Reviews For Pushed Too Far
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Reviewer: myselllllfffff Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/03/2009 - 09:07 pm Title: Chapter 1

Thank you mistress, may I have another chappie?

You really do know how to tease a girl...
*rubs her ....hands in anticipation*
Bring on the bondage!!!


Author's Response: stay tuned, updates will be coming out quickly !

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/03/2009 - 05:18 pm Title: Chapter 1

I like the start - looking forward to read more. :)

Author's Response: stay tuned, chapters will be coming out quickly :)

Reviewer: Deb Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/03/2009 - 10:41 am Title: Chapter 1

You're a naughty Kitten! A very naughty little kitty and um, should be punished! Yes that's is it, punished...Looks for fur-lined handcuffs....come on, take your punishment like a good little kitty...
Old spikey's gonna wonder what's hit him!! Or rather not what, but how hard...hehehehe...more please!!

Author's Response: hahaha I am so glad you liked. and fur lined handcuffs :) YAY!

Reviewer: Klara Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/03/2009 - 07:11 am Title: Chapter 1

You did it... I can't believe you did it AND used some of my favourite toys, from my favourite stores. No, I'm not hyperventilating, not at all. You will be death of me, woman.

I love it . I love this thrill of first time "not so vanilla sex" (doesn't matter she thinks otherwise, it will change soon), the thrill of "leather power" which you just can't resist and giddiness from having a willing slave next to your feet eagerly waiting to fullfill your every li'l wish. She has no idea what she started and she won't be able to stop once she's there.
Wonder how this will continue and wonder whether it will finally open her eyes to the things which are just visibly infront of her but she's not willing to see them, yet.


Author's Response: I am so glad you are liking this. The smut hasnt even started yet. Stay with me as we journey into the world of Dom/Sub

Reviewer: Your Wifey Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2009 - 09:12 pm Title: Chapter 1

*fans self* well now I need next chap! this is hot! yays Buffy taking control...and yays Spike for being allowed to see her all trussed up like that, dunno who i'm more jealous of...oh yeah i do, YOU! cos you can picture it!

well done baby, keep it up!

love you,
your mrs kitten, jade.

Author's Response: oooh my Mrs. So glad you like it :) and as for being all trussed, yup I can see it :P

Reviewer: NawtyBuffy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2009 - 07:04 pm Title: Chapter 1

I like this! Can't wait to see what Buffy has planned for Spike!

Author's Response: stay tuned! more naughtiness to come :)

Reviewer: Jake Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2009 - 05:53 pm Title: Chapter 1

Guh... I loved it. can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: mmmm just you wait and see, you haven't seen anything yet :P

Reviewer: Andy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2009 - 05:45 pm Title: Chapter 1

I didn't read it and i'm not reviewing this as it's perverted!! You're a little minx, no, make that huge great big minx. Well perhaps not perverted, but totally un-necessary and um...please hurry up and write the next chapter!! - Not that i'll read it's just a way to um...keep you out of trouble or rather in trouble oh god, just hurry up woman and write it!

Author's Response: hahahaha Andy, look away, do not read, no peeking! or you will be spanked!

Reviewer: PaganBaby Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2009 - 12:40 pm Title: Chapter 1

Wow! The pic of naughty Buffy (which is awesome, btw) lets everyone know it's gonna be a helluva ride! :D

Buffy certainly picked the right person in Anya to confide in and educate her ;) I love the story so far. The dream is intriguing, can't wait to see wassup with dat! heehee

You just keep getting better and better! *huggles* Can't wait for more! And I'm happy to have helped guide you down the Smutty Brick Road *Mwahh* Love ya, Buttercup!

Author's Response: *huggles* a compliment from you if worth a mint to me. stay with me for the wild ride :)

Reviewer: hotbabe Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2009 - 08:50 am Title: Chapter 1

You've got to be kidding! This is soooo hot you have to update sooon! The suspense is killing me!

Author's Response: heehee updates should be quick, check back soon!

Reviewer: AMI Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2009 - 02:33 am Title: Chapter 1

OOOH I'm loving this so far Kitten! Naughty Buffy... can't wait to see Spike's reaction to all this. We all know he's gonna love it! heehee. Anya made me laugh,it makes sense she would know all about bondage . Lovely manip too..Sotia really is talented.

Can't wait for the next chappie!!

Author's Response: stay tuned, the smut hasnt even begun yet :P

Reviewer: DragonflyLady Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2009 - 01:41 am Title: Chapter 1

You kinky woman!
Bring on the fun. I just know Buffy will be surprised at how much she actually enjoys it and how wrong she was to think Spike would be scared by the display.. Mwhahahaha

LOVE the banner Sotia made.


Author's Response: *warm fuzzies* I am soooo glad you like! thanks for the awesome beta job!

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