Reviews For Against All Odds
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Reviewer: ladyhelen Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/05/2008 - 12:55 am Title: Chapter 6. Sense and Sensibility

Oh i just cant wait to find out what spike does when he finds out hank beats buffy - i loves me a bit of a revenging hero in my men!! PLEASE update soon!!!!!!!!!!! *offers firstborn as bribe* (or chocolate. whatevs)

Author's Response: Oh, you'll be very happy with the next chapter then. *giggles* I will try to update as soon as this laryngitis allows. ;) You're too funny. Thankee for reviewing and making me laugh wit your offer. ;) Not that I don't appreciate it, but my daughters are awfully jealous, so I'll accept the chocolate bribe. ;)

Reviewer: Bridget Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/04/2008 - 10:52 pm Title: Chapter 6. Sense and Sensibility

I am thankful for the update as this is one of my favorite fics. I also liked the chapter although it was much too short. I did not expect Buffy's father to beat her. I wonder what will happen when the Duke finds out. Please update soon.

Author's Response: Aww, thank you, sweetie! I'm honored this story is one of your favorites. Yeah, I know it was short, but I promise the next ones will be longer. This was mostly the set-up for what's coming during the 3 weeks that their engagement will last. I think I had hinted before that Hank beat her, and you can be sure Spike won't be too happy to learn what he did. Thanks again for reviewing! *hugs*

Reviewer: maddonna001 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/04/2008 - 10:10 pm Title: Chapter 6. Sense and Sensibility

I`ve just read the first 6 chapters and I must say, I am very impressed. I love how Frec cares for her brother and I really like Spike`s character in it.

Author's Response: Awww, thank you so very much! I'm sooo happyI could impress you with this story and that you're liking Spike in it! I love Fred, too, she's a delight to write. :D

Reviewer: Matea Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/04/2008 - 09:58 pm Title: Chapter 6. Sense and Sensibility

Oh god I'm so sorry - my computer was being really slow and I didn't realize pushing the submit button so many times meant it would actually do it, please excuse my ignorance! I won't make that mistake again!

Author's Response: Awww, no worries, sweetie, it happens to all of us, if it's not this, well, it's reviews that won't appear because of the code. *hugs* Thank you for taking hte time to review, cariño!

Reviewer: Matea Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/04/2008 - 09:57 pm Title: Chapter 6. Sense and Sensibility

Oh please update soon!!! please please please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm absolutely begging you!!! only just found this fic today and I'm dying to read more

Author's Response: thank you so much!

Reviewer: Matea Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/04/2008 - 09:57 pm Title: Chapter 6. Sense and Sensibility

Oh please update soon!!! please please please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm absolutely begging you!!! only just found this fic today and I'm dying to read more

Author's Response: Thank you!

Reviewer: Matea Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/04/2008 - 09:57 pm Title: Chapter 6. Sense and Sensibility

Oh please update soon!!! please please please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm absolutely begging you!!! only just found this fic today and I'm dying to read more

Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review, darling! I promise I'll try my best to update as soon as I can. *hugs*

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/04/2008 - 09:00 pm Title: Chapter 6. Sense and Sensibility

Loved :-D
The sooner Buffy gets rid off her father (out of the house) the better for her. I wonder what plan Fred had now. Hopefully a good one :)
A good week for you too

Author's Response: Awww, I'm happy you loved!
And I agree, the sooner she gets rid of Hank the better, She still has 3 weeks to endure though. ;) And I think you'll like Fred's plans. *giggles* Thank you for reviewing, cariño! *huigs*

Reviewer: PamS Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/04/2008 - 06:46 pm Title: Chapter 6. Sense and Sensibility

Now you have left us with poor Elizabeth with her father and a "horse whip".. And if he does discipline her physically I wonder what William/Spike will say ?

Can't wait to find out what Fred has in mind..

Almost sent an email beggin' for an update.. Pleasantly surprise when I saw your post today..
BTW.. second review .. first one did not show.. hate the code..

Author's Response: Yeah, I know it was a bit evil, but I really couldn't bring myself to write it, it would've been worse and I had to show how Hank treats Buffy. What will Spike say? I don't think he'll be happy when he finds out. Downright pissed is more likely to be how he'll be.

Hee, I think you'll enjoy what she has in mind. *giggles*

Awww, thank you for that, I truly appreciate that you missed my story. Sorry for the delay, I'll try to keep up with the regular updates. *hugs*

Ugh, yeah, i hate the code, too. It takes forever to review sometimes.

Reviewer: luxferi Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/04/2008 - 05:42 pm Title: Chapter 6. Sense and Sensibility

I'm just shuddering at Hank right now... I can't imagine living as a woman back then.

This is a wonderful chapter, as always. I'm not crazy about Spike's behavior but I know it's essential to the story... can't wait to see how it all turns out. :) Great work!

Author's Response: Yeah, I was shuddering myself, which is why I choose not to be too graphic pertaining the punishment. Perhaps it wasn't all bad for some of the women, I guess it all depends of the station you were born in.

I'm actually having fun with Spike being like this, he's not entirely bad, but he's not entirely good either. *giggles* Thank you for reviewing, sweetie! *hugs*

Reviewer: Sam Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/04/2008 - 04:49 pm Title: Chapter 6. Sense and Sensibility

Loved it and am really looking forward to more.

Author's Response: Yay! I'm so delighted you loved it. :D Thank you so much for reviewing! *hugs*

Reviewer: jamies_lady Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/04/2008 - 04:28 pm Title: Chapter 6. Sense and Sensibility

wonderful wonderul wonderful...realy enjoyed this update and you are mean making me wait another week....looking forward to the next chapter, as always

Author's Response: Hee, with any luck it will 'only' be a week you'll have to wait. ;) thanks again for all your help and or course for reviewing, sweetie! *hugs*

Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2008 - 08:18 pm Title: Chapter 5. A Walk to Remember

Looking forward to read more of this lovely story of yours :) Sweet kisses in the garden, she can't resist him, still the tension is there, making it interesting. Oh, and I have read The Divine Comedy, at least the two first parts :) I don't remember why I didn't read Paradise, I have to read that part as well :) *hugs and kisses* / Ariadne

Author's Response: Thank you, cariño! You made my month with your lovely reviews. I'm glad you're enjoying the story so much. :D And i hope you enjoy reading Paradise. ;) *hugs* Mari

Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2008 - 08:00 pm Title: Chapter 4. Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Lovely, Buffy and Fred is becoming friends :) Not so lovely is Hank's behaviour... Poor Joyce. Loved the interaction between Spike and Buffy! :) *hugs*

Author's Response: Yep, and Fred will be instrumental for Buffy to give Spike a chance to win her heart. ;) thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2008 - 07:44 pm Title: Chapter 3. Marriage is the Death of Hope

It must be hard to marry someone you don't even know... Yes, love can grow, but not in all cases. Will Buffy be able to love Spike? That's the question...

Author's Response: I imagine it must be very hard. Living in that era must have been hell for women. Hee, you'll find out eventually if she'll be able to love him. Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2008 - 07:26 pm Title: Chapter 2. Double or Nothing

I found my way back to your story, sweetie :) I hoped that he would win ;) I wonder what Buffy will say, but I guess her father will be more than happy to give her away... / Ariadne

Author's Response: Awww, thank you, darling! For finding your way back to the story and for your very kind words. You're very right about Hank. ;) *hugs*

Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/14/2008 - 11:50 pm Title: Chapter 1. Introductions

I already love it and I'll read more tomorrow! I've been thinking about starting reading this for a while and I'm glad I did. This looks very promising :) / Ariadne

Author's Response: Hee, thank you! I'm very glad you gave it a try, too. *hugs*

Reviewer: Kelsey Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/09/2008 - 11:27 pm Title: Chapter 5. A Walk to Remember

i love it! cant wait to find out what happens next! more battles of intellegence?

Author's Response: Hee, yes, more battles of intelligence probably. *giggles* It's too much fun not to. ;) thank you so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/01/2008 - 10:48 pm Title: Chapter 5. A Walk to Remember

Spike can call himself lucky that he won the hand of Buffy (even if she doesn't want to). But I have the feeling that Angel wouldn't be so happy to get to know how clever Buffy really is.
And on a side-note; thanks to reading a fanfic here I could have told you that that 'the spot' belonged to Macbeth. ;-) Reading is very helpful, even fanfic ;-)
Loved the interaction between them. Spike is right, they fit together with Buffy having spirit / fire.
~ Enjoyed the update :) Looking forward to William's other plans.

Author's Response: And you'd be very right about Angel. While Spike will encourage her to be herself with him, she would have have to be someone else with Angel.
*lol* I agree, reading fanfic or whatever type of story you choose is very helpful. ;)
Yes, Spike is right, but now he has to convince her of that, doesn't he? *giggles* And hopefully now that AoI is finished I'll have more time to devote to this story. Thank you so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: Rose Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/01/2008 - 01:41 pm Title: Chapter 5. A Walk to Remember

I just discovered your story and I love it ! It's deliciously written. Your characterization of Spike is wonderful !

Author's Response: Awww, thank you, what a lovely compliment! I'm glad you're enjoying my characterization of Spike, I'm having much fun writing him like this. :D

Reviewer: Sam Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/29/2008 - 01:55 pm Title: Chapter 5. A Walk to Remember

Like, like, like, no LOVE. Buffy's gonna have to admit defeat - I mean really who could resist him? She'd have stood more chance of putting him off if she'd pretended to be stupid, simpering little girl. Cannot wait to read more - fab - and congrats on your good news, cannot imagine how much of a relief that must be.

Author's Response: Awww, thank you so very much! Hee, yes, she's going to, just not yet. Buffy's too stubborn for her own good. *lol* Her pretending to be a stupid, simpering little girl never entered my mind, but considering the times back then it was easier for her to imagine her intelligence will put him off. ;) and yes, the good news felt as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. *hugs*

Reviewer: Amelia-Jane Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/29/2008 - 12:58 pm Title: Chapter 5. A Walk to Remember

I loved how all of Buffy's plans to get Spike to re-think his marriage proposal failed... even if she refuses to admit it she's really met her match. ;) And Spike speaking spanish was such a swoon worthy moment. :D Great chapter!
I'm so happy to hear the good news about her Dad! :D

Author's Response: Hee, yes, poor Buffy, but it will work for the best later on... even if it might take her a while to get there. ;) I love that you liked Spike speaking Spanish... I just couldn't resist. *sighs* Thank you so much for reviewing! and we're so very happy about that too. *hugs*

Reviewer: jess Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/29/2008 - 12:36 pm Title: Chapter 5. A Walk to Remember

Author's Response: I imagine the review monster ate this. ;) Thankee anyway. :D

Reviewer: jamies_lady Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/29/2008 - 07:38 am Title: Chapter 5. A Walk to Remember

wonderful the chapter just flowed. am so looking forward to the next instament

Author's Response: Thank you, darling! I'm so happy you think it did, more to come soon (I hope).

Reviewer: Sotia Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/29/2008 - 07:10 am Title: Chapter 5. A Walk to Remember

Oh, honey, you managed to convey such heat between them with nothing more than a kiss!!! This was a wonderful update. I love how Buffy finds her body reacting to him despite how she thinks she feels (or really feels for now). This phrase: She might run, but she couldn’t hide, not from him. “Let’s see how you like dealin’ with the Big Bad, love,” he muttered to himself before following her. had my knees buckling and I cannot wait to see how Spike proceeds with the seduction!

*hugs* (please update soon)

PS. I'm still a bit ditzy from last night, so I'm sorry if the review didn't make a whole lot of sense. But I loved it. And it was hooooooooot! :-D

Author's Response: Awww, thankee, darling! *blushes* I love knowing you liked their first kiss. Spike insisted on it being like that, naughty boy that he is. He caught me completely by surprise, not that I minded. ;) And yes, poor Buffy will be helpless to his seduction, me thinks, even if she'll kept fighting him every step of the way.

*hugs* I'll try my best. ;)

Ditzy? Why? And yes, it did make sense, no worries. :D *more hugs*

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