that stupid git Angel, Damn, every WIP i'm reading these days have evil cliffie's, you authors are ganging up on us readers bigtime. hee Hee ! Really good chapter Tina as always, your the best.

Author's Response: Runs and hides... it had to happen, honest. But I can say it's not Angel on the other end of the phone. As for kissies, wellllll, not of the hot and steamy variety for now anyway, but more the tender short ones. Thanks for the review darling - more to follow soon, I promise. Smooches to you babe.

Reviewer: jamies_lady Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/14/2008 - 09:04 pm Title: Almost

hope RL treats you a little better. loved the update and wait (im)patiently for the next chapter

Author's Response: THanks hon, so do I. GLad you enjoyed the update and of course more to come this weekend. Huggles.

Reviewer: Blackoberst Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/14/2008 - 08:42 pm Title: Almost

Well, than... can't wait for next week amd the continuation... And yes, cliffies are evil, just in case you were wondering.

Author's Response: Hahahahahaha, yeah, cliffies really are evil, but sometimes serve a good purpose, *wins*. Thanks for the review sweety - kisses.

Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/14/2008 - 08:37 pm Title: Almost

Tina!!! I'm so glad to see this story posted, though my heart goes out to you for your recent loss. I hope things your father's health improves and that you're coping well. You're spoiling us with a chapter, I know I'd have shut myself off from the world with a bucket of ice cream at this point and cursing at the computer. Hope you're doing well and I'm hugging the crap out of you right now.

Author's Response: THanks honey, I do hope its a good sign that my dad's operation is being delayed, and at least my mil is at peace now. Hugs the crap out of you right back, luv ya babe.

Reviewer: kim Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/14/2008 - 08:17 pm Title: Almost

Hmmm, bad news for Buffy, then? Poor thing.

Back when I was living at home, my mother brought home a kitten that promptly crawled up to tuck under my boyfriend's chin and refused to move. Then it was my lap. Sebastian reminds me of that personality. :-)

So good to see you back. This chapter was really NICE. And the Latin deciphering was hilarious! I figured she was thinking of gelato, but no, you put in a canoli! Perfect touch. Adorable.

Author's Response: awwwwwwwww, how sweet is that the kitten found a person he could crawl up onto and Gelato, hmmmm, never heard of that one, but figured the cannoli with its shape and filing seemed fitting, LMAO. Thanks for the review darling - huggles.

Reviewer: Dusty273 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/14/2008 - 07:45 pm Title: Almost

Hee, I take all the blame for the cliffy, but you have to admit it was too good a place to stop not to use it. *bats eyelashes and giggles* Loved the chapter, sweetie! I just adore the pacing in which their relationship is deepening and how comfortable they're with each other. The 'fellatio' scene was hilarious! And the rest was awe-worthy, especially the 'almost-kiss'. That was delicious. I can't wait to see what else you have under your sleeve. *winks* Love you, darling!

Author's Response: It was a great place to stop it - no twisting my arm on that one, LOL. THanks fr that boo and for everything else... being my friend/being there for me, helping me with fanfic, everyting... the list os a mile long.. Hee hee, of course you know I couldn't resist the fellation scene and I remember you encouraged me to do it when I first brought the ide up - hahahhaa, I can blame that on you as well, hee. Luv you lots and lots carino.

Reviewer: jeanieofoz Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/30/2008 - 10:09 am Title: Breaking Up and Making Up

I wish your father a speedy and full recovery. I am sorry to hear of your mother-in-law's illness. I hope that you all get to spend some quality time together now and make some last good memories to take with you always.
God Bless,

Author's Response: Thanks hon, I do hope to gain some quality time with both. Hope to see you back here when I'm ready to post again darling - many hugs and kisses.

Reviewer: maddonna001 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/30/2008 - 09:37 am Title: Breaking Up and Making Up

Finally she dumped Angel!

I love the way this story goes, she starts to realize that he is not that arrogant prick she thought he is when they met (yeah, he changed a lot). And you were absolutely right that the story can be good and enjoyable without tons of smut! (although I hope they will get to it too)

Author's Response: LOL - yeah, he had to go - too bad, so sad... NOT! giggles. Indeed Spike has changed a lot and it is due to him being surrounded by Buffy. I'm glad you comented on a story being good without a ton of smut. Normally my stories contain a lot, but I wanted to test my story teing abilities without having it present, so thanks for that and for the reivew - huggles.

Reviewer: Sam Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/29/2008 - 04:53 pm Title: Breaking Up and Making Up

I'm so sorry to hear what you are having to deal with at the moment and whatever I write will probably sound like a platitude. Just know that my thoughts are with you. I have said many times before how much I love your writing and I will be waiting for your return (whenever you are ready). All the best. xx

Author's Response: Thank you darling - I appreciate your words more than you can imagine, truly. I do hope to be back soon - thanks again sweety - kisses.

Reviewer: Serenity Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/29/2008 - 02:32 am Title: Breaking Up and Making Up

Aww, wonderful chapter! So glad that they are finally making some progress in the right direction and of course, it's just a shame that Angel got dumped. **wink**

As far as the not posting thing, no worries. All of your faithful readers will still be here when things calm down a bit in your life. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family. I know how it feels to have a sick parent and I wouldn't wish that feeling of sadness and helplessness on anyone. My mom is currently working through her third bout of breast cancer and this time it's just refusing to go away. She is scheduled to start chemo again within the month. I hate that there is nothing I can do to make it go away. You just have to muddle through, hold their hand and hope for the best.

Best wishes, hope things brighten up some. ~Tori

Author's Response: Oh God honey, My heart goes out to you. It is not an easy thing to sit by and witness, God knows. I hope your mom makes it through alright, I truly do. Cancer is an ugly beast I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. And you're right, all you do is hold their hand through it all, but it goes a long way in their mind that you can be there sweety. Thank you for your kind words darling and my prayers are with you as well.

Reviewer: Braydie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/29/2008 - 02:07 am Title: Breaking Up and Making Up

Just wanted to say I'm so sorry to hear about your mum-in-law. :( Cancer is... rough. I wish you guys all the luck in the world, and I hope your time together is as wonderful as it can be.

Take your time posting; you know we'll all still be here when you return. :) I love the addition of the kitten!!! :)*

Author's Response: Thank you darling, I'm hoping things will go smoothly at best. YAY, glad you liked the kitten - i coudn't resist adding it in. Thanks again for the wonderful review and the well wishes - hugs.

Reviewer: spikeluv84 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/29/2008 - 12:57 am Title: Breaking Up and Making Up

awwww that was awesome!! i loved it! spike's getting all mushy and lubby and buffy's getting all girly. i love this stage! can't wait for the next installment!!! and seriously...Angelus....balls....lots of kicking. i'll make a sign for it! "Tall, dark, and forehead has 3 adam's apples!" :o) u're so awesome! but u already knew that! *smooches*

In My Heart,

p.s. i'm so sorry about your family. my grammy just recently got over breast cancer but i lost my grandfather to lung and brain cancer 3 years ago. i'm PRAYING everything is going to be alright. my thoughts will be with you and your family; and i will try to put in one w/ the Big Guy for ya. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Author's Response: Hee hee - they are getting to that point aren't they? Hm, Angelus, balls, kicking??? I might be able to accomadate you sweety - just have to time it right, *winks*. Thanks for the review boo and your prayers - you're such a good person, luv ya.

Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/28/2008 - 03:50 pm Title: Breaking Up and Making Up

Finally getting rid of Angel, that was a great decision! And she "confessed" her feelings :) making up with Spike! Loved the chapter, it was both funny and sweet. Thanks for updating, honey! Loved the chapter!

And I'll wait as long as it takes for you to get back, though I love your stories ;), but family always comes first!

Take care of yourself and your family, I'll be thinking of you.
/ Ariadne

Author's Response: Hahahhaha, buh-bye Angel. He had to go, no tears though from anyone, hee. I'm so glad you enjpoyed the chappy hon - good vibrations all the way around. THanks for the awesome review boo and for being patient with me during this time as well - huggles.

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