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Reviewer: nichbuket Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/21/2006 - 12:10 am Title: Chapter Fifty-Eight

Shame Eve is back. Especially when it was getting juicey.

Reviewer: Kimmie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/20/2006 - 11:57 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Eight

I have been waiting for this reunion (like everyone else) for what feels like an eternity ... so I'm reading along HAPPY AS A CLAM 'cause I know that Addie can write those steamy romance scenes like no one else ... TOTALLY NOT EXPECTING EVE OF ALL THINGS. I'm such a sucker for romance and I've been waiting for this moment (Addie's incredible Spuffy lovin') since like chapter 12 ... so I really got caught off guard here. How did every one else know???

I actually had it all planned out in my mind ... Spike was going to do a media blitz announcing his and Buffy's relationship as a preemptive move to whatever any ill minded people ( i.e. Eve) could do to hurt them. So I thought this night was going smoothly .... wrong. Drat !!

Great scene in the dance club. Thank God Buffy is becoming uninhibited. I hope they both stand up and fight for each other and for their relationship ... they deserve to be happy after all I've been through (OOPS, I mean after all they've been through) hee hee

Reviewer: ariadne Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/20/2006 - 11:16 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Eight

oh you naughty, naughty undies...I LOVE IT!!!!!!

oh my gods...Eve? what a way to kill the mood....what a bitch! oh no, what does she have up her sleave. i wouldn't doubt she is going to take the whole "step-siblings" thing and try to ruin him.....well, the bitch can try right!!!!

can't wait till friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: ariadne Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/20/2006 - 11:08 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

spike in leather pants!!!! oh dear gods woman, what are you trying to do to us poor souls....LOL

loved the sister bonding....Dawn is so funny and with it...i love your Dawn.

great date so far...can't wait to see what happens next

Reviewer: SarahandJamesFanatic Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/20/2006 - 10:32 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Eight

evil cliffhanger but good update

Reviewer: Raspy_Luv Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/20/2006 - 10:31 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Eight

I KNEW Eve was going to be there! Nasty wench.

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/20/2006 - 10:15 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Eight

Damn! Can't Eve take a hint?? Great chapter! Loved it!

Reviewer: Satindoll Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/20/2006 - 10:01 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Eight

Not mean. Brilliant!! I had a feeling it wasn't going to go straight to the bedroom. That would have been too easy! Eve sounds like trouble. But i think she is underestimating our lovers - or perhaps overestimating her own evilness. I think you'll get them through it - whatever it is. But the tension is thick!! I love it.


Reviewer: Brunettepet Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/20/2006 - 09:58 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Eight

The dance club scene was steamy, and the revelation of Buffy's state of undress was perfect. Then, bam, Eve - a rich, powerful woman with vast connections. They should be taking her threat more seriously...Buffy's "Maybe opposites don't attract" cut the tension nicely.

Reviewer: Debbie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/20/2006 - 09:56 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Eight

Ahhh the questions...what will EVe do? What can she do? Will she unlock the secret of them being step-siblings? Better yet...who will take her down? and how?? Surprised me with her being there......Can't wait for Friday. I do hope someone sticks it to her good (and not a good stick it to her) and thanks

Reviewer: jeanie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/20/2006 - 09:55 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Eight

can't wait till friday. great update. wonder what eve has planned. cant wait for the spuffy lovin.

Reviewer: Fran Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/20/2006 - 09:49 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Eight

Guh! Eve is like a cold bucket of water. Die evil wench! I do fear for our twosome though.There really is a lot of stuff that could be used against them because not only are Spike and Buffy stepsiblings but Spike's an exjunkie and Buffy had an attempted suicide, was institutionalized, and is an acquaintance of a known murderer (Faith). The tabloids will have a field day. They will have an uphill battle but this time I think they will make it. Now get on with the hot lovin'.

PS I love how Buffy went commando knowing the effect it would have on Spike..

Reviewer: stateofmind Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/20/2006 - 09:45 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Eight

ok you cant leave it there i need more. evil cow i really dont like her!!! but yeah buffy and spike have seen the error of there ways and are trying to make it work again :D make me happy person it does. i dont think i can wait till friday oh well i may just have to re read at work tom to keep me going :D thanks for the update chicken burger

Reviewer: Kill_pineapples Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/20/2006 - 05:56 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

All I can say is...yay! I love this chapter :D

Reviewer: Nic Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/20/2006 - 11:58 am Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

Awesome story! It just gets better and better. When are you planning to finish this story?

Anyway, good job!!!

Author's Response: Tentatively, October 20th.

Reviewer: Crystal Pegasus Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/20/2006 - 04:06 am Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

Took them 3 years to finally share ALL the feeling they have for each other and still there are new revelations around every turn. Wonderful Chap. I think the whole date idea was perfect. more please.

Reviewer: Amanda Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/20/2006 - 03:41 am Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

Aww, adorable. I'm crying ritght now cuz of the last part. These days I'm starting to think love is just a fairytale.

Reviewer: txjmfan Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/20/2006 - 02:42 am Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

LOVE IT!!!!! What a sweet moment! Can't wait for tomorrow's update!

Reviewer: Jessica Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/20/2006 - 02:31 am Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

Very cute chapter. I loved how they were both so nervous for their date. It was sweet. More please.

Reviewer: jennybean Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/20/2006 - 12:33 am Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

that was so good. very emotional.

Reviewer: nichbuket Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/19/2006 - 11:17 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

Awwwww. More please.

Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/19/2006 - 09:54 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

I took a look this morning; what a nice way to start the day but I hurried to be able to read today.. well almost :)
LOL So Spike is watching the clock. *gg* Cute, seeing him nervous too because he knows he'll be on a date with Buffy. So to say for the first time.. sad to see he has doubts now that it will function. Too much fearing to get hurt and too good to know himself that dating won't work. And yet good to see that Spike thinks the only way that he could stay away from Buffy was because she didn't want him back yet. But now she wants :) And oh boy, is Buffy nervous now. Loved the sisterly bonding. ~ Ah the tongue curl :) Good to see how smitten they are because how the other looks like. *I cross my fingers all will get well* ~ And a good choice for a restaurant; one where he did only Dawn bring before. I'm happy Spike sees Buffy in a new light now. And that he thinks now that they can truly make it work. Change of mind, huh? That's good. ~ Loved to read the update. :)

Reviewer: Paige Conners Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/19/2006 - 08:46 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

aww addie how sweet.
see i wish all guys could be like spike.

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/19/2006 - 08:28 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

Glad Spike realized he wasn't the only one hurt by their break up. Great chapter!

Reviewer: secretguest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/19/2006 - 08:19 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Seven

Finally! I've been waiting for Spike to notice how much Buffy did love him! I have faith that it'll work! Update soon please!

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