Reviews For Against All Odds
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Reviewer: V Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/29/2008 - 04:00 am Title: Chapter 5. A Walk to Remember

Great chapter - keep it coming!

Author's Response: Thank you! I will. :D

Reviewer: serenity Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/29/2008 - 03:03 am Title: Chapter 5. A Walk to Remember

Oh, I just love it, love it, love it so far! Looking forward to more!

Author's Response: Thank you very much, cariño! I'm ecstatic you're loving it! *hugs* More as soon as Buffy stops being stubborn.

Reviewer: kim Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/29/2008 - 01:59 am Title: Chapter 5. A Walk to Remember

Wonderful news about your father! (My grandfather had colon cancer, so I know how scary that must have been.)

Oooo, he's a devil, alright. And leave it to Buffy to find a man who appreciates her knowledge. She's positively doomed! :D

Author's Response: Yes, it was scary. My dad has always been a very healthy man, so seeing him sick was not good.

*lol* Yes, Spike is a devil, it's so fun to write him like this. And I couldn't have put it better than you did. Buffy is positively doomed! *giggles* Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/28/2008 - 11:59 pm Title: Chapter 5. A Walk to Remember

Really enjoyed the chapter! Can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I hope to have more next week. :D

Reviewer: Francine Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/28/2008 - 11:50 pm Title: Chapter 5. A Walk to Remember

I love this chapter. Their little game was so much fun. This promises to be one hell of a story.

Author's Response: Yay! I'm so happy you enjoyed their little game, it was very fun to write it! Thank you so much for reviewing and I sure hope it turns out to be. ;)

Reviewer: Pam S Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/28/2008 - 11:42 pm Title: Chapter 5. A Walk to Remember

Enjoyed..educated girl ... brains and beauty and a man that will appreciate it ...

Happy your father's test came out for the good....

Author's Response: Oh yes, he will surely appreciate it. No doubts about that. :D Thank you so much for reviewing, cariño! And thanks for being happy for my daddy, too. *hugs*

Reviewer: rose_bud_50 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/28/2008 - 11:39 pm Title: Chapter 5. A Walk to Remember

love love love this chapter. that's wonderful news about your dad. love the UST in this story! muy delicioso;)

Author's Response: Thank you so much for reviewing and yes, we're ecstatic over the good news. :D Hee, I'm glad you find the UST delicioso because there's more coming.

Reviewer: Im_bloody_English Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/28/2008 - 11:32 pm Title: Chapter 5. A Walk to Remember

This is sooooo my favorite chapter. Spike is deliciously bad in this and yet so sweet. I swear I shuddered right alongside of Buffy during the kiss - GAH!!! I had much fun helping you on this chapter my darling sister, it's simply brilliant. Love you lots, many hugs and kisses.

Author's Response: Awww, thank you, you can't begin to imagine how ecstatic I am that this is your favorite chapter. :D Oh yes, I'm enjoying to write this Spike , kinda took me by surprise by that show of tenderness but I couldn't resist him. :D Thank you so much for everything, cariño. *hugs and kisses* Love you!

Reviewer: Rocco Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/24/2008 - 11:59 pm Title: Chapter 4. Between a Rock and a Hard Place

I'm loving it so far! Good luck for the next chapters!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying the story!

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/21/2008 - 02:50 am Title: Chapter 4. Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Wonderful chapter! Can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: Thank you so much, darling! There'll be more soon, I hope. ;)

Reviewer: SpikesLilChit Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/21/2008 - 01:16 am Title: Chapter 4. Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Another brilliant chapter! I feel so bad for Buffy, but I love how ornery Spike can be! Just adding fuel to the fire he is. I can't wait to see how the moonlit tour though the gardens ends up. I think that could go either way. Maybe Spike shows more of a gentlemanly side.....or not. Perhaps a more want...take...have senario! I cant wait until the next chappie! {{{Hugs you tight}}}} I hope things with your father are looking up. The waiting game is most definately the toughest part! Still keeping you and yours in my prayers! Hugs n Kisses!

Author's Response: Awww, thank you for your lovely revew! I feel bad for Buffy, too, just having to deal with Hank... *shudders* Oh yes and Spike is hoping that fire will burn him, turn her anger into passion. You're right moonlit tour could go both ways. And while Spike is a duke he's not that much of a gentleman. *hint hint* *hugs you back* Thank you, darling, yes, things with my dad are looking up. We still have to wait until next week for the results for the column biopsy, but we're confident everything will get better soon. You're right the waiting part is just the worse, not that we can do much about it. ;) *hugs and kisses* Mari

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/20/2008 - 08:29 pm Title: Chapter 4. Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Good saying; I'm stealing it :)
Heh heh, Joyce couldn't me more wrong (how Hank Summers managed to convince someone to marry their daughter)
Well Buffy survived the dinner ;-)
Even if Hank doesn't know what's a proper behavior. Being alone in the garden won't be okay either ;-) I don't think Hank has to worry that William won't marry his daughter. Well Buffy would take any chance my now, now that she knows who William is :)
Good recs :)

Author's Response: Steal away! I thought it was good, too. ;)
And yes, Joyce couldn't be more wrong, but well, I guess it's understandable. ;)
Buffy survived the dinner, but... will she survive the garden tour. *wide evil grin*
Hee, yes, Spike won't back down on his offer now, no matter what Buffy or Hank do.
Thank you for reviewing! And I'm glad you thought the recs are good. ;)

Reviewer: maggie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/20/2008 - 04:27 am Title: Chapter 4. Between a Rock and a Hard Place

i am enjoying your story very much cant wait to read more thank you for the great read

Author's Response: Thank you for your lovely words, cariño! I'm ecstatic you're enjoying!

Reviewer: Sandy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/20/2008 - 03:52 am Title: Chapter 3. Marriage is the Death of Hope

Oops, my comment was meant for chapter 4.
Still enjoy the story though.

Author's Response: *lol* No worries and thank you again!

Reviewer: Sandy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/20/2008 - 03:49 am Title: Chapter 3. Marriage is the Death of Hope

I am enjoying your story so far.
Just one point I'd like to make though, once the Duke has been introduced he would from then on be addressed as 'Your Grace'. There is a paper on the internet that goes over Title protocol, it's:
Looking forward to more.

Author's Response: Thank you so much for your review and for the link! And yes, I'm aware of that, but Hank, as the lovely jamies_lady very elocuently put it, is a 'mushroom' and Americans sometimes made the mistake of naming aristocrats by their titles and not addressing them as they should. Hank is not precisely well-mannered and really, he came to the position he's in almost by accident, so that's the reason why he calls Spike, Duke and not 'Your Grace'.

Reviewer: JO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/20/2008 - 12:55 am Title: Chapter 4. Between a Rock and a Hard Place

How she could possibly prefer that twit Angel to Spike is beyond me , but then I didn't understand it on the show either , oh yeah she lovvvves him, Yuck, ewwww. I know you'll have her open her eyes though and take this story to a wonderful spuffy conclusion. Lovin it.

Author's Response: Well, I think the reason why she prefers Angel will come into play soon, but no worries this doesn't mean that she can't be swayed from feeling that way, does it? ;) Thank you for reviewing!

Reviewer: V Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2008 - 10:47 pm Title: Chapter 4. Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Very lovely chapter, although the 'modern translation' that accompanied chapter 3 was highly amusing.

Author's Response: *giggles* Oh yes, it was very amusing, which is why I had to share it with all of you. ;) Thank you so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: Amelia-Jane Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2008 - 05:13 pm Title: Chapter 4. Between a Rock and a Hard Place

I enjoyed getting the glimpses in everyone's heads, reading all the different POV's was definitely interesting. Loved the chapter!
*sends you good thoughts and prayers* I hope everything goes well for your father. *hugs*

Author's Response: Yay! I'm so happy you liked that. It was a feat to mesh them all, so knowing you enjoyed it fills me with joy. Thank you so much for reviewing and for the thoughts and prayers, they're very appreciated. :D So far, so good, at least he's back home now. *hugs*

Reviewer: Bridget Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2008 - 04:19 pm Title: Chapter 4. Between a Rock and a Hard Place

I really like your story. I like period fictions. I know it will be interesting to learn how Buffy falls in love with Spike.

Author's Response: Hee, it might take us a bit to get Buffy there, but I promise I'll try my best not too long. Thank you for reviewing!

Reviewer: Im_bloody_English Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2008 - 01:08 pm Title: Chapter 4. Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Oh my lovely sister, this chapter was truly divine. Poor Buffy, she really is stuck between a rock and a hard place. And Spike.... such a bad man to whisper THAT in her ear - a true scandlous rogue, LOVE it.. Ughh, can't stand Hank, he's so gruff and unmannered, ick. I can't wait for the garden tour... giggles, kittens claws may come out once they're alone. Bravo on a wonderful chapter and I am always at your service. Smoochies carino.

Author's Response: *giggles* Yeah, I guess she sure is, but there are worse places to be in when one of those is Spike, me thinks. ;) *giggles* He's such a naughty boy, tsk tsk, but I do think the lady doth protest too much. ;) I don't think any of my readers like Hank much or at all. And yep, you know those kitten claws might come into play. Hmmm, actually that's a downright delicious idea. ;) Thanks again for everything, darling! *smooches*

Reviewer: Sam Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2008 - 11:54 am Title: Chapter 4. Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Buffy really isn't giving Spike any chance at all but he's nothing if not persistent and her father - OMG - could he be any more obvious. Absolutely loved it.

Author's Response: Nope, no chance in hell, doesn't mean he can't try though. *giggles* And yeah, I don't think Hank could've been any more obvious, but as long as it helps Spike, well, I'll take whatever I can. ;) Thank you so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: Pam S Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2008 - 10:36 am Title: Chapter 4. Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Introductions and Agreements. Pawned like cattle.. expensive cattle as far as Buffy..

Waiting for more between Buffy and William.. and Angel? Enjoying.

Ahh -- Chpt. 21..

Author's Response: Yep, pawned like cattle, although that was pretty much the norm back then. *sighs*

Hee, there'll be more Buffy and William soon, about Angel, well, he won't come back for a little while. ;) Thank you so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: Sotia Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2008 - 07:43 am Title: Chapter 4. Between a Rock and a Hard Place

I loved this, but the review will have to be brief, cuz I'm at work :-P

the man she hadn’t been able to forget despite trying so hard to… gave me some hope *sighs with relief*, the inner musings of both Buffy and Spike really were into character, I hate Hank with the fire of a thousand suns and I can't wait to read about the tour in the gardens!

Oh, and I'm already reading 3/4 of your suggestions! lol

*hugs* I hope - no, I know - everything will go well today!

Author's Response: Hee, couldn't have Buffy NOT notice the hotness that Spike is, now could I? *giggles* And I think you're not alone with hating Hank with the fire of a thousand suns. ;)

Well, hurry up and read the 1/4 then, I promise all of them are worth your while. ;)

Thankee for reviewing and for your wishes. It did went okay, even if now I'm soooo bloody tired. *hugs*

Reviewer: jamies_lady Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2008 - 07:34 am Title: Chapter 4. Between a Rock and a Hard Place

wonderful, absolutly wonderful....the tone is perfect and I'm looking forward to the next chapter

Author's Response: Yay! I'm so glad you liked. Thank you again for all your help, darling and of course, for reviewing!

Reviewer: kim Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2008 - 06:19 am Title: Chapter 4. Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Poor Buffy, headed off at the pass at every turn. Her father is despicable. We could wish him a foul fate, so that Buffy and her family may be taken care of by her new husband and finally treated with the respect they deserve. :)

Author's Response: Hee, yes, poor Buffy, but even if things look bad for her now, I promise you it'll get better... eventually. ;) And yes, Hank is despicable, but he's serving a greater purpose in the story, which will come into play later on. Thank you for reviewing!

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