Reviews For A Loss Of Pride
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Reviewer: Nicka Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/31/2008 - 05:07 am Title: A Set Back

Yay now he'll know Buffy is there. More please soon.

Author's Response: Thanks Nicka! Won't keep you waiting too long i promise!! :)

Reviewer: puska Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/31/2008 - 02:09 am Title: A Set Back

oh no!!!!! Poor Spike!!! Buffy has to come help him now! aww, what a horrible thing to happen to him. This is great. Love it!

Author's Response: Thanks Puska! Great and love it in the same review!! *Huge smile* He has got really low - the indignity of having to call for help - he hates being 'helpless' - won't keep you too long! :)

Reviewer: Bryntrev Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/31/2008 - 01:42 am Title: A Set Back

You just love tortuing us, don't you?! I'm really starting to feel for the *poor guy* here! Looking forward to your next update.

Author's Response: Yes Bryntrev, i have to admit that I do love torturing you!! lol! He is just about as low as a Spike can get!! Won't keep you waiting for too long! :)

Reviewer: Michelle D. Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/31/2008 - 01:37 am Title: A Set Back

Poor Spike. He seems so matter-of-fact about his decision, but I shouldn’t be surprised. That’s how he got hurt in the first place. He was trying so hard until this setback, though.

Buffy's stalking will hopefully come in handy now.

Great chapter - don't leave us hanging too long!

Author's Response: H iMichelle D - I think perhaps that's why he's so fragile at the moment - it's his own fault that he got hurt!! Will udate quickly - i promise!! :)

Reviewer: shelly Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/31/2008 - 12:12 am Title: A Set Back

ah! i'm so sad for him that he has one set back and he gets so depressed! I hope someone stops him!

Excellent story! I'm so immersed!! Ican't wait to see what happens next!

Author's Response: Thanks Shelly - poor Spike's pretty fragile at the moment! :) thank you so much for saying it's excellent - that kind of thing really lifts me up!! :)

Reviewer: JO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/30/2008 - 11:21 pm Title: A Set Back

Poor Spike and poor Buffy ,you can't let him do it Mabel , he can't kill himself , he needs to know Buffy's there so he has something to fight for . very emotional stuff your writing here girl, good work.

Author's Response: cheers Jo!! :) Thanks for saying it's 'good stuff' *big grin*! Won't make you wait too long!

Reviewer: Sotia Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/30/2008 - 10:20 pm Title: A Set Back

Just as I was chuckling at He is stupidly tall, isn’t he? I read the last part and was WTF????

Mabel I'm a sweet person (usually), so please don't make me resort to threats (meh, usually I blackmail people with QS ending unhappily when they're evil w their fics, but you don't read it and I have no leverage *pouts*) about batting my eyelashes till I get cross-eyed and sending you the doc's bill for it!!! FIX THIS!!! Spike was doing so well, and now he's back to offing himself? Hell NO!!!

Fix this!!! *commences the batting of said lashes*

Author's Response: That is a great review to have for the 100th!! thanks you!! I'm saving QS to read when it's complete!! read up to their first bonk!! LOL!! Will update again tomorrow I promise!! Take it easy with the eye lashes!! :) *chuckles* :)

Reviewer: Roxy Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/30/2008 - 09:22 pm Title: A Set Back

Okay, am I the biggest freak ever that I love the major angst of suicide attempts/thoughts? ...only in stories of course, hehe...he...? uhm jah. Anyhow, I'm sensing a Buffy-sneaks-into-his-room-at-night-while-he's-still-awake-due-to-nonsleepingpill-taking moment coming up:P I wonder how he'll react...will he be angry, or secretely pleasantly surprised to find her still here...or I love it anyway!
can't wait for more:)

Author's Response: you and me both!! Won't keep you waiting too long i promise!! Thakns for reviewing - one more and it's hit the 100 mark!! :)

Reviewer: maddonna001 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/30/2008 - 06:20 pm Title: Watching Over You

I love it how she goes to his room every night and looks after him in his sleep. I like this responsible, spike-loving Buffy. I just wish Spike wouldn`t be so damn stubborn.

Author's Response: Stubborn and proud - not a good combination for our Spike! Buffy is proper Spike loving buffy here!! LOL Thanks for reviewing :)

Reviewer: Sotia Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/30/2008 - 04:52 pm Title: Watching Over You

Awww, I'm so proud at Buffy for not having run off! I really wish Spike would stop being so stubborn, but at least Angel did try telling him she loves him!

I want more, please *bats eyelashes*

Author's Response: buffy is being nice buffy in this fic!! But Spike most definately is too proud for his own good!! :) I can never resist your batting eyelashes!! Will put more up now!! :) *hugs*

Reviewer: serinah Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/30/2008 - 03:50 am Title: Watching Over You

hey, did you actually delete my review 'coz I critisized you?! or did it just disappear? I didn't think I was slandering or flaming you nor anything. sry if I did. Let me clarify - I liked the chapter. I just thought there were some misprints in places. Don't remember what I else I wrote. Glad Spike's knees work a bit and I like Brad.

Author's Response: I have never deleted a review so i don't know where it went!! I'll check through the chapter for errors - it's not a problem pointing them out!!:)

Reviewer: kw Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/30/2008 - 03:43 am Title: Watching Over You

sweet chapter but they need to meet again

Author's Response: the time is getting close.....Thanks for reviewing:)

Reviewer: Michelle D. Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/30/2008 - 01:41 am Title: Watching Over You

Sweet chapter - I like Buffy watching over him. I guess she's the stalker now. :)

Author's Response: I liked that twist on it too!! :) thanks for reviewing! :)

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2008 - 05:33 pm Title: Watching Over You

Now I wonder if Buffy will try to go to Spike when she sees that his door is open and that he won't notice it with the pills he's taking ;-)
Awe, she did indeed. I thought it would be good if he would notice in subconsciously. But sadly that's the thing he is fearing. But maybe it did help him to notice (smell) Buffy ;-)
At last he was in a better mood the next day because he didn't dream of Buffy again. But good to see her keep watch over him. (She'll be busted thought if he forgets to take his pills.)

Author's Response: Hi Cordyk!! thanks for reviewing! as for Buffy being busted......wait and see!! lol!! :)

Reviewer: JO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2008 - 12:57 pm Title: Watching Over You

OK Mabel , i'm glad his parts are starting to work again, but this is frustrating as all hell with the nightly visit's and all , it's time for a showdown, regardless of what Moira thinks. I want a Happy reunion already, and why does it seem like Brad is coming on to Spike, I may be wrong but everything he say's seems to have a different undertone.( is that intentional?) Update soon ( I know u Will) but i'm dying here for them to be together, maybe once he knows how much she loves him , he'll get better faster.

Author's Response: Hey there Jo! first things first - absolutely no intention for Brad to be fancing Spike - lots of talk about the girlfriend!!!! lol !! He's just trying to get spike to cope better with everything!! showdown will come soon I promise!! Was just hoping i might get to 100 reviews on this before posting next chapter! LOL!! but hold on tight - it's going to be a little bumpy then there'll be a chapter i think you'll like!!! LOL!!! :)

Reviewer: puska Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2008 - 10:01 am Title: Watching Over You

nawww. I love that Buffy's watching over him, its so sweet. Sorry for not reviewing more often, uni has been soo busy. I love this and check all the time for updates.
Hope Spike and Buffy talk soon. Love it!

Author's Response: that's okay puska! Just let me know every now and then if you can! So glad you're enjoying it still! thanks for letting me know! :)

Reviewer: Nicka Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2008 - 08:11 am Title: Watching Over You

Loved it though she should just crawl into bed with him.

Author's Response: she should indeed!! that would be a very nice surprise for him!! but she's trying to be good by respecting his wishes!! :) Thanks for reviewing! :)

Reviewer: serinah Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/28/2008 - 07:35 am Title: I've Never Been Average

oi yeah!! superhuman spike! i like it! thanks for updating again.I wonder if B goes peeking at her blond love in a chair?

Author's Response: Hi Serinah! Can't have him just average can we? tee hee!! You may be reading my mind about Buffy? lol! Will post as soon as it's back from my hardworking beta! :)

Reviewer: Michelle D. Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/28/2008 - 12:46 am Title: I've Never Been Average

Interesting chapter! I forgot about his eyesight before he became a vampire. Ugh, it would be a bummer to have to go back to glasses. There’s some stuff to be positive about – faster healing (possibly) and good vision.

I love the detail you are putting into his recovery process.

Author's Response: Glad you liked it! and thanks for letting me know!! :) more soon!

Reviewer: Sotia Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/27/2008 - 09:41 pm Title: I've Never Been Average

Thank you for that glimmer of hope, hun, much appreciated :-D

I can't wait to see how his next meeting with Buffy will go! (though I still believe Angel could tell him she didn't know!!! :-P)


Author's Response: what can i say? Angel's a chicken!! LOL!!! plus i can't do what i'm going to do if he did tell!! LOL! xx

Reviewer: Nicka Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/27/2008 - 09:18 pm Title: I've Never Been Average

Does he know Buffy is there? I loved it though and the guy bonding was cute. More please soon.

Author's Response: He doesn't know she's there ...yet!! thanks for reviewing and will be as quick as I can!! :) I work my poor beta sooo hard!!

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/27/2008 - 09:09 pm Title: I've Never Been Average

I like the mission impossible *gg* Not sure what you meant but glad to help.
So Spike is healing quicker then normal (when it comes to therapy); one good thing at last.
If you hadn't mentioned it I wouldn't have stumbled upon 'the glasses'. How much human Spike is now, he isn't the same one he was before when being human.
Human Spike ... that's a thought.
Looking forward to what Buffy will say to this development.

Author's Response: meant that getting spike to listen was like a 'mission impossible' mission!! LOL! Well i totally got the idea that the fact that he wasn't wearing glasses to be a sign of not being back to William from you!! *bows gracefully in your direction* Thanks!!

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/26/2008 - 09:57 pm Title: Another Visitor

Yeah, Spike does it make hard for the people to tell him about Buffy. Again he didn't let Angel tell about Buffy.
It doesn't seem like an easy task to get him listening, more like an almost impossible task.

Author's Response: mission impossible....tee hee!!! thanks for reviewing :)

Reviewer: Nicka Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/26/2008 - 08:55 pm Title: Another Visitor

Loved it I can't wait to see his reaction to knowing shes so close.

Author's Response: they'll be drawn to each other somehow- no doubt! :) thanks as always for reviewing :)

Reviewer: Sotia Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/26/2008 - 08:14 pm Title: Another Visitor

Couldn't Angel just tell him that Buffy didn't know he was alive?

Seriously pouting here, and SpikesGoddess thinks I'll get wrinkles if I pout, so the Botox bill will come to you!

Need more please!

Author's Response: Angel's just feeling so bad he'll agree to anything at the moment that Spike wants!! I shall start saving for the botox!! Will try to post again" :) xx

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