Reviews For Speak Now
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Reviewer: Michelle D. Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2008 - 12:38 pm Title: “Want to get out of here?”

Wonderful start - I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response: Thanks for the review, Michelle D. Glad you liked it!

Reviewer: Tanit Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2008 - 12:27 pm Title: “Want to get out of here?”

Lovely start! You've got such a great imagination, this is a wonderful original idea.

And please, someone, tell me I'm not the only one that got the picture of Buffy & Pike riding away in the sunrise on Pike's bike in my head? Or is it because I just watched part of the Buffy movie the other day? lol

Anyway, looking forward to more, as always. :)

Author's Response: Aw, thank you so much Tanit! I'm glad the idea is original, I think it'll be a lot of fun. Hehe I totally know what you're talking about with Buffy/PIke, I caught the movie on TV last week too. So so glad you're looking forward to more! :)

Reviewer: Toni Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2008 - 12:16 pm Title: “Want to get out of here?”

This sounds like a lotta, lotta fun, Please keep going!

Author's Response: Definitely some fun to be had! Glad you enjoyed, Toni, and thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: spuffygurl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2008 - 12:01 pm Title: “Want to get out of here?”

This is a great fic so far. I enjoyed your fic Crystal and am waiting for an update on World Spins Madly. Your a brilliant writer. Keep with this one it is really good so far.

Author's Response: Thanks so much, spuffygurl! I'm so glad you're enjoying all my stories. I'll definitely be sticking with this fic, I hope it lives up to your expectations!

Reviewer: Nichole Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2008 - 11:45 am Title: “Want to get out of here?”

Nice start. i look forward to more soon.

Author's Response: Thanks for the review, Nichole! Glad you're reading, more very soon!

Reviewer: ClarityOfVision Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2008 - 11:32 am Title: “Want to get out of here?”

What a glorious beginning! I'm looking forward to an enjoyable ride. Do please continue.

Author's Response: I'll definitely be continuing, I'm so glad you liked the beginning! It will definitely be a fun roller coaster ride, glad you're coming along for it. Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Pam S Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2008 - 10:56 am Title: “Want to get out of here?”

Runaway Bride with Spike...

Cute.. Interested..

Author's Response: I think if you add "with Spike" to the end of any movie title, it automatically makes it better. :) Glad you're interested!

Reviewer: JO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2008 - 10:03 am Title: “Want to get out of here?”

Yes glad she left that jerk Angel , hope he doesn't persuad her to go back she should stay goneand with Spike of course.

Author's Response: I don't think the Buffy in this story is TOO easily persuaded, but I guess you'll just have to read and find out! Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: smlcspike Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2008 - 09:45 am Title: “Want to get out of here?”

Oh this is interesting.

Author's Response: Thank you smlcspike! Keep reading, hopefully it gets more and more interesting!

Reviewer: GoldenUsagi Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2008 - 08:40 am Title: “Want to get out of here?”

Oooh, very intriguing so far! Sort of a runaway bride, but with someone to run away with! :) I like it!

Author's Response: Thanks so much, GoldenUsagi! I'm so happy you thought it was intriguing. Keep reading!

Reviewer: bobette Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2008 - 08:01 am Title: “Want to get out of here?”

Abosolutely loved it. Agree totally with IMB about your talent. I was seriously missing my fix of one of your stories (its been a day lol). Keep up the fantastic work:D

Author's Response: Aw yay, I'm so glad you loved it! Glad I could give you a fix, can't wait to find out what you think of the rest of my story! Thanks so much for reading, bobette!

Reviewer: Im_bloody_English Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2008 - 07:21 am Title: “Want to get out of here?”

Sounds like another great idea/plot for a story sweets. I like and applaud your originality. Looking forward to where this wil lead. Keep up the good work. i can tell your skills as a writer are only going to keep improving and earn you as a fav author of everyone. Bravo girl, relly. Hugs and kisses.

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I'm so happy you're intrigued by the plot, and I hope I continue to impress and improve. Hugs!

Reviewer: Nicka Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2008 - 07:02 am Title: “Want to get out of here?”

Impulsive, I liked it, more please soon.

Author's Response: Thanks, Nicka! I'm happy you liked it!

Reviewer: Sam Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2008 - 06:41 am Title: “Want to get out of here?”

Tell me you'll be updating daily like before - please. This is a great start and I WANT MORE (and again I say please). Loved it.

Author's Response: Unfortunately I don't think updates will be daily, sorry to disappoint! But, they'll be frequent, you won't have to wait TOO long in between chapters. So glad you liked the first part, and thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: RB Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2008 - 06:35 am Title: “Want to get out of here?”

Fabulous start! May cheaters suffer humiliation and pain the rest of their lives. Looking forward to reading more. Please update soon.

Author's Response: I agree, there is a special circle of humiliation hell where cheaters should go. So glad you enjoyed the first chapter, updating ASAP!

Reviewer: Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2008 - 05:49 am Title: “Want to get out of here?”

i really like it so far...can't wait for the next chapter!!!

Author's Response: Yay, so glad you liked it! Next chapter will be up soon, thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: bean Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2008 - 05:31 am Title: “Want to get out of here?”

Wedding this year? Check.
Upwards of 60K? Check.
Please, write more, I want to know how it will turn out for me ;-) Not that I want to find out my fiance is cheating on me, but hey, if you throw in Spike.... don't tempt me.

Really well written first chapter. Please write more!!

Author's Response: Oh dear, well we certainly don't want your fiance to be cheating on you, but let me know if there's a familiar looking waiter at your reception...I might just have to fly in and steal him away. So glad you liked it, thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Mack Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2008 - 05:18 am Title: “Want to get out of here?”

wanna read what happens after that.

Author's Response: For sure you'll get to! Glad you're interested.

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